GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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The GUNROX Wish List

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Reply to *DELETED*
About the EXP in the game
I think getting EXP should more depend on giving damage and killing especially a dude from higher level games and less on the winning or losing than the one is currently there (of course the winner should get more but not that sooo much difference) I hope this would have the following influcences on the game:
1- yur team mate might be more willing to fight with enemy instead of running to keep his weapons especially in hard situations
2- players with lower levels would be more willing to participate in team games (usually in team games the levels are not Equal) hope to learn better strategy and getting EXP even if they can only kill 1 or 2 of the enemy
sometimes when i create a game many come and immediately go and wont stay (even if i say i would change swap team mates to make the levels equall and have a fair game)
sometimes the other side wins by chances of better starting position in the game or maybe nearer to boxes on the ground or nearer to team mates but others maybe easily in surrunder at the very start of the game
I think EXP should be given for better strategy rather than just winning and may motivate players not to quit and continue fighting (even when out numbered or out weaponed to get experience if they can kill or give so many damage to enemy)
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Wish List - revisited
Upon further review - I replace earlier Wish List with this one:
Upgrade Removal:
Ability to remove an upgrade - but chance of breaking upon removal.
Base chance of SUCCESS = 1%
Skill increase: For each level in a gun class skill, +.1%, additive.
Meaning - If you have 5 in Assault and 2 in Pistol with 2 in Sub-machine - your chance of success when removing an upgrade would be:
Base 1 + .5 (from assualt) + .2 (from pistol) + .2 (from sub) = 1.9% chance of removing an upgrade.
I also state at this point - I disagree with a repair or purchase option.
Yea, berserker - a bit complex - but it's just a Wish... maybe one day.
Game Types:
Free For All - We have now - LOTS of FUN!
Team Battle - We have now a 2 team battle
Multi-Team Battle - Where the creator can set 2, 3, or 4 teams at # of players per team. More on this at the end - Summary
End Game Types:
Draw Option:

The ability for 2 remaining players in a FFA or Team to offer each other a DRAW - at reduced Experience (explained later)
Flee Option:
Allow a player who is out numbered by 2-1 or more to Flee - gains NO experience, but keeps his equipment (maybe looses ALL ammo?). Better than Surrender - because you are running away from the battle, not giving up. Can ONLY use "Flee" on the edge of the map - so the player would have to try to make it there before he/she could "flee".
Player quit penalty: (just a thought - not sure here though)
The system now reports if someone is disconnected or if they click Quit/Surrender.
A lot of times, a player won't like the way things are going in game, or won't like their team mate. So the player will quit - leaving their team mate out numbered and eventually slaughtered.
The player that quit - willfully - "fled" the battle but since the player left his team mate behind, he does NOT receive any experience and loses all equipment - as if he/she surrendered.
In other words - change the current Quit to Penalty Quit - Add a "I Surrender" option which strips all equipment - but allows Experience to be awarded
Ok, how it all works together:
Multi-team could be exploited by also having the Draw option where as 2 teams/players can 'team up' against a third. The counter to this effect would be the Draw option required parameters - There can only be 2 players remaining. Both must have only 1 or 2 dudes left. And the match must have been running for more than 30 minutes.
Draw Option possible exploits could be the common "equipment farming", where 2 players enter a battle, gather all necessary equipment then 1 loses allowing the other to keep all the good gear. The restrictions would force the players to combat, reducing BOTH sides to 1-2 dudes, there-by reducing the amount of farming - and by having to wait for 30 minutes. Normal equipment farming 'battles' only take about 10 - 15 minutes.
Flee option can be set to ONLY work if you have only 1 dude left, and are out numbered 2-1 or more.
What do you think??
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

today when were in the game i politely asked for quit cause the game was so badly slow fotunately the other side had the same problem; so he agreed. I even quited 1st cause i didnt want the other side to lose his weapons.
(We were in junkyard! for the record but i dont remmeber his ID)
Sometimes yu have a tel ringing or door bell or go to lu and boss calling and .....
and u have a good reason for what u do SO

If someone quit the game 'cause his bell is ringing, i wouldn't notice a problem by quitting. I played nearly 150 Battles and the value of games who someone was quiting is by more than 50%. Its not individual, its hobby.
I fight hard and get new good items and lost it in the next battle while i want a teamplay and after 1-2 turns a few players of my team quit and i had no chance to survive and lost all. Thats not the Meaning of the Game and it kills the fun endlessly. You wait many minutes to find players for a teammatch and after seconds in the battle is an unfair 3:5 or someone like this.
Often i want to play only with/against known opponents and that shouldn't the objectiv of growing community.
If happens some real reason to quit a game, i cope with lose a few experience too. But if I want to quit everytime i don't cope with it.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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I don't know how anyone else feels about this, but I would like to be able to make more then one account per email address.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Time Trial:
The game would have a countdown, and if you win in time, could earn more exp. If you lost, win the normal or less exp.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Or a shrinking map. Starts for example by 60*60 and after on 1-2 turn of every player the outermost regions can't visited cause the border of the map shrink by one circle. If a soldier stand outside the new existing border he lose healpoints before his turn.
So the fight concentrate by every shrinking turn to the middle of the map and the boring situations with longtime-hiding dont exist.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Or a shrinking map. Starts for example by 60*60 and after on 1-2 turn of every player the outermost regions can't visited cause the border of the map shrink by one circle. If a soldier stand outside the new existing border he lose healpoints before his turn.
So the fight concentrate by every shrinking turn to the middle of the map and the boring situations with longtime-hiding dont exist.

