GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 22-10-2010 - Halloween update

1 2

Halloween is coming and we've prepared a good Halloween update for you, fellow Gunroxers. New Halloween outfits have been added to the Cash Shop so you can pick out from 4 Jack-o'-lanterns to scare your friends.
The Game lobby has been improved, now it allows you to set a level range for the game. New auto-start feature was also added. When there are 4+ players in lobby, you can enable the auto-balance feature which allows to form teams automatically when everyone press ready. Teams will be formed with the minimum level difference, otherwise game wont start and an appropriate error message will be shown. Maximum team level difference is equal to half of the number of players in the game. Thus if there are 10 players in the game, maximum level difference will be 5.
Other changes:
- when game starts, game list shows actual level range of players inside the game
- attack pop-up now shows timer and has an auto-select option ("Yes" for free evades and "No" for paid evades). This will allow away people to be more protected against 'noob' attacks (considering that they do have free evades left).
- evades now shown to everyone via. chat message
- when using optics in battle, item loses 1 attrition point per battle (no matter how much time you use it per game) - this prevents using the "Jungle Tiger" as a personal non-breaking binoculars.
- artifact binoculars "Watchful Eye" now personal and has 10 attrition.
- new bonuses for top 10 in Hall of Fame:
-- place 6-10 = +1 evade point to all members
-- place 2-5 = +1 evade point +1 attack point
-- place 1 = +2 evade points +2 attack points
- message to other clan displayed in clan chat, not in personal message to each member
- moderators cannot attack anyone now (but admins still can)
- games are not aborted now, when both players are disconnected
- fixed: crash on Mystic Forest on Mac version
- fixed: ignored player messages shown on clan chat
- fixed: was possible to attack while being overloaded
- fixed: when player being in storage attacked, game could start with an error
- other fixes
Edited 2 hours, 23 minutes later by . Reason: Grammatical/Spelling corrections.
14 years ago Quote
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Atualização 22 - Out - 2010 - Novidades do Dia das Bruxas
Halloween está chegando e nós preparamos uma atualização de Halloween boa para você, Gunroxers . Novos trajes de Halloween foram adicionados ao Cash Shop para que você possa escolher 4 Lanternas de cabeça de Abóbora para assustar seus amigos.
A sala de jogo foi melhorada, agora ela permite que você defina uma faixa de nível para o jogo. Novo recurso de início automático também foi adicionado. Quando há 4 jogadores na sala, você pode ativar o recurso de auto-equilíbrio, que permite a formação de equipes automaticamente quando todos os jogadores estiverem prontos para jogar. As equipes serão formadas com a diferença de nível mínimo, caso contrário o jogo não vai começar e uma mensagem de erro apropriada será exibida. A diferença máxima entre nível da equipe é igual a metade do número de jogadores no jogo. Assim, se existem 10 jogadores no jogo, diferença de nível máximo é de 5.
Outras alterações:
- Quando o jogo começa, na lista de jogos e mostrado o nível real de jogadores dentro do jogo.
- A Janela de ataque mostra agora um temporizador e tem uma opção de auto-seleçao ("Sim" escapar de graça e "Não" para pagar para fugir). Isso permitirá que as pessoas estejam mais protegidos contra 'ataques de Noobs (considerando que eles tenham pontos de escapar restantes).
- Quando voce Escapa de uma ataque agora é mostrado a todos via janela de bate-papo.
- Quando usar o ótico , o item perde 1 ponto de atrito por batalha (não importa quantas vezes você usar no jogo) - isso evita usar o "Jungle Tiger", como um binóculo pessoal e Inquebrável.
-Artefato Binóculo "Watchful Eye" agora é pessoal e tem 10 de atrito.
- Novas bonificações para top 10 no Hall da Fama:
-- 10 - 6 = 1 ponto de escapar(evade points) a todos os membros
-- 5 - 2 = 1 ponto de escapar e um ponto de ataque para todos os menbros.
-- 1 = 2 pontos de escapar e 2 pontos de ataque
- Mensagem para outro clã é exibido no chat do clã, e não na mensagem pessoal de cada membro.
- Moderadores não podem mais atacar (mas os administradores ainda podem)
- Jogos não são mais abortados quando ambos os jogadores estão desconectados.
- Corrigido: Crash em Mystic Forest em versão para Mac.
- Corrigido: As mensagens de jogador ignorado mostrado no chat do clan.
- Corrigido: era possível atacar enquanto estava sobrecarregado.
- Corrigido: quando o jogador a ser atacado estava no armazem, o jogo poderia começar com um erro
- Outras correções
Edited 1 hour, 13 minutes later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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happy scared
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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and nice heads ☺☺☺
Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: dont overquote.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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- artifact binoculars "Watchful Eye" now personal and has 10 attrition.

