News & Announcements
Map Size Preference Added to Random BattleAfter this update now you can choose preferred map size when playing random battle. If both players who pressed "random" chose large map (L) they will play on big map. If one choses small and another choses large - they will play on medium and so on. Hopefully now snipers and other long range builds will be more viable in 1v1 battles.
Posted 3 days ago
GUNROX Flash Games ReturnWe have restored all GUNROX flash games from the past, now you can play them all at our website HiScore works too, but you will have to login to submit your score.
Posted 1 month ago
Network Improvements - Better ReconnectsThis update releases completely redesigned network code. This new code allows for a much faster and smoother reconnects "behind the scenes". Reconnects now happen inivisbly for player - no need to enter the game again after disconnect. This should save you precious time when disconnects happen on your turn. This is especially important when playing phone version on unstable mobile connections. Let us know if it became better or worse or if there are any connection-related bugs.
Posted 5 months ago
Balance Update for High LevelsThis update mainly addresses 120 skill weapons that has been largely unused. This update aims to make unused high level weapons and items more usable and thus making the game more varied and fun. Today's Changes:
Posted 6 months ago
New ServerWe have moved to a new more powerful server which is around 20x faster than the old one. It is located in the Germany now (old one was in the US), therefore connection speed might be slightly different, depending on where in the world you are, however on average this should be faster for everyone. We have also ported our server software from Windows to Linux which makes our server fees smaller and will future-proof our technology. Everything considered what happened today will allow this game run for another decade or so.
Posted 7 months ago
Improvements for New PlayersA streak of recent updates has been aimed at imporving experience of new players trying GUNROX for the first time and today's update adds to it as well. After those updates new players can start the tutorial right away without registration. Early experience has been improved to find opponents faster. In today's update we have also redesigned interface to remove unnecesary and confusing (to early players) elements until later:
Posted 1 year ago
Anonymous BattlesIn this update we have added a new option for Random Battles - fighting anonymously! Before you opt in for random battles, you can enable anonymous mode - in this mode when you will find opponent to fight he/she will not be able to know who you are - your names will be hidden and your outfit will be randomized. Chat is disabled in anonymous games to prevent anonymous insults. Also games info is anonymized in the list of games.
Posted 1 year ago
New Forum ReleasedToday we have moved forum to a new platform. Now there should be less problems when logging in as it uses our universal Enkord Account system and the login is the same as login to Enkord webiste to make payments or play web version of the game. There is a "Name & Portrait" section in Settings now where you can select which team and name you want to display on forums as main. Any player can view other player's profile on forum now and see their list of teams. Forum update may look like something insignificant, but in fact these new forums are a result of a major internal technical overhaul I have been working on since Winter. These changes will allow us to continue GUNROX support in the future, migrate to new servers, and most importantly - add new features like bots. Without this update all of that were not possible.
Posted 2 years ago
War in Ukraine, GUNROX Birthday, and UpdatesAs you have probably knew, we (the team behind GUNROX) is from Ukraine, and thus it is needed to clarify the situation we are in. Today's Update This update is a step towards bots and other substantial updates in GUNROX. In order to work on those, a lot of refactoring needs to be done internally and this is what we did. So what's new? Read More...
Posted 2 years ago
Location Redesign - Play Mega Anywhere Now!Donations has been doing nice lately which allowed us to fund another update that should make the game more fun for everyone. Thanks for everyone who donated during the last month, you were funding this update by doing so. In today's update we have changed the way how location size is working. Instead of all maps having fixed size no matter what, from now on any map can have any size, depending of how many players are in battle. For 2 players (1v1) the size would be the same as it was for Lost Beach. For 10 players mega (5v5) the size would be the same as Junkyard ON ANY LOCATION. Maximum number of players on all locations except beginner's quarter have been increased to 10. Read More...
Posted 2 years ago
Prestige Levels Added and more Rewards for Level-UpSince last updates there were increase in donations and as a gratitude for those donations we have decided to make couple of small, but hopefully useful updates. Today we are introducing new concept: Prestige Levels Read More...
