GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Could we have some improvements or changes for the next update? I'm not just talking about my interest but I know that some people would like to see these improvements or changes. 

- Anti Trade should be removed. 

- In the shop double experience purchase possibility of 1x 10x 30x insert.  (same like coins)

- If a fight is over in less than 3 - 5 minutes, then you get 0xp this should also be removed. Sometimes fights are finished in 1 minute or if the opponent dies and I have done 0 damage then I also get 0xp which is very stupid. 

- Disable or enable experience option. When you press the button you can choose whether you want to get experience or not. 

- Gamble system should be improved a bit, because the chances of getting something good are very slim and especially if it goes down all the time or nothing changes. I would recommend 27% increase strenght, 63% no change, 10% decrease strenght.

Edited 15 minutes later by .
4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote

Hey Ruler,

I completely agree with all of the suggestions you're making here, but I’d like to add one more thing that would really improve the efficiency of storage management. It would be great to bring back the ability to merge the attrition of Cases Medic Fields

Right now, having so many cases with low attrition is super annoying and clutters the inventory unnecessarily, as it's shown here:

 If we could combine their attrition (just like in the past), it would help a lot in keeping things clean, efficient and less wasteful.

4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote
Reply to

Could we have some improvements or changes for the next update? I'm not just talking about my interest but I know that some people would like to see these improvements or changes. 

- Anti Trade should be removed. 

- In the shop double experience purchase possibility of 1x 10x 30x insert.  (same like coins)

- If a fight is over in less than 3 - 5 minutes, then you get 0xp this should also be removed. Sometimes fights are finished in 1 minute or if the opponent dies and I have done 0 damage then I also get 0xp which is very stupid. 

- Disable or enable experience option. When you press the button you can choose whether you want to get experience or not. 

- Gamble system should be improved a bit, because the chances of getting something good are very slim and especially if it goes down all the time or nothing changes. I would recommend 27% increase strenght, 63% no change, 10% decrease strenght.

anti trade  .  totally agree so whats the problem if i trade my self ?

will be much easy if i transfer my arts in my own better tthan i get the chance if getting rap by some one 

4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him