GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Primeiramente gostariamos de introduzir Enkord Cash para jogadores brasileiros que nao possuan cartao de credito internacional...pensando nisso resolvemos adotar a medida de revendedores de Enkord Cash que atualmente sao dois PERNALONGA e borboletinha eles poderam facilitar sua compra de Enkord Cash se voce nao possui o carta nescessario..olhe que esse revendedores tem em sua info assinatura com enkord sinais ...Nao confiem naqueles que falam que sao revendedores mas nao possuem os simbolo Enkord adquado en sua informacao..obrigado e bom jogo.

Recently we've broadened payment possibilities in two ways:
First: we would like to introduce official Enkord Cash resellers in Brasil. There are two official resellers now - PERNALONGA and borboletinha. They can help you to purchase Enkord Cash in Brasil if you dont have international credit card. Please note that official resellers have signature with Enkord signs in their info. Do not trust people who claim they are official resellers but have no appropriate sign in their info.
Second: we've added extra 2 SMS price tags - $2 and $0.5 thus allowing more flexible payment options and adding several new countries:
Taiwan, Peru, Egypt, Lebanon, Nigeria.
15 years ago
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Still not Turkey... Aff please add it☹☹☹
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Enkord Cash
Again i dont find Austria in the Enkord Dash 😡
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Austria was available, maybe there are some temporary problems. Please check back tomorrow or few days later or use credit card or paypal.
15 years ago
15 years ago
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yo berserker when i went to 0.5 it said its 4.84 pesos and when i went to the 1 dollar its says it 4.84 to . shouldnt it be like 2.42 or something.
p.s me and some guys from argentina were wondering if u could raise the cash to 700 instead of 500 or 600 maybe ? it wont make a real diference
o.5 = 200 if u buy 20 time it will be 4000
1 = 500 if u buy 10 times it will be 5000
2 = 1500 if u buy 5 times it will be 7500
3 = 2250 if u buy 3 times it will be 6750 + 500 =7250
4 = 3000 if u buy 2 it will be 6000 + 1500 = 7500
in this case im using 10 dolars as an example. the 2 dolar feature is the best one.
maybe u should do $ 2 = 1250 and if u send 5 sms 6250
$ 1 = 600 ? Please 😁 if u send 10 times = 6000
and 0.5 = 250 if u buy 10 times = 5000
so u see if wont make a real diference only more people will buy probaly like me 😁
15 years ago
15 years ago
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... still waitting for a payment option for brasil...☹😳
15 years ago
15 years ago
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yo berserker when i went to 0.5 it said its 4.84 pesos and when i went to the 1 dollar its says it 4.84 to . shouldnt it be like 2.42 or something.
p.s me and some guys from argentina were wondering if u could raise the cash to 700 instead of 500 or 600 maybe ? it wont make a real diference
o.5 = 200 if u buy 20 time it will be 4000
1 = 500 if u buy 10 times it will be 5000
2 = 1500 if u buy 5 times it will be 7500
3 = 2250 if u buy 3 times it will be 6750 + 500 =7250
4 = 3000 if u buy 2 it will be 6000 + 1500 = 7500
in this case im using 10 dolars as an example. the 2 dolar feature is the best one.
maybe u should do $ 2 = 1250 and if u send 5 sms 6250
$ 1 = 600 ? Please 😁 if u send 10 times = 6000
and 0.5 = 250 if u buy 10 times = 5000
so u see if wont make a real diference only more people will buy probaly like me 😁

Take 12$ to check all:
o.5$ = 200 -> *24 times will be 4800
1$ = 500 -> *12 = 6000
2$ = 1500 -> *6 = 9000
3$ = 2250 -> *4 = 9000
4$ = 3000 -> *3 = 9000
I believe you must pay one normal sms to send the answer so the cheapest way is 4$ because just 3 transactions.
Another point is the partner for payment cost some cent for every transaction. Thats why the cheapest sms brings you just small e-cash. The admins get not all of the money you pay and they generate the rate of e-cash just in view of what they get.
Another point is you get more e-cash as it show at the side. For example if i buy 3000 e-cash i get ~ 3600. (probably rates of exchange)
But you are right 0,5$ and 1$ shows same price. But i dont check out what it real price is and how many e-cash you earn.
Edited 10 minutes later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Ok, let me tell you a bit more info about how sms works. First of all it varies greatly from country to country and from operator to poerator. Usually there are fixed list of short numbers that charge fixed amount of money. Those amounts can be different from country to country and not necessary coincide with amounts we charge. For example there are only 3 fixed numbers for your country and they charge $1, $3, $5. When you pick payment option on our site for say $0.5 it will pick the lowest amount that will cover the cost, so in this case $0.5=200 and $1=500 will result into same short number and amount of $1. Also there are usually some tax included so you pay more than asked.
However as you may noticed you usually receive more than stated. Why? First of all we pay appropriate amount, not just the one stated for your option, so if you selected $4=3000 option and there was only $5 sms short number available you will receive 3000/4*5=3750. Furthermore we pay you not the net revenue of sms but for the gross, so we pay for your taxes as well, thus reducing our revenue even more.
In general we earn around 30% of what you pay, in some cases like for South America it is down to 20-15%. SMS payments is really bad in terms of revenue where in other means we get closer to 90%, that's why we set rates for SMS so low. If you can pay via PayPal or credit card better use it instead ☺
15 years ago
15 years ago
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... still waitting for a payment option for brasil...☹😳

use PERNALONGA payment option 😁
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Thanks berseker for give some option to the brazilian players
15 years ago
15 years ago
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add Turkey
They are dont thinking Turkish players
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Ok, let me tell you a bit more info about how sms works. First of all it varies greatly from country to country and from operator to poerator. Usually there are fixed list of short numbers that charge fixed amount of money. Those amounts can be different from country to country and not necessary coincide with amounts we charge. For example there are only 3 fixed numbers for your country and they charge $1, $3, $5. When you pick payment option on our site for say $0.5 it will pick the lowest amount that will cover the cost, so in this case $0.5=200 and $1=500 will result into same short number and amount of $1. Also there are usually some tax included so you pay more than asked.
However as you may noticed you usually receive more than stated. Why? First of all we pay appropriate amount, not just the one stated for your option, so if you selected $4=3000 option and there was only $5 sms short number available you will receive 3000/4*5=3750. Furthermore we pay you not the net revenue of sms but for the gross, so we pay for your taxes as well, thus reducing our revenue even more.
In general we earn around 30% of what you pay, in some cases like for South America it is down to 20-15%. SMS payments is really bad in terms of revenue where in other means we get closer to 90%, that's why we set rates for SMS so low. If you can pay via PayPal or credit card better use it instead ☺

a ok i get it
now i know why sometine i got 450 and sometimes 550 but i never got 500 :P
15 years ago
15 years ago
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You should offer as many payment possibilities as you can, fex add
15 years ago
15 years ago
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im still waiting for puerto rico 😉
15 years ago
15 years ago
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im still waiting for puerto rico 😉

keep w8ing 😁
15 years ago
15 years ago
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hm...i was always interested why webmoney paypaul etc have the minimum of 10$?
15 years ago
15 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him