GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Congratulations to enkord for a nice game, if I can play 24 hours. But I believe that some criteria should be considered for banning.
I first forum to report what went with my account (seylaw )....
Was playing a great game (4x4 or 5x5) on August 16, 2009, the development of the game received a ban for 2 or 3 times is no reason to throw my character has the power of the shield would be a resistance or firing of the 95% if I was stopped.
Early in the game 2 players (noobs) did wrong moves and died the 2 characters together, the game was almost lost because the map is not too favorable.
If you have the record of our conversations I realized that right ...: because I always ask to abort from the beginning, I instructed to kill the enemies, kill an enemy, I stopped with my character (shield) protecting the map and I was all set.
For M60 ... she must have noticed that the red zone would reach me in the next round as i had already moved 5 stars no matter is there was hope that they attack my shield, since the position was terrible. Also making the vision a character shot dead the other allies with SVD.
I think this ban is an injustice and desire of the moderator borboletinha not repeat that mistake with other players. Confident that the problem is corrected, thus showing the quality of the game gunrox. I love gunrox
Sorry for the delay to answer, just the energy here.

versão portugues
Parabéns a enkord pelo ótimo jogo, caso fosse possível eu jogaria 24 horas. Mas acredito que alguns critérios para banimento devem ser pensados.
Venho pela primeira vez ao fórum relata o que correu com minha conta (seylaw)....
Estava jogando um grande jogo (4x4 or 5x5) no dia 16 de agosto de 2009, no desenvolvimento do jogo recebi um banimento por passa 2 ou 3 vezes sem atira devido ao meu personagem ter o poder do escudo ou seja daria uma resistência a tiros de 95% se eu ficasse parado.
Logo no inicio do jogo 2 jogadores(noobs) fizeram movimentos errados e morreram os 2 personagens aliados, praticamente o jogo já estava perdido devido o mapa não esta também favorável.
Caso ainda tenham o registro de nossas conversas compreenderam que estou correto...: porque eu sempre pedir para aborta desde o inicio, passei instruções para mata os inimigos, matei um inimigo, fiquei com meu personagem parado (shield) protegendo parte do mapa e fui todo armado.
Referente a m60... ela deve ter observado que a zona vermelha iria me alcança no próximo turno i como já tinha movimentado 5 estrelas não adiantaria fica ali, tinha a esperanças que eles atacarem meu escudo, pois a posição era péssima. Alem disso deixando na visão um personagem morto os outros aliados atirariam com svd.
Penso que esse banimento se trata de uma injustiça do moderador borboletinha e desejo que esse erro não repita com outros jogadores. Confio que o problema seja corrigido, mostrando assim a qualidade do jogo gunrox. Eu amo gunrox
Desculpe pela demora para responder, a energia acabou aqui.
Edited 5 minutes later by *DELETED*.
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
What is This??
I cant see the reason why seylaw was banned... is it wrong to pass turn?? I never seen a fool reason to ban someone =//
he was playing armed... in a mega... playing serious... he was using a kamikaz estrategy with his shield... in my opinion thats not wrong =//
sorry borbo but for me u wore wrong =//
And we should give him a chance =/
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
Seylaw is not fake, he was making the game the way
he felt better.
15 years ago
15 years ago
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now pass turn is motive for banned????

this player have shelter berserker look at this...

i and he play whit onetower...

2 miniguns...
in another player all shots miniguns take 145+ damage...
in unit of this player take 3 or 15 because SHELTER...
borboletinha ban this player for use shelter???

if i remember shelter protect 15% for 1 ap...
if he no move 12 ap
12 x 15%
it is ok???

why this banned???

i not uderstand it....

he banned for pass turn and take protection for no die????
15 years ago
15 years ago
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borboletinha bad or no?
seems that he has not moved more resistance, perhaps the moderator enterpretou bad...?😕
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
Borboletinha always do big jobs and good ones 😝... But this time i dont know if that was the right thing to do.. just because he played bad.. In my opinion Borboletinha dont have the right to do what he did..and i think that was some kind of power abusing... to ban someone because he was angry its not right ... i am a big friend of borboletinha i always agree with him when he is right and call his attention when he is wrong... i wish this to end with a happy ending..☺
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
banned a guy who did nothing
abortion and a mega thought so because it was fake
but was not
it has to stop being moderator😡
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
Sorry borboletinha but i too thing it is not fake...

your banned not correct...

you not know about SHELTER???



15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
borboletinha the seylaw not fake and you banned him without it can not issue fake Fassa Kik Borba enkord it is not good for no moderator
15 years ago
15 years ago
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banned a guy who did nothing
abortion and a mega thought so because it was fake
but was not
it has to stop being moderator😡

be a great honor to be Due ... for you and one that supposedly fake... I am anti-fake why some players like you do not like me 😁
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*

Sorry borboletinha but i too thing it is not fake...

your banned not correct...

you not know about SHELTER???




a question you were looking for or playing .. it says ?
15 years ago
15 years ago
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i like you...

i thing this banned not correct...
banned for not move unit??

maybe he like position and shelter and not make movement...

it is motive for banned??

he pass information a enemys??

he run and not help friends kill??

i thing no...

why banned??

only you do not like him????
Edited 48 minutes later by *DELETED*.
15 years ago
15 years ago
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borboletinha the seylaw not fake and you banned him without it can not issue fake Fassa Kik Borba enkord it is not good for no moderator

yoU should stop saying borboletinha is a bad player he just try to do his job sometimes we are wrong sometimes we are right... we dont need him out of enkord all we want is Seylaw alowed to play again...😝
15 years ago
15 years ago
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SEYLAW is not fake
? why he was banned and only one protection, and an injustice I had an account that is called the Corinthians to have this protection shelter advocates much then there is no reason to ban 😡
15 years ago
15 years ago
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only you do not like him?

sorry my english is bad

Edited 17 minutes later by *DELETED*.
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
can someone translate this to clear english?
15 years ago
15 years ago
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saylaw is not a faker
Berserker if you are the administrator of this game we need your opinion of this forum because is not rigth that saylaw was banned for that.😕
I say this because I do not want the same thing happens in the future to any player of gunrox.
😝 😁
15 years ago
15 years ago
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If that player had shelter and didn't move I think that's a viable strategy. I've never known Seylaw to be a faker.
15 years ago
15 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
hmm ... he led ban for using a protection so that there is this protection? 😲 😲 😲
15 years ago
15 years ago
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I do not like games combined, princialmente in large games (5x5). I was the last champion of the tournament so cause I am good player and respect the rules.
15 years ago
15 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him