GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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GUNROX is 9 years old now!

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GUNROX. GUNROX never changes.
We celebrate birthday with discounts and tournament.
Both individual and complete resets are 30% off this year. Offer will be valid for a few days. Thanks to everyone who still playing and have faith in this game.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament (no arts, no clan perks). 150 000 E for the first place and 75 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
6 years ago Quote
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interesting, i have a hard time imagining how playable gunrox can be on mobile since it would be very easy to missclick which could ruin a match and games vs mobile players would likely require 2:00 minute turn timer which could be frustrating for desktop players. but maybe those could be worked out or maybe arent problems at all

The controls and interface would be redone completely to work onn mobile conveniently.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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The controls and interface would be redone completely to work onn mobile conveniently.

yo ya lo jugué en móvil
con un programa
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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please relive gunrox

Berserker with all my respect
You are losing one of the most good Online games in this world
i've played many online games , alot of i mean
and after playing gunrox for 10+- years i still back to play this amazing pure tactical game from time to time
simply , i cant leave it - and many others do the same
why ? why u r leaving this game without any update for 4+- years ?
why u r not trying to share it more and more as before ?
very sad to see a game with new idea like Gunrox have only 60 players!!!
this game should have more and more players.
If i were u i would listen to my players , my teammate in game , and just look around. u leave this game long time ago. but there's still many ppl come from time to time just to remember they old days

Re-survive GUNROX in this Birthday!


Bers, I would like to reinforce the message of this player, I also do not understand the reason to let such a game die.

please relive gunrox, I'm sure there are a lot of people just waiting for it to come back.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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When will be the developments bro need it fast btw...
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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The controls and interface would be redone completely to work onn mobile conveniently.

3 a 4 times a year i come to see if something is in progress for Gunrox.
Its a long time ago i played the game. But I can remember good turnbased action. Playing with Paraman, pimienta, GodIsDead etc.
I like the idea, would be nice to play it with an app. But I think the game need a touch up and some new items. And what will happen with all the old accounts? I think if Gunrox will be reanimatie, it must be with a fresh start, everyone begins from 1.
I wish you goodluck with the project and i hope you succeed,
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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I like the idea, would be nice to play it with an app. But I think the game need a touch up and some new items. And what will happen with all the old accounts? I think if Gunrox will be reanimatie, it must be with a fresh start, everyone begins from 1.

Maybe old accounts would have some badges or cosmetics that won't affect balance, but overall it will be a fresh start indeed.
The core of the game will remain the same as it is the main reason why the game is fun, but meta-game and progression will change - i.e. weapons will have a lot of upgrades, you earn money from battles to upgrade them, etc.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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There is no ballance casher will up more faster than no casher so you must do somethi

Maybe old accounts would have some badges or cosmetics that won't affect balance, but overall it will be a fresh start indeed.
The core of the game will remain the same as it is the main reason why the game is fun, but meta-game and progression will change - i.e. weapons will have a lot of upgrades, you earn money from battles to upgrade them, etc.

..... please do something
Edited 26 seconds later by . Reason: No understand.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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There is no ballance casher will up more faster than no casher so you must do somethi

Maybe old accounts would have some badges or cosmetics that won't affect balance, but overall it will be a fresh start indeed.
The core of the game will remain the same as it is the main reason why the game is fun, but meta-game and progression will change - i.e. weapons will have a lot of upgrades, you earn money from battles to upgrade them, etc.

There is no ballance casher will up more faster than no casher so you must do somethi
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Cash recharge system in Brazil.
Well it may seem that I'm just looking at my own problem (and yes that's right), because I don't know how the economy is doing in other countries (I only know where I live), and I would like to ask you Berserker to look fondly at the possibility of changing the cash recharge values ​​in the game, as our country is going through an economic crisis and the dollar is too strong a currency compared to our currency, I think maybe you should make it 1 for 1 (1 real is worth 1 dollar), This would surely bring dozens of Brazilian players back into the game, making you receive much more than you currently have. Thanks

Bom pode parecer que estou olhando apenas para meu próprio problema ( e sim é isso mesmo), pois não sei como anda a ecônomia nos outros países ( so conheço aqui onde vivo), e gostaria de pedir a você Berserker que olhasse com carinho a possibilidade de mudar os valores de recarga de cash no jogo , visto que nosso país atravessa uma crise econômica e o dolar é uma moeda forte demais comparada a nossa moeda , eu penso que talvez você devesse fazer 1 por 1 ( 1 real valer 1 dólar), isso concerteza traria de volta dezenas de jogadores brasileiros ao jogo fazendo com que você recebesse muito mais do que atualmente . Obrigado
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Dear berserker
what will happen to levels 50? ☺
and all the arts they had etc..
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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what will happen to levels 50? ☺
and all the arts they had etc..