like using normal optic? 1 attrition per game? so it lasts for 10 fights?
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Halloween is coming and we've prepared .....
- when using optics in battle, item loses 1 attrition point per battle (no matter how much time you use it per game) - this prevents using Jungle Tiger as a personal non-breaking binoculars.
.....- other fixes

I dont like this. When I was playing with binocular first time I searched it and it didnt exist.No problem it was good, but now I think that you did stupid thing when you added it to gunrox. I have never think about breaking weapon by using sight because it was stupid and now I see it is in update.... This game is not going to be better
Edited 5 minutes later by . Reason: bad language removed.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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I dont like this. When I was playing with binocular first time I searched it and it didnt exist.No problem it was good, but now I think that you did stupid thing when you added it to gunrox. I have never think about breaking weapon by using sight because it was stupid and now I see it is in update.... This game is not going to be better

you dont understand it means it will lose 1 attrition at end of game not every time u use the scope -.-''
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Player VlLDY receives 1 month ban on forums.
(I know Czech enough to understand bad language.)
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Hm... could be interesting seeing the "Headless Horseman" team on Gunrox with this Halloween update!
*Ponders that idea for a second*
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 22-10-2010 - Hallowen'owa aktualizacja
Halloween nadchodzi i przygotowaliśmy dobrą dla was aktualizację, drodzy gunroxowicze. Nowe Hallowenowe przebrania dodano do Cash Shop, więc można wybierać z pośród 4 Dyniogłowych* by przestraszyć swoich przyjaciół.
Poprawiono lobby, teraz przy tworzeniu gry można wybrać dla jakich poziomów jest gra stworzona. Nowa opcja autostartu. Kiedy w stworzonej grze będzie ponad 4 graczy, można włączyć funkcje automatycznego balansu która uformuje 2 drużyny graczy. Drużyny będą utworzone z minimalną różnicą poziomów, inaczej gra nie wystartuje. Maksymalna różnica poziomów drużyny równa będzie połowie wszystkich graczy w danej grze. Więc jeśli w grze będzie 10 graczy, maksymalna różnica poziomów drużyn będzie wynosić 5 poziomów.
Inne zmiany:
- kiedy zakładamy grę widać teraz na zewnątrz dla jakich poziomów ta gra jest ustawiona
- okienko uniknięcia ataku ma teraz licznik czasowy i opcje autowyboru ("Tak" dla darmowego uniknięcia i "Nie" dla płatnej opcji). To pozwoli graczom nieaktywnym na odrobinę ochrony przed niezauważonymi atakami.
- na czacie widać teraz kto użył opcji uniknięcia ataku i przed kim
- kiedy teraz używasz optyki w walce traci ona jeden punkt wytrzymałości na walkę, nie ważne ile razy zerkniesz przez daną optykę
- artefaktyczna lornetka "Wszechwidzące Oko" jest teraz osobista i posiada 10 pkt wytrzymałości.
- nowe bonusy dla top 10 i Hala Sław:
-- miejsca 6-10 = +1 punkt uniku dla wszystkich członków
-- miejsca 2-5 = +1 punkt uniku +1 punkt ataku
-- miejsca 1 = +2 punkty uniku +2 punkty ataku
- wiadomości dla innych klanowiczów teraz wyświetlane w oknie chatu a nie w oknie prywatnych wiadomości
- moderatorzy nie mogą teraz nikogo atakować (administratorzy nadal mogą)
- gry teraz się nie anulują kiedy dwóch graczy będzie disconnected
- naprawiono: błąd podczas ładowania Mistycznego lasu na MAC OS
- naprawiono: wiadomości ignorowanych graczy pojawiały się na czacie klanowym
- naprawiono: można było atakować będąc przeładowanym
- naprawiono: kiedy gracz przeglądał swój ekwipunek mógł byc atakowany
- pomniejsze zmiany
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Player VlLDY receives 1 month ban on forums.
(I know Czech enough to understand bad language.)

