GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 26-Sep-2008 - King of the Hill fixed and naked battles

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+ message about KOTH point scored now shown only about player who finished turn
+ units highlight in KOTH zone added
+ now in KOTH you need to earn 12*team size
+ fixed: sometimes objects spawned in KOTH zone and corrupted it
+ fixed: missing KOTH zone
+ experience when starting naked is decreased by 20% per naked unit if your level is greater than 5
16 years ago Quote
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Starting naked means if your unit don't have items at all. If you have items hidden in your backpack you won't suffer any penalty.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Starting naked means if your unit don't have items at all. If you have items hidden in your backpack you won't suffer any penalty.

Even though the tactic is frowned upon by numerous players... it's legal.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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wel, coming back on my statement a few posts back , the decrease isn't as bad as i though it would be, There seem to be much more people playing with an inventory 😁
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

wel, coming back on my statement a few posts back , the decrease isn't as bad as i though it would be, There seem to be much more people playing with an inventory 😁

Yes, I've also observe this happened so looks like update been quite good. What is the reason of all those items if noone plays with them and they only stacked in your storage?
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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I'm also one of them and I think it's because no-one can be certain to win or not.
People won't risk putting in one unit with good weapons and two with leftover stuff if someone else does have good weapons equiped ..
And as you can't see if anyone has anything quiped ( and many people lay about it .. ) everyone tends to play full or empty ☺
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
still unhappy...
so, havent caught it at all..
i want a reason, whats so bad on naked start.
only 2 points were mentioned:
- everybody plays naked
- box-stuff isnt used by gamers
a) everybody plays naked start
--> why not???
b) stuff in boxes isnt searched and used
--> you wont get through a game with your 6 shoot start weapon
i still believe, itz only made to force gamers into cash shop, nothing else...

this game suffers under
- quitters (mostly low lvl)
- campers
- no risk players...
but not under naked starters

so, one step more in direction ''i am lieutenant on lvl 16 with 300 wins''

how to do try-outs, fights with higher level, etc. when the only result is: go to cash shop for such a stupid gameplay...
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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I think you're missing the boat here...
Quitters... just don't play with them!
Campers can be easily bested with explosives and good positioning.
No-risk players... that I haven't seen much of. If you're talking about players that use your units as a shield, just don't play with them.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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this game suffers under
- quitters (mostly low lvl)
- campers
- no risk players...
but not under naked starters

This game suffered all of the above and naked starts also. And actually we fix things you mentioned too. To fix quitters we've added ranking, deserter rank and quit games counter. To fix campers we've added small maps and King of the Hill. So I guess you are missing the boat, seriously.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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thx for fast answer, but:
the question was not, on which time my ferry leaves.
i asked for:
what is the bad thing on naked starts?
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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I already answered that question earlier:
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Yes, I've also observe this happened so looks like update been quite good. What is the reason of all those items if noone plays with them and they only stacked in your storage?

lets change one word:
What is the reason of all those ARTIFACTS if noone plays with them and they only stacked in your storage?
looks more familiar now? my idea is to punish players who have artifacts in they storage and dont use them. lets say -10% of xp for each unused artifact. good thing or bad thing? this is no more harsh than punishing everybody no matter if they have items or doesnt have
Edited 4 minutes later by *DELETED*.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
let's not change white and black
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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so why don't we change one thing?
if i start with one armor i am not naked, but still don't have any weapon!
why don't you give start weapons to the people who get in the battle with the armor?
and let's tell the truth here, you guys can say that the xp penalty for naked battles is just to avoid that people don't open boxes, but the consequence that this change brings to the game is visible--> want you start grenade or your mine, medkit, 1 use stuff, without losing xp = USE CASH SHOP!
maybe if you admit it, it will be more easy for us to understand!
now we have like 3 good choices:
--> Please the Moderators: keep things the way they are!
-->Please most of players: changes things back to the way they were!
-->Middle-Term option: armor count has not naked player, and if you have 0 weapons you get you started stuff(or maybe only secondary or something else)
PS: Sorry for my bad english, nobody must tell the truth, but please consideration is high evalued by some ppl!
BTW Gratz for the game it's almost too good to be truth(turtle/shelter and xp penalty is the only problem that i can see, and maybe the sniper acc)
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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and let's tell the truth here, you guys can say that the xp penalty for naked battles is just to avoid that people don't open boxes, but the consequence that this change brings to the game is visible--> want you start grenade or your mine, medkit, 1 use stuff, without losing xp = USE CASH SHOP!
maybe if you admit it, it will be more easy for us to understand!

We made this not to force everyone use Cash Shop but for the people who actually buy items it to have a use for them. If we wanted to force we could make something more obvious like level limit for free accounts, but we haven't done that and do not have such plans so stop complaining. You always have an option to play naked but you won't level up as fast as those who buy items. If you wan't to level up faster - pay, if you don't want to pay - spend more time - sounds pretty reasonable to me.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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In Circles
this naked battles debate just keeps going in circles
seems pretty simple to me
either u play a match looking 2 get gear = low xp
or u play a match 2 earn xp = faster game , less gear collected
if players played team matches on big maps they could improve xp and have more chance of collecting items, an 8 player match should balance out some of the xp penalty.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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omg naked battles
😡come on drop this naked battle thing maybe 10% is ok but it is really annoying me come on get rid of it or lower it by 10 percent
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
oh no did this ..... for people to buy guns hindered this ......... who has 10x mastery in any weapon
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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If you wan't to level up faster - pay, if you don't want to pay - spend more time - sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Oh, they're not spending money on the game.

Man, with this kind of attitude behind the game, Gunrox is going downhill fast.
Just FYI: It's better to reward behavior you want to encourage than to punish behavior you want to discourage. The changes to the game the designers are making seem to be consistently backwards, which will just end up driving people away from the game. And it's unfortunate because there's so much information out there on player psychology and how to make games better.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Man, with this kind of attitude behind the game, Gunrox is going downhill fast.

I've already heard that from you more than once. I hope next time you will say something new.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Xenomech, go play jumprope with your sister. If you dont have a jumprope, then buy one. If you suck at it, then buy a better jumprope. Moral of the story? everything costs money.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him