GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Ammunition Boxes - Better Rewards from Random Battles!

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We have been thinking for a long time how to give better rewards for battles, but prevent farming while solving the equipment problem. Here is what we have come up with: Ammunition Boxes!
Since current update you will get ammunition boxes instead Enkord Cash, but the value of items would be 4x of Enkord Cash you received before the update.
Roughly half of that items are guaranteed to be usable by your units. Another half of items are guaranteed to be usable at your level, so you can trade that with players of your level or recycle it (no level 1 junk if you are level 50).
Boxes cannot be transfered so it not as lucrative to farm them to give to someone else.
Finally 1000E on new level 1 player is converted into boxes equivalent too to prevent farming of market tickets for recycle. Items from starting boxes bring very little recycle points.
3 years ago Quote
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Hey bers,
With an update like this giving such a higher incentive to buy storage space. I believe you should develop an auction house or any type of player driven economy. Coins used to be currency but now we cant trade with them.
This update is great if I have an easy way of disposing the items I do not need and making the most of it
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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This update is great if I have an easy way of disposing the items I do not need and making the most of it

We have already developed that way in recycling update.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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ah yes
very epic
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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We have already developed that way in recycling update.

Uhha i see u boosted it aswell. Thanks
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Ammunition boxes
Hi, I think, that this update is cool despite the fact that this is still not enough (daily bonuses maybe?)
I have just tested ammuniton boxes on low level acc, that i just created and this is what i got:
the guns tab
the ammo tab
shotgun ammo? 40mm for what? da fuk? i dont even have a shotgun or grenade launcher, i cant shot them with PM makarov or knives
@Berserker, dont u think its need to be more balanced at least?
(1140 ''9mm ammo'' btw XD)
Edited 5 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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u are amazing!
berserker is wonderful that you listen to us thank you for reigniting the game. Now please answer me, you can lower the prices to be able to make recharges and give unexpected changes to the games by being able to do a total reset more easily!☺
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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grenade launcher, i cant shot them with PM makarov or knives
@Berserker, dont u think its need to be more balanced at least?

You should read the news before posting.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Ammunition boxes

You should read the news before posting.

Okey, but how did it solve ammunition problem if i got nearly nothing to shoot with? It is probably good for higher levels, but seems like a problem for low levels with overloaded storage with ammo only
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Okey, but how did it solve ammunition problem if i got nearly nothing to shoot with? It is probably good for higher levels, but seems like a problem for low levels with overloaded storage with ammo only

Half of the EC eqivalent in the box is items you can use, so you get 2x worth of EC than before in usable items. The remaining 50% of worth are usable at your level, so you can trade with players of your level to get something valuable.
For low levels (under 10), 100% of items are usable because no skills required to use weapons at those levels.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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71/50 space
testing 📦 at lvl 1
fortunately no reward lost
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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testing �� at lvl 1

Playing at levels below 10 should be very easy now due to a lot of rewards and you can use all items from the boxes.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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We have been thinking for a long time how to give better rewards for battles, but prevent farming while solving the equipment problem. Here is what we have come up with: Ammunition Boxes!
Since current update you will get ammunition boxes instead Enkord Cash, but the value of items would be 4x of Enkord Cash you received before the update.
Roughly half of that items are guaranteed to be usable by your units. Another half of items are guaranteed to be usable at your level, so you can trade that with players of your level or recycle it (no level 1 junk if you are level 50).
Boxes cannot be transfered so it not as lucrative to farm them to give to someone else.
Finally 1000E on new level 1 player is converted into boxes equivalent too to prevent farming of market tickets for recycle. Items from starting boxes bring very little recycle points.

es buena la actualizacion... pero no puedes elegir que quieres... entonces estas muy limitado... en ocaciones contabas con el E que ganaba para comprar las cosas que te hacen falta... pero ahora solo depende la suerte
y muchas de las veces solo son cosas basicas, no te dan meds, granadas o minas, deberia haber una occion para que puedes elegir que quieres obtener minimo 1 articulo...
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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We have been thinking for a long time how to give better rewards for battles, but prevent farming while solving the equipment problem. Here is what we have come up with: Ammunition Boxes!
Since current update you will get ammunition boxes instead Enkord Cash, but the value of items would be 4x of Enkord Cash you received before the update.
Roughly half of that items are guaranteed to be usable by your units. Another half of items are guaranteed to be usable at your level, so you can trade that with players of your level or recycle it (no level 1 junk if you are level 50).
Boxes cannot be transfered so it not as lucrative to farm them to give to someone else.
Finally 1000E on new level 1 player is converted into boxes equivalent too to prevent farming of market tickets for recycle. Items from starting boxes bring very little recycle points.

