GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Turn Timer Clock goes out of Snyc when you switch screens

Status: Closed Severity: Suggestion Reproducibility: Always Reply

The timer for my turn goes completely out of syncronisation. The timer shows the countdown but my turn is abruptly ended way before the clock hits zero.
This happens during the following conditions:
* The game is in maximum screen mode.
* I have switched screen to do something else and then switch back when it is my turn.
* It appears that when my turn starts and my screen is switched, the real clock starts ticking but the timer I see seems to be out by the amount of time between when my turn started and when I actually switched back to the gunrox screen.
The problem with this is that the turn ends right in the middle of what I am doing in a game and I am left out in the open to die and its not my fault because the clock shows I have more time.
I hope this is clear to understand. If you need more detail, then please ask.

Reported by .

12 years ago Quote
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This issue is still in the game. Can someone please analyse and fix this issue.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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it happens to me allot ! but u know??? its all from lag !
i lose allot from it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
It had nothing to do with lags.
Your gunrox-client just play all received informations in active status. If gunrox is in background it just get the information but don't play it.
For example you go to toilet and come back you could see all the turns of your enemys and team. This is played in faster time and if you was away for to long maybe your own turn is over or is still in process.
The problem is when the client is still playing enemy turns but your own turns is in process because the countdown always starts at switch of the players. But now the client switch later to your own turn as the real game.
I believe its hard to solve. The only solution all things are played in real time doesn't matter if gunrox is active or just in background. But im not sure if this is a good or a bad idea because i really like this feature: if i must go away for a short time i still can see what happens in the time i was away.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

Status: Closed Severity: Suggestion Reproducibility: Always Reply

Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him