GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Toggle to allow/ban arts & non-clan perks from custom games


Hello Berserker,

With the introduction of durability through the VIP level, a new issue has emerged in custom games—players are now bringing (personal) Arts into nearly every match. Additionally, with perks being purchasable in the shop rather than tied to clan perks, the integrity and fairness of custom Mega games are being compromised.

Could you please add a toggle similar to the existing one for disabling clan perks, allowing us to restrict both shop-bought perks and personal Arts? As it stands, the balance between pay-to-win and competitive gameplay is deteriorating, making even Mega games frustratingly unbalanced and reducing the player count further due to increasing frusration.

Thank you for your time and appreciate if you could provide your feedback and thoughts on this.

Edited 8 minutes later by .
2 weeks, 3 days ago Quote
2 weeks, 3 days ago Quote
yeah i fully agree, custom mega games are getting way too unfair with personal arts and shop perks. a toggle to turn them off would make things way better and bring back some fair matches. hope bers actually considers this before more players quit.
2 weeks, 3 days ago Quote
2 weeks, 3 days ago Quote

sadly everyone using arts ruined the old megas fun... megas should be without arts. i agree

2 weeks, 3 days ago Quote
2 weeks, 3 days ago Quote


It would be helpful, if we can get in the next update a button in the mega rooms that allows the host to enable or disable Artifacts [X] | [✔] and same with the perks.

Edited 6 minutes later by .
2 weeks, 2 days ago Quote
2 weeks, 2 days ago Quote

This is exactly what should be done. Everyone brings arts to mega these days and instead of asking the admins to make a change, you have rude hypocrites like Kevin_ who complain about you bringing arts to mega, insulting you and then just a few days before he did all this insulting about bringing arts to mega, he brought a personal sinister avenger to a mega. What is wrong with these people?

Edited 4 minutes later by .
2 weeks, 2 days ago Quote
2 weeks, 2 days ago Quote

It's horrible to play 5v5 with players who abuse artifacts and perks. At least create an option to disable it during the lobby, it would help a lot to bring our fun back.

2 weeks, 1 day ago Quote
2 weeks, 1 day ago Quote

This game used to be strategy game  and now more than ever it just pay to win . 

we see your point about making more money .

but you just making the game more bad  .

You made this critcal bug and made the close weapons more powerfull  just to make games fast so we waste fast E on randoms . 

now the game all about luck and pay to win    no more strategy or tactic game .

all this so we waste more and fast money 

Edited 4 minutes later by . Reason: ..
1 week, 1 day ago Quote
1 week, 1 day ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him