GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Idea for improving the game


Followup to a "conversation" I had with Pistol today.I made a suggestion for a modification to the game.
When hosting mega I think you should have an option to prohibit ALL pay to win: arts, clan perks, store perks, and premium ammo.You should also be able to do this when going random, and in tournaments.
I totally understand the pushback, I get how attractive it is to have these pay to win "people" who will pay a lot of money in a month just to feel like a winner for a couple minutes. I know they bring in a lot of income.But you can have the best of both worlds; There are very few good players left in the game, when you cater too much to pay to win, you're attracting the lowest level of the species. And you can see it everywhere in the game, people who quit or suicide in mega because some small thing didn't go the way they liked, people who constantly insult and make obnoxious arguments with others even though in real life, they wouldn't have the guts to even look you in the eye.There used to be mostly adults here, people like me, who are big fans of turn-based squad style games who came here to have a fair, challenging experience.I explained the idea to Pistol several times, but he was seemingly not able to get his head around it.
I told him that the problem is that he is one of these pay to win art noobs. I have played megas with him in the past and he ALWAYS brought these ridiculously overpowered arts. I'm not interested in playing with anyone like this. It's dumb. It's some desperate kid paying $50 or $100 for what's akin to a masturbation session for them, and really ruins the mega for nine other people. Even the people on their team are not having a real game.Pistol argued that it would cause the art noobs to not play, and I strongly disagree, they would still be able to play in games with pay to win options on.
As I said to Pistol, the last tournament was an art tourney, and it had 39 participants, the tourney before that was arts and it had 19, while a no arts tourney a month ago had well over 200.Don't you see? Even with all the good players who have left after being turned off by the pay to win here, there are still so many people who just want a good, reasonable game.I would be fine if the price of standard equipment was increased somewhat to compensate if there actually was a loss of income from art noob whales.But I really don't think there will be a loss, I think they will just play each other.
I don't even mind the idea of an all arts mega once in a while, I have lots of arts in my inventories.
But as it is, I haven't played random in like a year, and I play a lot less megas than I used to because I have to be so selective about the people I play with.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

It might take longer to get a lot of good players back to the game, but why not try it for a month?

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
It was the most pointless post I've ever read.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him