from my understanding we will get a "badge" and those of us who spent $$$$$$$ wont be treated any differently, which is honestly not fair but thats the plan for now.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Anyone knows when will we get the developments?
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Here again after whole years past
Hey all,
Auto is here ☺ Dont know why I remember this game again.. At least I remember the game because i dont remember any of even my account name correctly, email account and password lol
Checked my emails and found only this account as Soul-Back-
Anyway, I see some posts from Pimenta and the other ones who is older than 30 now. I am also 31.
Was wondering how I play after past 6-7 years later ( dont even remember stats ☺ ) but no one online to play with..
Lastly I want to say that, Berserker still same..As still keep telling the people just wait bla bla.. Just one point that I realize that, at least he is honest than past.. He explains the projects and saying that,if everything goes well, he will start working on this game.. Too sad,this game done already.. I am 31 years old now still telling people this game in my social life.. Never been regret to play this shit, never been regret when I was missing my lessons to play Mega matches (sometimes I was having a lessons in the evening times) ☺ whatever, thank you to all of you and reading my story which I tried to explain very bad ☺
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Maybe old accounts would have some badges or cosmetics that won't affect balance, but overall it will be a fresh start indeed.
The core of the game will remain the same as it is the main reason why the game is fun, but meta-game and progression will change - i.e. weapons will have a lot of upgrades, you earn money from battles to upgrade them, etc.

Let us reset for free after level 6. That's the funnest part of the game: trying and creating new builds. There's so many fun weapons to try and play with, you should let players freely flow with weapons whenever they want. When we have to make new accounts or pay $60 it discourages people from playing. I think it would also make for a healthier game if you allow players to dropdown and play as any lower level, but maybe restrict his xp when not playing at his max level. For example, a level 35 can play as a level 1-35, but not 36. This stops everyone from making a million clone accounts and keeps players on 1 account. It helps with matchmaking in fames, randoms, outposts. It also makes Rank matter for once since, in theory, you could see a Brigadier General at level 11.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Maybe old accounts would have some badges or cosmetics that won't affect balance, but overall it will be a fresh start indeed.
The core of the game will remain the same as it is the main reason why the game is fun, but meta-game and progression will change - i.e. weapons will have a lot of upgrades, you earn money from battles to upgrade them, etc.

I agree with all you saying,but u think you should give players more money at the beginning likr 5k or every 3 levels give money so we can play and stop naked games because it's boring for me, me level 42 and i get my armed in 6 hours, if you give us cash so players can stop fake fights and farming.
Best wishes
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Actually, chances are high that we will start working on it this year.

This is actually best news I,ve read this year. Looking forward for more Bers, sign me up to beta testing as soon as possible ☺☺
PS: I miss GR community soooooo mucho 😉!
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Berserker get up off your ass and make gunrox 2
[QUOTE=berserker;114982]The controls and interface would be redone completely to work onn mobile conveniently
I don’t give a flying fuck about a mobile game I will not play it. Create Gunrox 2 and start off fresh listen to your community and market it right and make it be a classic. Sharpen the graphics a bit. Use the money WE gave you and make this happen. Create new maps, bring back classics, and bring a lot of tournaments that can help you win cash. With cash prizes from places 1 to 10. Create 2 v 2 tournaments for cash for both players. You can make it all about cash to win but give back to the community with multiple events where players can earn cash. Also still do the referral program. Make it happen or I rather just play my ps4 but there is no game like gunrox. All games today are the same. I been playing since I was 11. I’m sure I spent over 1,500 on the game. I haven’t done that in again game besides gunrox.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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The controls and interface would be redone completely to work onn mobile conveniently
I don’t give a flying fuck about a mobile game I will not play it. Create Gunrox 2 and start off fresh listen to your community and market it right and make it be a classic. Sharpen the graphics a bit. Use the money WE gave you and make this happen. Create new maps, bring back classics, and bring a lot of tournaments that can help you win cash. With cash prizes from places 1 to 10. Create 2 v 2 tournaments for cash for both players. You can make it all about cash to win but give back to the community with multiple events where players can earn cash. Also still do the referral program. Make it happen or I rather just play my ps4 but there is no game like gunrox. All games today are the same. I been playing since I was 11. I’m sure I spent over 1,500 on the game. I haven’t done that in again game besides gunrox.

a new mobile game with same strategy its best what can happen with this old, stupid game, if will be interesting alot of new players can come, also a start from lvl 1 to all will be great, all know fakers can get 50 lvl in 4 day, and now are alot of fakers
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Maybe old accounts would have some badges or cosmetics that won't affect balance, but overall it will be a fresh start indeed.
The core of the game will remain the same as it is the main reason why the game is fun, but meta-game and progression will change - i.e. weapons will have a lot of upgrades, you earn money from battles to upgrade them, etc.

Are you telling me all the coins and arts would be gun? Just like that?
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Maybe old accounts would have some badges or cosmetics that won't affect balance, but overall it will be a fresh start indeed.
The core of the game will remain the same as it is the main reason why the game is fun, but meta-game and progression will change - i.e. weapons will have a lot of upgrades, you earn money from battles to upgrade them, etc.

This reboot is coming to PC aswell, right?
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him