Sounds like a great idea for a "hurry up!!" situation where the game is just taking too darn long! I don't think that just losing HP by being "out of bounds" would be enough though, some players I know have MASSSSSIVE regeration capabilities, so I would have to suggest an immediate elimination instead of losing HP. Great idea though.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Make shotgun more fun to play, e.g. consuming 3 AP instead of 4 AP.
More grenades are needed but should be less powerful. 😁
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Make shotgun more fun to play, e.g. consuming 3 AP instead of 4 AP.
More grenades are needed but should be less powerful. 😁

The second-tier benelli does more damage than sawed-off shotgun, so the AP reduction doesn't make much sense. HOWEVER... there is the possibility of finding an artifact shotgun that costs only 3 AP per attack (I've seen an RPK only needing 8 AP for an attack!), so the idea's already implemented!
There are more grenades on the way! Berserker has hinted about "stun" grenades once or twice when I've chatted with him.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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I don't think that just losing HP by being "out of bounds" would be enough though, some players I know have MASSSSSIVE regeration capabilities, so I would have to suggest an immediate elimination instead of losing HP. Great idea though.

Ya drby... your not picking on me at all! You know I would intentionally leave my sniper out of range until you had no room and snipe you to death =)
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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1. there should be an option to unatach silencer/grenade launcher from aks/tmp (and they shoud have limited durability too)
2. player who quit, having any unit, lost part of experience (for example 2%~5%)
3. if it is team play, units are not killed, but controlled by any player from same team (for example with higher experience)
4. alternative=if player quits, his units are controlled by A.I.
5. it will be nice to make poll "what should we implement first" 😁
another option- users rate improvements in scale 1-10
6. me and some players have found starting game without any equipent very enjoyable😉 so far i havent found any cheater, but there can be option (checkbox) letting join only players who has nothin in backbaks
7.similar improvement, player set min and max level, others cant join (@ higher level i am often kicked witchin a 3 s 😝 ).
Edited 47 minutes later by *DELETED*. Reason: badzia badzia.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Personally I like the game the way it is.
To add currency or remove upgrade or other features suggested will spoil the whole feel of the game.
I like the fact that you only have a limited storage space as it makes you make decisions about what equipment to keep or trade thereby increasing the social interaction.
How ever much storage you provide it will never be enough for some players.
Nevertheless I do like the idea of a friends list and maybe the ability to see which players are in each game. But everything else would just add unnecessary complication.
Well thats my two penneth worth.
☺ 😁 ☺
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Berserker... let me explain how the Armory idea would work. It will sell everything BUT weapons. Weapons should only be found out in the environment. But the Armory would allow for players to by supporting items. IE. upgrades, medi-kits, armors, repair kits, and other stuff.
Pricing in order from most expensive to least:
Upgrades >> Armors >> Repair Kit >> Medi-Kits
😕How the currency for this shop would work IDK...

You could have an offer and demand system. For example if ii need a shotgun i put an offer, offering 2 AK's for 1 shotgun, and a player that needs 2 AK and has a spear shotgun will come along and buy my AK's.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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#1 if there will be friend list, friends should have ability to view each other storage area
#2 notes on player is also good idea, we can write if something is borrowed/lend
#3 everybody have noticed that quiting without playing a single turn is very annoing. my solution is to give ability to mark this player as quiter. if many players do so, nobody will play with him in same team ☺
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

#3 everybody have noticed that quiting without playing a single turn is very annoing. my solution is to give ability to mark this player as quiter. if many players do so, nobody will play with him in same team ☺

But then we also need a way to see if he is quiting on purpose , or if his connection is failing ..
Ofcourse when the player is always quiting in the first turn it's obvious .. 🙄
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
I think a good idea were a Level 20 Machine Gun ( a Mini Gun )
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

I think a good idea were a Level 20 Machine Gun ( a Mini Gun )

I got a hunch that there is one in the works already (but a wayyyyyys off). There are some machine guns that fall somewhere in between RPK and the Minigun (like the Squad Automatic Weapon, better known as the SAW).
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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In fact we have an actual minigun in this game but it is locked yet because it requires 80 points in Machine Guns skill.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
A Good idea were a lvl 10 map.

All peoples like play with fire😉
also i thinked we need a Flamethrower☺
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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A Good idea were a lvl 10 map.

All peoples like play with fire😉
also i thinked we need a Flamethrower☺

That should be already implemented, yet locked for all of us... the level target may not be 10 though.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him