GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Problem with perks ??

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Problem with perks ??
i notice that all clans that doesnt have perks its lvl of perks became 2 but
some of perks were removed too from my clan like Armadillo and gain movement and gain action but some clan doesnt have those perks but its still there like clan outlaws is that bug or what ?
12 years ago
12 years ago
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After one week of these new updates, I can confidently say that IT STINKS! You have heard the phrase "Indian-Giver"? Well they should rename it "Russian-Giver"! Every clan gets a few free perks with the new update, but a week later the perks are taken back. HOWEVER, perks that were HARD EARNED by clans like extra movement and extra AP are now taken away without any explaination of how to get them back!!
This is without doubt the worst update from any game I have ever played from a player point of view. All awards you earn are temporary (1 week) and the sense of achievement is seriously diminished. From the Enkord company point of view its great as now they make you spend more time and money than ever as they dangle a proverbial "temporary carrot" in front of the face of all the donkeys thay play this game. Its like working hard to buy a car but then having the car taken off a week later you because you need to pay the entire value again next week.
This reminds me of the Russian communist era in which Berserker grew up with where you had to wait for hours in a bread queue for a stale loaf of bread and then you had to come back tomorrow and wait for hours again in the bread queue for another stale loaf of bread just to survive. If you don't spend half a day queing up for your daily bread, you die! This is exactly like this game now, you need to play so hard for a week and keep playing hard every week for a few perks. I know you had it hard growing up in a stupid country like the USSR but that doesn't mean you should apply the same draconian, backwards, Communistic philosophy to your customers.
Another major problem is that even if you do play hard, you will never achieve top spot in all the categories of Fame, Activity, Aggression, Spending, Outpost and Tournaments. That means in the long run you will only be able to have roughly 25% of the maximum perks at any one time. Over time, you will lose the perks that relate to categories you do not achieve top spot in. No longer will you have every perk at your disposal to choose from. Its a huge "vodka-drenched" spit in the face for clans which sacrificed so much over the years to painstakingly earn every perk - ie Toxicity, Grom, Voltron.
In the great Russian Tradition of failure, you put a Russian in charge on something and they will eventually screw things up so badly that it will be beyond recovery - ie: Communism, the Russian economy, 1980-1989 Afghanistan War, Elections, Gunrox, etc.
Makes me wonder if I will ever play a Russian game ever again. All they do is they take a good concept and ruin it with their greed and corruption - just like the concept of Communism. Great in theory, doesn't work when you put Russians in charge. Maybe you should put a Chinese in charge, they make Communism work and when they run a business, they give the customer what they want (like great tasting Chinese food, yum).
In summary, don't trust Russians. The end.
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Nice update
this is a good update u know why ?
because people will have to get more arms ammo etc to keep their perks = spending more enkord . got it ?
12 years ago
12 years ago
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It has come to my attention that many gunrox players on these forums have difficulty reading because of several issues like: lack of brainpower, immaturity and general retardedness. To make it simpler for you "special" people out there, here is a summary of what I wrote:
12 years ago
12 years ago
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What about perks that were given for scoring in both categories?
You will have to reach both top 10 in both categories and the lowest place in one of the two categories will determine your rank for appropriate perks.
Perks that have only one level, like Gain Action will require rank 5 in both in order to use.

Edited 4 minutes later by .
12 years ago
12 years ago
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It has come to my attention that many gunrox players on these forums have difficulty reading because of several issues like: lack of brainpower, immaturity and general retardedness. To make it simpler for you "special" people out there, here is a summary of what I wrote:

Still too complicated 😁
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Good thing I am not Russian... But I am not so sure about you regarding this ☺
Oh, and congrats to earning your new forum rank.
12 years ago
12 years ago
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On a side note - I can proclaim that preliminary results of this update are great, despite some naysayers and trolls like Cruentus trying to say otherwise. Activity of players increased greatly! I can't tell for how long it will last, but now it is greatly increased. Remember when you played an outpost battle last time before the update? And with this new update there are plenty of them!
Take a look at Hall of Fame - 15 clans are seriously competing for the top spots - back in the days even top 10 was not as active. Not to mention low level accounts - with 1000E and disabled trading low level players actually play and don't fake with million accounts to farm some 40mm.
12 years ago
12 years ago
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money + money + more money

On a side note - I can proclaim that preliminary results of this update are great, despite some naysayers and trolls like Cruentus trying to say otherwise. Activity of players increased greatly! I can't tell for how long it will last, but now it is greatly increased. Remember when you played an outpost battle last time before the update? And with this new update there are plenty of them!
Take a look at Hall of Fame - 15 clans are seriously competing for the top spots - back in the days even top 10 was not as active. Not to mention low level accounts - with 1000E and disabled trading low level players actually play and don't fake with million accounts to farm some 40mm.

