GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 17-Nov-2010 - Outpost preparation

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Preparativos antes de implementar os postos avançados:
- Controle de localidades removido
- Perks de clans removidos
Os bônus dos perks dos clans serão dados após obter o controle dos postos avançados que serão implementados na próxima atualização, você será capaz de controlar mais de 4 postos resultando em vários bônus. Um novo tipo de perks estão sendo preparados e serão adicionados num futuro próximo no lugar dos antigos perks. Estes novos perks adicionaram varias possibilidades táticas ao invés de um simples bônus.
Melhorias no Memorizador de Equipamentos:
- Os acessórios são equipados automaticamente, se a arma tiver mais de 50% de desgaste e os acessórios necessários.
- A descrição do botão mostra a lista dos itens salvos
- se você não tiver itens suficiente, este oferece a você a compra desses itens automaticamente.
Outras mudanças:
- Adicionado o Canal de Negociações que será comum para todas as localidades. Você poderá postar somente uma mensagem por minuto. A partir de agora todas as mensagens de trocas fora deste canal resultarão em silenciamentos!
- corrigido: bug no tutorial com danos elevados
- somente jogadores de níveis 1-3 poderão jogar o tutorial a partir de agora
- se um participante do torneio atacar alguém, ele poderá ser atacado também
- Balaceamento automatico leva em conta o número de perks, não mais o nível.
- nos jogos de autobalaceamento, abortar no primeiro minuto foi removido
- Mercado de Artefatos: o filtro de nível leva em conta atributos que reduzem o nível para o uso (Legendary e outros).
- No informativo do jogador há o botão de negociação, além de mostrar a localização atual do jogador.
- corrigido: as vezes o jogador saia do jogo quando este não escolhia sair.
Edited 10 hours, 53 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
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Good update, and finally a more level playing field for non-clan players in random 1v1s!
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to

Each location will have 3-4 outposts, and each outpost groups will have different bonuses. For example Clover Quarter outposts will bring +5 HP, Memorial Boulevard outposts will bring in +5% resistance, etc.

and when will all these nice things come? ☺
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Clan Perks

- Clan perks removed
Bonuses of clan perks will be given for controlling outposts in the next update when we will add them and you will be able to control more than 4 outposts thus resulting in more bonuses. Also whole new type of clan perks are being prepared and will be added in the nearby future instead of removed perks. Such perks will add special tactical possibilities instead of simple raw bonus.

So you have removed clan perks.... so why are there clans with 11+ players? This was a perk, so please adjust if you are preparing an even playing field for clans.

Also please return the information on each profile that shows the last time they logged into Gunrox (when they are offline). Inactive players are usually kicked from clans, thus having more active clans, more fame, more games ☺
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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this game is not fanny know.... dont play more people ☺
dont speak
dont see
dont play
dont anythink
realy realy bad XDDDDDDDDDDDD
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Well nice update...But at least can we have reset perks?I need like 4 reset perks couse my build was made on clan based...Now i have to buy 4...
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Clan perks will be fixed before tournament?
and on the next FAST update... plz say each locations what adds u can have...
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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this game is not fanny know.... dont play more people ☺
dont speak
dont see
dont play
dont anythink
realy realy bad XDDDDDDDDDDDD

what??? i dont think there is a rule that says dont speak, dont see, dont play, dont do anything yet 😝
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Sometimes you have to do unpopular moves to make things better in the long run. I do realize this change will upset many people but we want to make clan an active and competitive team, not just bunch of random guys who just want +20 HP

