GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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New Server


We have moved to a new more powerful server which is around 20x faster than the old one.

It is located in the Germany now (old one was in the US), therefore connection speed might be slightly different, depending on where in the world you are, however on average this should be faster for everyone.

We have also ported our server software from Windows to Linux which makes our server fees smaller and will future-proof our technology. Everything considered what happened today will allow this game run for another decade or so.

However, there may be bugs and some instability, so please excuse us for caused inconvinience. We will work hard to fix them promptly. If you have any trouble accessing the game, please explain your problems here in the comments.

Also, let us know if the game is faster or slower for you now and in which aspects.

Edited 11 hours, 41 minutes later by .
8 months ago Quote
Reply to

We are moving to a new more powerful server. Please excuse us for caused inconvinience. If you have any trouble accessing the game, please explain your problems here in the comments.

The only inconvenience I have is i can't entry in my acc nightmare-17. Im always speaking with all the people i can, admins, founders, forum etc and no one helps me, only need u eliminate my secret question, cause a friend can entry without and im not, obviously is my account and have proofs if need, have the security code too, when u want use 1 minute of your time and help users, ty.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Now you can advertise and get more players!

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Dear Berserker,

I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the recent implementation of the new server for our gaming community. The improved performance and stability have significantly enhanced our gaming experience, and we are truly grateful for your commitment to providing us with the best possible service.

However, I would like to bring to your attention an issue I have been experiencing with changing my password. Whenever I attempt to change my password through the game settings, i could not change it since i lost my second name. when i put my first and second name on the mail it was so long time ago as you know. i charged many times so i can be able to link my phone. i was able to link the phone but in the other hand i could not do anything else since all the options in the recovery account or in changing password or mail requires to add first and last name. Even the options which are for changing first name and last name using recovery code or using phone linked.  

I understand that ensuring the security of our accounts is paramount, and I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in resolving this issue. If there are specific steps I need to follow or if there is a workaround for this problem, please let me know. Once again, thank you for your continuous efforts in improving our gaming experience. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution of this matter. Best regards,
8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Dear Berserker,

After all the time been playing this game im still alive since I dont wanna let your game down and after everything that happened can I have my gamble coin back on my profile and can I work together to improve the game with you and bernardeti?

Really good update about the server in further aspect can't wait for the advertisement.

Sincerely, Argument

Edited 26 seconds later by .
8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote
Reply to

Mudamos para um novo servidor mais poderoso, cerca de 20x mais rápido que o antigo.

Ele está localizado na Alemanha agora (o antigo estava nos EUA), portanto a velocidade da conexão pode ser um pouco diferente, dependendo de onde você estiver no mundo, porém, em média, isso deve ser mais rápido para todos.

Também transferimos nosso software de servidor do Windows para o Linux, o que reduz as taxas de servidor e prepara nossa tecnologia para o futuro. Tudo considerado o que aconteceu hoje permitirá que este jogo funcione por mais uma década ou mais.

No entanto, podem existir bugs e alguma instabilidade, por isso desculpe-nos pelo inconveniente causado. Trabalharemos duro para corrigi-los imediatamente. Se você tiver algum problema para acessar o jogo, explique seus problemas aqui nos comentários.

Além disso, deixe-nos saber se o jogo está mais rápido ou mais lento para você agora e em quais aspectos.

O servidor não está funcionando 👎🏾

Edited 7 minutes later by . Reason: Problemas ao escrever.
8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him