GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Fake fight in ICE

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Fake fight in ICE
Today I was banned on the map ICE by the moderator Onetower. Reason fake.
I will not be hypocritical and admit I was a matched set to 1x1. While other games combined and occurred only my game was banned.
Everyone knows that in the ICE farm is around 90%. INCLUDING FARM BETWEEN MODERATORS.
So I ask:
1-What is the morality that has a moderator to ban someone for farm if he does own farm?
2-why some players are protected and are not banned?
3-In Ice map the farm will no longer be allowed? +30 All levels know that the moderators tolerate fake, but today I was banished.
Begin to implement "the law" effectively and seriously because it involves money. I spent more than $ 100 per month and need rules to be able to direct me. I am over 30 years and I love this game, but in my opinion some moderators do not respect the law.
Yes, I obeyed the rules and was deservedly banished.
Edited 6 minutes later by .
13 years ago
13 years ago
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aff is not fair

Today I was banned on the map ICE by the moderator Onetower. Reason fake.
I will not be hypocritical and admit I was a matched set to 1x1. While other games combined and occurred only my game was banned.
Everyone knows that in the ICE farm is around 90%. INCLUDING FARM BETWEEN MODERATORS. Onetower is one.
So I ask:
1-What is the morality that has a moderator to ban someone for farm if he does own farm?
2-why some players are protected and are not banned?
3-In Ice map the farm will no longer be allowed? +30 All levels know that the moderators tolerate fake, but today I was banished.
Begin to implement "the law" effectively and seriously because it involves money. I spent more than $ 100 per month and need rules to be able to direct me. I am over 30 years and I love this game, but in my opinion some moderators do not respect the law.
Yes, I obeyed the rules and was deservedly banished.

many players playing 2 times or more against the same player, may be the same clan or nivel greater, in the map ice , xica was outlawed by play against Jazz4U only once, and both armed, nao was just the moderator onetower played 2 times against BEE_Mine lvl 38 when I see it playing, then namely q is fake?😡😡😡
13 years ago
13 years ago
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1st talking about moderation in public is prohibited
2nd you saw my game from inside to describe it as a fake or farm or whatever you want ?
3rd you feel disgrace because all of players doing fakes in ice ? report it in moderator chanel, but dont do that when you take part of it
4th next time when you will try to accusate moderator for law breaking, better have solid proofs
case closed
p.s. type the name of moderator who allow you fake
Edited 4 minutes later by .
13 years ago
13 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him