But this has a lot of people cursing you because of this BERSERK Update
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
how will it be like? what will a clan have to do to take an outpost? fight zombies or something?? 😁😁 when will it come?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
It will come approximately in the next update.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 17-11-2010 - Przygotownia Posterunków
Przygotowania przed dodaniem posterunków:
- Kontrola terenu zlikwidowana,
- Perki klanowe zlikwidowane,
Klanowe bonusy dostaną klany, które kontrolują posterunki w kolejnym uaktualnieniu w którym zostaną one dodane, będzie możliwe kontrolowanie więcej niż 4 posterunków co oznacza więcej więcej bonusów. Także wiele nowych klanowych umiejętności jest przygotowywanych, zostaną one dodane w nie dalekiej przyszłości w zamian za zlikwidowane perki. Wiele taktycznych umiejętności zostanie dodanych w zamian za pojedyncze bonusy.
Udoskonalenia "zapisanego" wyposażenia:
- Zakłada automatycznie dodatki do broni, jeżeli broń posiada powyżej 50% wytrzymałości i jeżeli dodatki są w inwentarzu,
- Przycisk pokazuje listę zapisanych przedmiotów,
- Jeżeli nie masz wystarczająco przedmiotów, zaproponuje automatyczny zakup,
Inne zmiany:
- Dodano chat handlu który jest wspólny dla wszystkich map. Możesz pisać jedną wiadomość przez minutę. Od teraz wszystkie oferty handlu które pojawią się poza chatem handlu skutkować będą uciszeniem!
- Naprawiono: błąd samouczka z wysokimi obrażeniami,
- Od teraz tylko gracze z poziomami 1-3 przechodzić samouczek,
- Jeżeli gracz uczestniczący w turnieju zaatakuje gracza, gracz będzie mógł go zaatakować,
- Autobalansowanie zależy teraz od ilości perków, nie od ilości poziomów,
- Anulowanie autozbalancowanej gry w pierwszej minucie jest teraz nie możliwe,
- Rynek artefaktów: filtr poziomu bierze teraz pod uwagę modyfikatory które redukują wymagany poziom/umiejętności,
- Informacja o graczu posiada teraz przycisk wymiany, także informacje gdzie gracz znajduję się w danej chwili,
- Naprawiono: czasami gracz uciekał na początku gry gdy miał nie wybraną Ucieczkę.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
wait a minute will the outposts break down???!!!! if yes that means taht they can be constructed again right ?
anyway that's a nice update but the memorizer ,i didn't like it it's stupid 😁😁😁
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to

Each location will have 3-4 outposts, and each outpost groups will have different bonuses. For example Clover Quarter outposts will bring +5 HP, Memorial Boulevard outposts will bring in +5% resistance, etc.

its bad for the clans, who cant outposts one of the locations.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
hey 1 question : what's with the image of the update is it a new location or what the outposts look like ?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

what??? i dont think there is a rule that says dont speak, dont see, dont play, dont do anything yet 😝

how many age u have dude 3???? lol

13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to

So you have removed clan perks.... so why are there clans with 11+ players? This was a perk, so please adjust if you are preparing an even playing field for clans.

Also please return the information on each profile that shows the last time they logged into Gunrox (when they are offline). Inactive players are usually kicked from clans, thus having more active clans, more fame, more games ☺

I mentioned this 11+ clan member issue a few months ago should perks reset.
Another issue - if we defend outposts, then how does a clan of lvl 10-20s defend against a clan of lvl 50 players???? Even a 4v1 against a lvl 50 with 10-19 players is heavily in favor of the lvl 50 who can kill a few members in one shot.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to

Well nice update...But at least can we have reset perks?I need like 4 reset perks couse my build was made on clan based...Now i have to buy 4...

this is exactly what im talking about, some people have made a build based on these clan perks, now they have to spent money on perk resets. clan cost a lot of money to buy..i know if i spent $100 us to buy a clan and you did this to me i would try my best to sue you for ripping me off. it would be like going into store and buying an apple iphone in the box and when you get home its a motorola flip thats in the package. you didnt get what you paid for.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to

I mentioned this 11+ clan member issue a few months ago should perks reset.
Another issue - if we defend outposts, then how does a clan of lvl 10-20s defend against a clan of lvl 50 players???? Even a 4v1 against a lvl 50 with 10-19 players is heavily in favor of the lvl 50 who can kill a few members in one shot.

Use arts 😉
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to
Perks are exactly that... benefit of being associated
I agree that there has to be some incentive for being a member of any group. We don't have to go too deep into looking at examples from football teams, military organizations, etc.
I also agree that a clan's perks does influence how we will build our units.
Well... let the system go on for a bit and then we come back and **help** evaluate whether improvements need to be made.
SIDENOTE: a prior post said $100 for a clan? lol. Let me know when this Kmart savings is going to happen ☺ I'm going back and forth and whether I should spend my money on a clan because i understand that it costs 200K enkord. BUT, if there is no benefit (like perks) for a clan... i guess i will hold off on creating a clan.
One thing I can say that is positive about Bers and his team of hardworking programmers: it is that they have the players best interest in mind. SO, if they learn from users that the changes are not as effective... I'm sure they will put their heads together to make it better.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Such a good update tnx berserker
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him