Yes Mr Administrator, of course you are happy with this update, of course there its more activity, you just give a bunch of brainless kids the opportunity of trying ALL perks last week, and some perks this week. And of course you are happy seeing all the income that this update will give you, but...
Just wait 1 more month and you will realize that this update its about to KILL this game...
in the next weeks 99% of kids will again not have any perk and therefore start complaining again about you putting a stupid pet in the game...
but what its worst (and I really hope this not happens) its that MANY clan leaders and there nice clans are going to stop playing this game because YOU ARE SO DAMN GREEDY...
12 years ago
12 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*

Just wait 1 more month and you will realize that this update its about to KILL this game...

The sky is falling!!!
12 years ago
12 years ago
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you guys making berserker nervous

The sky is falling!!!

U maybe have more than 1 month for people stop leaving depending on when perks will disapear , u said few weeks but I think its just 3 weeks .
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Good thing I am not Russian... But I am not so sure about you regarding this ☺
Oh, and congrats to earning your new forum rank.

senior troll 😁
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Good thing I am not Russian... But I am not so sure about you regarding this ☺
Oh, and congrats to earning your new forum rank.

Several points here I can use as artillery to shoot down your kindergarten level attack on me.
Your name is Yaroslav Yanovsky. Sounds Russian to me. What does everyone else think? He is from the Ukraine which most people identify as Russian anyway. More than 20% of Americans cannot find their own country on a map so they will call you a Russian whether you like it or not. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan - they all were part of the USSR which people still identify as RUSSIAN.
You are sneaky like a Russian - I have seen you claim in these forums that you are some kind of "cog" in the whole Enkord corporation "wheel". Who are you trying to fool? You are the CEO of Enkord!!! It says so in the interviews you did on various websites. Do you lie in your interviews? Or just to your customers? Perhaps both? Or maybe you lie to your shareholders, telling them you are going to make a big profit from Gunrox this year. I think us customers can make a liar out of you yet by walking out on this game!
You are greedy like a Russian. A long time ago I suggested the idea of the equipment memorizer in the forums - what did you do? You implemented the idea BUT you slapped a 3000 enkord price tag on it. Needless to say I have never ever bought the equipment memorizer, an idea that I thought of. I simply thought it was greedy to the point of being evil to charge 3k for it, a price so over the top that I avoided it like the plague. Every update since then has been a blatant money grab. No wonder Hitler attacked Russia, he knew that they were more greedy than the Jews.
And finally, if you claim to not be a Russian then why did you react and get defensive by attacking me labelling me a forum troll? The truth is I am not a forum troll, I have become so cynical with each so called "improvement" in this game because you do not listen to your customers. Every idea implemented is simply to extract more money from us. My polite idea suggestions have evolved into sarcastic roasts simply because you stopped listening to your customers so I am mocking you - repeat, MOCKING you, not trolling you.
If you were not a Russian then wouldn't the accusations of you being a Russian be laughable and not even worth a retort? I say you are lying and trying to oppress me the way a Communistic government oppresses its people. Unlike you, I am not trapped in a corrupt country where my vote doesn't count so you have no power over me. I can vote no to your game and go find a competitor's game, tell everyone about it, make a liar out of you in front of your shareholders and still make it home in time for tea and medals for bringing down an evil Russian dictator.
Dosvedanya you greedy Russian muppet!
Edited 10 minutes later by .
12 years ago
12 years ago
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... various stupid troll attacks skipped ...
Dosvedanya you greedy Russian muppet!

Arrivederci! Now as you said goodbye, I've did what you were asking for so long and banned your accounts on forum for a year. Don't bother to post under another one, I will ban it anyway.
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Several points here I can use as artillery to shoot down your kindergarten level attack on me.
Your name is Yaroslav Yanovsky. Sounds Russian to me. What does everyone else think? He is from the Ukraine which most people identify as Russian anyway. More than 20% of Americans cannot find their own country on a map so they will call you a Russian whether you like it or not. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan - they all were part of the USSR which people still identify as RUSSIAN.
You are sneaky like a Russian - I have seen you claim in these forums that you are some kind of "cog" in the whole Enkord corporation "wheel". Who are you trying to fool? You are the CEO of Enkord!!! It says so in the interviews you did on various websites. Do you lie in your interviews? Or just to your customers? Perhaps both? Or maybe you lie to your shareholders, telling them you are going to make a big profit from Gunrox this year. I think us customers can make a liar out of you yet by walking out on this game!
You are greedy like a Russian. A long time ago I suggested the idea of the equipment memorizer in the forums - what did you do? You implemented the idea BUT you slapped a 3000 enkord price tag on it. Needless to say I have never ever bought the equipment memorizer, an idea that I thought of. I simply thought it was greedy to the point of being evil to charge 3k for it, a price so over the top that I avoided it like the plague. Every update since then has been a blatant money grab. No wonder Hitler attacked Russia, he knew that they were more greedy than the Jews.
And finally, if you claim to not be a Russian then why did you react and get defensive by attacking me labelling me a forum troll? The truth is I am not a forum troll, I have become so cynical with each so called "improvement" in this game because you do not listen to your customers. Every idea implemented is simply to extract more money from us. My polite idea suggestions have evolved into sarcastic roasts simply because you stopped listening to your customers so I am mocking you - repeat, MOCKING you, not trolling you.
If you were not a Russian then wouldn't the accusations of you being a Russian be laughable and not even worth a retort? I say you are lying and trying to oppress me the way a Communistic government oppresses its people. Unlike you, I am not trapped in a corrupt country where my vote doesn't count so you have no power over me. I can vote no to your game and go find a competitor's game, tell everyone about it, make a liar out of you in front of your shareholders and still make it home in time for tea and medals for bringing down an evil Russian dictator.
Dosvedanya you greedy Russian muppet!

if u no like game, go in other . its best what u can do .
12 years ago
12 years ago
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0_0 berserker loose a fight?