I played full day and got tones of rewards but the issue is the item i currently can use is around 10%-20% which currently very low.. i suggest the chance be at least 50% 50%
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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es buena la actualizacion... pero no puedes elegir que quieres... entonces estas muy limitado... en ocaciones contabas con el E que ganaba para comprar las cosas que te hacen falta... pero ahora solo depende la suerte
y muchas de las veces solo son cosas basicas, no te dan meds, granadas o minas, deberia haber una occion para que puedes elegir que quieres obtener minimo 1 articulo...

por algo existe algo llamado trade....
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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I would think that for everything to be more equal the boxes should be awarded every 3 random games.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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#SnoopyForMod and #CherryForMod
First of all, thankyou for keep updating the game and at least for trying to make something that could help players play armed while avoiding farming.

But the truth is that this update was not nearly enought to avoid farming or making naked players play with more fair items.
Only 10% of the items that each box have can be used by the player. Someone said here that "That's why there is the trade option"... It would be true if the sever was full of players like it was long years ago. But since mods used only to ban and silence players they all left, and there is more players playing less and leaving the game everyday.
Snoopy was a guy who came out of nowhere and did a wonderful work with his posts of ideas to improve the game, one of those posts has comments of the most active players with even more great ideas. But that was just ignored.
Berserker, you said on that post something like "We will make game economy better, just not in the way that it is suggested here". I belived soo hard in your words and I expected a update that would make farming items a irrelevant thing to do. But turns out that it just isn't, so please, tell us that you still have something in your pocket to make this game economy better, because it can't be only this. Maybe the mods forget the experience of gunrox gameplay, maybe you guys forgot how it is to charge cash and make that cash last the whole month.
Berserker, you also said once that "There are players that will complain about everything, no matter what you do", and you're right, but I'm not one of those, I aways treated others with respect and expect the best of Enkord team, even with the historic of punishments that are making players play less and eventually leave the game.
This said, I'm not complaining, I'm arguing that there could be a win+win situation where players could charge a fair ammount of cash. I play another games where the economy is way better and advanced and there are "a game pass" a idea that I already posted on Snoopy thread. Why not learn with other games that are more successful?
At last... This update didn't killed farming yet because on farming you can choose and pick inside boxes the exact items that you use. At least this update helped those below level 10 and it is better than nothing. Still... those who are level 11+ and aren't rich like Argument or Cherry, and those who can charge only a small ammount of cash each month like me, those still need more help to keep playing this expensive game.
Edited 18 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Only 10% of the items that each box have can be used by the player.

It's 50% of total items worth. Could be 10% if you got item that costs the same as the remaining 90% of items.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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First of all, thankyou for keep updating the game and at least for trying to make something that could help players play armed while avoiding farming.

But the truth is that this update was not nearly enought to avoid farming or making naked players play with more fair items.
Only 10% of the items that each box have can be used by the player. Someone said here that "That's why there is the trade option"... It would be true if the sever was full of players like it was long years ago. But since mods used only to ban and silence players they all left, and there is more players playing less and leaving the game everyday.
Snoopy was a guy who came out of nowhere and did a wonderful work with his posts of ideas to improve the game, one of those posts has comments of the most active players with even more great ideas. But that was just ignored.
Berserker, you said on that post something like "We will make game economy better, just not in the way that it is suggested here". I belived soo hard in your words and I expected a update that would make farming items a irrelevant thing to do. But turns out that it just isn't, so please, tell us that you still have something in your pocket to make this game economy better, because it can't be only this. Maybe the mods forget the experience of gunrox gameplay, maybe you guys forgot how it is to charge cash and make that cash last the whole month.
Berserker, you also said once that "There are players that will complain about everything, no matter what you do", and you're right, but I'm not one of those, I aways treated others with respect and expect the best of Enkord team, even with the historic of punishments that are making players play less and eventually leave the game.
This said, I'm not complaining, I'm arguing that there could be a win+win situation where players could charge a fair ammount of cash. I play another games where the economy is way better and advanced and there are "a game pass" a idea that I already posted on Snoopy thread. Why not learn with other games that are more successful?
At last... This update didn't killed farming yet because on farming you can choose and pick inside boxes the exact items that you use. At least this update helped those below level 10 and it is better than nothing. Still... those who are level 11+ and aren't rich like Argument or Cherry, and those who can charge only a small ammount of cash each month like me, those still need more help to keep playing this expensive game.

I agree with that snoopy have great ideas which enkord team used (wheel of fortune to reward with recycle)
but still neither cherry nor snoopy can be mod as ther r on same side as we are u know what i mean .

AND YES this update might be great if chances of getting usable item tobe found increase in further updates.
more rewards does not mean enkord will get less money
as more rewards increase player and cashers too
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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man im so confused people thinks i can be a mod LOL
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him