GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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unfair fights with M4


unfair fights with M4
its seems that pepole with M4 are get really better chanse to win when they fight agains players with ak.
Now i dont think that u need to make change to m4 or something but i think u need to put more M4 in the stage so there will be chanse to player with ak to win.
beacuse i just play against player with M4 , Make 2 good turn and than in one turn the player with m4 succed to kill me one soldier in 5 shoots from three soldiers.
I think it will be good to put in danger zone like the junkyard more chanse to find uzi and M4.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
I think you are mistaken here... the M4 is only the second tier assault rifle. Yes, it does trump the AKSU, but the AK-47 owns the Colt M4 in any firefight.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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no, m4 is not much better. damages depends on skills, so put more skills and perks on assault, and you will see the difference. for example i had 10 perks on assault in 10 (may be 11) lvl (before skill/perks reset) and i also could kill players with 5 shoots ☺ now, with ak47 i killed players with 4 shoots without critical (assault 9)😁
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
The m4 do 10 damge points more in average from the ak
10 damage its mean that 4 shoots of M4 make more 40 damge than the ak this 40 damage can kill player.
I think they must put more rifles of M4 adn uzi even if they will really broken this will solve the problem.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

I think they must put more rifles of M4 adn uzi even if they will really broken this will solve the problem.

ill try to guess, they think that you must buy some enkord cash ☺
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

The m4 do 10 damge points more in average from the ak

That's because accuracy of M4 is lower. Once you will pump your skills everything will be fine. At the moment you are able to use M4 it is probably around the same as AKSU but once you keep on increasing skill, accuracy will go up and weapon will become more effective.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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That's because accuracy of M4 is lower. Once you will pump your skills everything will be fine. At the moment you are able to use M4 it is probably around the same as AKSU but once you keep on increasing skill, accuracy will go up and weapon will become more effective.

how does ur skill affect weapons exactly like lev 24 assault what bonus u get to acc and dmg😕
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Please read some of the other posts here... I have a guide on Weapon Skills that clearly shows what happens with your skills back on!
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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well an m4 can beat a aksu but an ak-47 is a different story that is stronger than a aksu and m4 i was facing a player once. he had a ak-47. 3 shots nearly killed my guy
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Please read some of the other posts here... I have a guide on Weapon Skills that clearly shows what happens with your skills back on!

what percent does this increase your dmg and range does lev 10 in a weapon give u 10% more damage 10% more range . the only guide i found told u what attributes were affected and what level u got which starter guns.
dmg is about 10% by lev 20 i think from looking at the improvment of dmg when a skilled unit equips a weapon
so how is range effected both near and full is this also about .05% per level.
Edited 1 hour, 8 minutes later by .
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Well i dont knwo what ever this is me but there shoudl be things liek this
1st of all increase the spalsh radius because once an ak or which ever assulter gun is fired the bullets go evrywhere what would mean that actually it the optimal range for a normal dmg shoudl be in range from 5-7 zone and then in 9 the dmg coudl be more beacuse liek the bullets spread out and hit the target in many parts..
coudl do atleast that in some stage you can use aksu even if you are lvl 27 , because now if you are lvl 27 you use ak because its better.. strange . why do we need colt then for? in the end evryone will use ak anyway ;-D
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him