Arrivederci! Now as you said goodbye, I've did what you were asking for so long and banned your accounts on forum for a year. Don't bother to post under another one, I will ban it anyway.

You know berserker with all the respect that an administrator deserves, you just loose the fight vrs cruentus...
First because if really his post his nothing but trolling the u fail on ignoring it.
Second, because he is right about you being the biggest greedy man in the history of business.
And third... you banning him means that you can not say anything smart at him...
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Several points here I can use as artillery to shoot down your kindergarten level attack on me.
Your name is Yaroslav Yanovsky. Sounds Russian to me. What does everyone else think? He is from the Ukraine which most people identify as Russian anyway. More than 20% of Americans cannot find their own country on a map so they will call you a Russian whether you like it or not. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan - they all were part of the USSR which people still identify as RUSSIAN.
You are sneaky like a Russian - I have seen you claim in these forums that you are some kind of "cog" in the whole Enkord corporation "wheel". Who are you trying to fool? You are the CEO of Enkord!!! It says so in the interviews you did on various websites. Do you lie in your interviews? Or just to your customers? Perhaps both? Or maybe you lie to your shareholders, telling them you are going to make a big profit from Gunrox this year. I think us customers can make a liar out of you yet by walking out on this game!
You are greedy like a Russian. A long time ago I suggested the idea of the equipment memorizer in the forums - what did you do? You implemented the idea BUT you slapped a 3000 enkord price tag on it. Needless to say I have never ever bought the equipment memorizer, an idea that I thought of. I simply thought it was greedy to the point of being evil to charge 3k for it, a price so over the top that I avoided it like the plague. Every update since then has been a blatant money grab. No wonder Hitler attacked Russia, he knew that they were more greedy than the Jews.
And finally, if you claim to not be a Russian then why did you react and get defensive by attacking me labelling me a forum troll? The truth is I am not a forum troll, I have become so cynical with each so called "improvement" in this game because you do not listen to your customers. Every idea implemented is simply to extract more money from us. My polite idea suggestions have evolved into sarcastic roasts simply because you stopped listening to your customers so I am mocking you - repeat, MOCKING you, not trolling you.
If you were not a Russian then wouldn't the accusations of you being a Russian be laughable and not even worth a retort? I say you are lying and trying to oppress me the way a Communistic government oppresses its people. Unlike you, I am not trapped in a corrupt country where my vote doesn't count so you have no power over me. I can vote no to your game and go find a competitor's game, tell everyone about it, make a liar out of you in front of your shareholders and still make it home in time for tea and medals for bringing down an evil Russian dictator.
Dosvedanya you greedy Russian muppet!

I know everything has problems but it does'nt mean you have to act so mean.I am from country which is sworn enemies with russia.But i don't keep saying that russains are stupid russains are insane etc...You show your stupidity yourself by acting so like a prophet sent from heaven I'm not trying to protect anyone but by the way you write...Why do critcise others when you can't even do a Needle-work of the things they have done?
12 years ago
12 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*

You know berserker with all the respect that an administrator deserves, you just loose the fight vrs cruentus...
First because if really his post his nothing but trolling the u fail on ignoring it.
Second, because he is right about you being the biggest greedy man in the history of business.
And third... you banning him means that you can not say anything smart at him...

The fight was only in your head. There are 2 reasons for his ban:
1. His posts became unentertaining (cause more of the same)
2. He spread his insults from me towards whole nation which is over the top. While I am not Russian, there are a significant number of GUNROX players who are Russian and I bet they find his posts not just insulting, but racist. If you don't understand that then I guess you are racist too and I'll ban you for a month too, so you will have time to think about it.
12 years ago
12 years ago
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don't u think that is too much

The fight was only in your head. There are 2 reasons for his ban:
1. His posts became unentertaining (cause more of the same)
2. He spread his insults from me towards whole nation which is over the top. While I am not Russian, there are a significant number of GUNROX players who are Russian and I bet they find his posts not just insulting, but racist. If you don't understand that then I guess you are racist too and I'll ban you for a month too, so you will have time to think about it.

Don't u think 1 year for Cruentus is too much ?
He didn't mean to insult whole russians , Only the one who made this game worse .
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Don't u think 1 year for Cruentus is too much ?
He didn't mean to insult whole russians , Only the one who made this game worse .

Another one to join the pack of racists. Banned. Anyone else?
12 years ago
12 years ago

Cannot reply, talk is closed
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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him