Posted 2 years ago
First Payment Package AddedIn order to motivate donations from players who have never donated we have added "First Payment Package" which holds rewards worth 20000 Enkord Cash. You will receive it if you donate at least for 5000 Enkord Cash and did no donations previously with your game account. Rewards there are mostly random non-transferable stuff like storage increase, double exp, resets, etc. Therefore there is no point in creating new dummy accounts to get that package. It makes sense to get it for the account you actually use actively.
Posted 2 years ago
New Payment SystemToday we have completely redesigned payment system and have added a lot of bonuses and rewards for those who support us.Charged Money is Merged Now there is common balance for all players on the same account and you can spend it wherever you see fit. Only earned money (like from randoms, etc) is locked to specific player. Read More...
Posted 2 years ago
Easier Enkord Cash Transfer and Artifact PurchaseWe have started to improve payment system and all the stuff related to paymets. In this update we have changed the way people buy artifacts in the market.From now on when you buy artifact, you no longer need to make another payment. You can use previously charged money to buy the artifacts. There is two types of Enkord Cash now - charged and non-charged. Charged Enkord Cash is displayed with yellow sign and is strict equivalent of paid money. Enkord Cash earned in the game or received as volume bonus are white and have the same functionality as before. Read More...
Posted 2 years ago
Tech OptimizationsToday's we have uploaded optimized build of the game which is a little bit faster and uses less memory. It should work better now on old laptops and phones.Next major thing we are working on is new payment system which should allow to trade artifacts without charging money, various volume bonuses, incremental discounts for repeating customers and so on.
Posted 2 years ago
Anti-Toxic UpdateIn order for GUNROX to be worth advertising and driving new players in we have to do something about toxicity level in the community. Many new players won't stay when they will see insults right from the start. We have tried different solutions - appointing moderators, giving silences, but some trolls and toxic players simply won't stop. Therefore we have to take more radical measures which proved to be very helpful in our other online game.New Common Chat In this update common chat from all locations joined into one, but writing to it is limited and requires special Megaphone ability. On this update all players above level 1 receive 5 of these abilities for free. Also each level-up awards 5 of such items as well. Chance to get megaphone has been added to recycling. Finally, megaphones are sold on cash shop for 1000E per 10 items, but we don't expect people to buy it. It was intentionally added to the shop at such a high price so players would value those items and use them wisely (to call for mega, etc.). Hopefully players would flood less and play more now. Read More...
Posted 3 years ago
Ammunition Boxes - Better Rewards from Random Battles!We have been thinking for a long time how to give better rewards for battles, but prevent farming while solving the equipment problem. Here is what we have come up with: Ammunition Boxes!Since current update you will get ammunition boxes instead Enkord Cash, but the value of items would be 4x of Enkord Cash you received before the update. Roughly half of that items are guaranteed to be usable by your units. Another half of items are guaranteed to be usable at your level, so you can trade that with players of your level or recycle it (no level 1 junk if you are level 50). Boxes cannot be transfered so it not as lucrative to farm them to give to someone else. Read More...
Posted 3 years ago
Rewards for Recycling, Clan Perks Return and more...Today's update has multiple added/increased rewards. We have added new rewards and returned some of the previously removed ones.New Rewards for Recycling From now on when you throw away items into recycle bin, you are charging up recycle counter and when fully charged you will receive a random item/ability. Read More...
Posted 3 years ago
Important Update for MobileToday we have greatly improved controls for phone version of GUNROX. Hopefully now players on the phone will be able to compete with PC players.This update adds big green checkbox button which allows to confirm your action in battle without the need to click second time into the same cell. Additionally it saves selected cells for different units when you switch between them. Read More...
Posted 3 years ago
Discounts, New Outfit, Money for Random, Auto-balance Fix and More...Today is 13th GUNROX Birthday and we have made an update to celebrate it.Double experience if 50% off for the next couple of days. Resets are 30% off for the next couple of days. Since recent updates helped to reduce number of fake fights we are increasing reward for random waiting from 5E to 7E. Read More...
Posted 3 years ago