and ukraine no ?
lol Vildy have true
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Update 22-10-2010 - Halloween-Update
Halloween steht vor der Tür und wir haben eine schönes Halloween-Update für Euch vorbereitet. Neue Halloween-Outfits wurden im Cash Shop aufgenommen worden, damit du aus 4 Jack-o'-Laternen auswählen kannst um deine Freunde zu erschrecken.
Die Game Lobby wurde verbessert. Es ist jetzt erlaubt einen Level-Bereich für das Spiel einzustellen. Die neue Auto-Start-Funktion wurde ebenfalls hinzugefügt. Wenn 4 oder mehr Spieler in der Lobby sind kann das Auto-Balance-Feature eingeschaltet werden damit automatisch Teams gebieldet werden wenn alle "Ready" (Bereit) gedrückt haben. Die Teams werden mit minimalen Levelunterschied gebildet, ansonsten startet das Speil nicht und eine entsprechende Fehlermeldung wird angezeigt. Der maximale Levelunterschied beträgt die Hälfte der Anzahl an beteiligten Spielern. Sind z.B. 10 Spieler im Spiel so ist die maximale Leveldifferenz 5.
Weitere Änderungen:
- Wenn ein Kampf startet wird in der Spielübersicht der tatsächliche Levelbereich der teilnehmenden Spieler angezeigt
- Angriff Popup zeigt nun einen Timer an und hat eine Auto-Auswahl. ("Ja" für kostenlose Evades (Kampfentzug) oder "Nein" für bezahlten Kampfentzug. Dies bietet den nicht anwesenden Spielern mehr Schutz gegen "Noob"-Angriffe (falls diese noch frei Evades haben)
- Kampfentzug ist jetzt für alle sichtbar über Chat-Nachrichten
- Bei Verwendung von Ferngläsern verliert die Waffe 1 Haltbarkeit (attrition) pro Match (egal wie oft man das Fernglas nutzt) dies verhindert die Nutzung des "Jungle Tiger" als persönliches ewig haltbares Fernglas.
- Artefakt-Fernglas "Watchful Eye" (wachsames Auge) ist nun persönlich jedoch mit einer Haltbarkeit von 10
- Neue Boni für Top-10 in der Hall of Fame:
-- Platz 6-10 = +1 Entzugspunkt für alle Mitglieder
-- Platz 2-5 = +1 Entzugspunkt und +1 Angriffspunkt
-- Platz 1 = +2 Entzugspunkte +2 Angriffspunkte
- Nachrichten an andere Clans werden im Clanchat angezeigt und nicht mehr als persönliche Nachrichten an die einzelnen Clanmitglieder
- Moderatoren können nicht angreifen jemand jetzt (aber die Admins können es noch)
- Spiele werden nicht mehr abgebrochen wenn beide Spieler getrennt (disconnected) vom Spiel sind
- Behoben: Absturz im Mystic Forest auf Mac-Version
- Behoben: Nachrichten von ignorierten Spielern im Clan-Chat
- Behoben: war es möglich auch überladen andere anzugreifen.
- Behoben: Wenn Spieler im Lager angegriffen wurde startete das Spiel mit Fehlern
- Andere Fehlerbehebungen
Edited 2 days later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Wow..!! that new heads are very nice bers
Edited 1 hour, 34 minutes later by . Reason: wrong imagelink.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
i remeber belladona
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
nice update binnoculares
but players naked only have now 3 shots snipers... maybe up 5 atrito snipers? for players naked
4 shots and 1 binno O.o is good😝
3 shots and 1 binno o.O no good 😳
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

i remeber belladona

poor belladona react in PeaCe
Edited 1 minute later by *DELETED*. Reason: watch this new music.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Edited 6 minutes later by *DELETED*.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
😎bers😎maybe next new update you could make it so when you use an attack point to fight someone and win, you could get back your attack point😁. if you attack someone and they evade and you wait then attack them again and they evade and you wait and finally attack them again and win you should get 1 of your attack points back😁. wheres the reward for attacking someone and winningyou give a player a chance to get away but you give nothing to the aggresser
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Binoculars takes 1 attrition per use, not per game.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Halloween is coming and we've prepared a good Halloween update for you, fellow Gunroxers. New Halloween outfits have been added to the Cash Shop so you can pick out from 4 Jack-o'-lanterns to scare your friends.
The Game lobby has been improved, now it allows you to set a level range for the game. New auto-start feature was also added. When there are 4+ players in lobby, you can enable the auto-balance feature which allows to form teams automatically when everyone press ready. Teams will be formed with the minimum level difference, otherwise game wont start and an appropriate error message will be shown. Maximum team level difference is equal to half of the number of players in the game. Thus if there are 10 players in the game, maximum level difference will be 5.
Other changes:
- when game starts, game list shows actual level range of players inside the game
- attack pop-up now shows timer and has an auto-select option ("Yes" for free evades and "No" for paid evades). This will allow away people to be more protected against 'noob' attacks (considering that they do have free evades left).
- evades now shown to everyone via. chat message
- when using optics in battle, item loses 1 attrition point per battle (no matter how much time you use it per game) - this prevents using the "Jungle Tiger" as a personal non-breaking binoculars.
- artifact binoculars "Watchful Eye" now personal and has 10 attrition.
- new bonuses for top 10 in Hall of Fame:
-- place 6-10 = +1 evade point to all members
-- place 2-5 = +1 evade point +1 attack point
-- place 1 = +2 evade points +2 attack points
- message to other clan displayed in clan chat, not in personal message to each member
- moderators cannot attack anyone now (but admins still can)
- games are not aborted now, when both players are disconnected
- fixed: crash on Mystic Forest on Mac version
- fixed: ignored player messages shown on clan chat
- fixed: was possible to attack while being overloaded
- fixed: when player being in storage attacked, game could start with an error
- other fixes

so what happens now if youre overloaded and get attacked???
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him