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Guide to Play MEGAs
I've played hundreds of Megas, I have some experience to talk about. Ofc each one think different, some players have they own way to play Mega.
I'm just sharing some of my experience, i hope this can help someone.
if you have some tip about Megas to share, I will love to read.
The map has the most influence on the mega, in second is the teams and third is the luck. Luck is the critic or scrath that come in the rigth time.
MAP = 55%
TEAM = 35%
LUCK = 10%
-> To be a Good players in mega, you must be a teamplay. you must help you teammates to win, even if it requires the sacrifice of ur units. Remember that if you do not sacrifice yourself to win, give your max, in the end everyone loses. If you do not agree with that, so better play only 1x1.
Many megas are dicided becoz one player refuses to go throw a grenade or something. A good cooperative team can win a team that have best players.
-> When a mega start, look at the map and search The priorities.
A good hiding place or cover can be the difference between win or lose, if the map has only one good place to hide, fight for it even you have to die for it.
-> You always consider the Red Zone. if you find that a place will be taken by the red soon, so move most of your units to atack other place in the map. The time is important, how much faster you attack a part of the map, more chance you have to find less units there. the three first turns is the time to you take all good position, after this will be hard and hard becoz the map geting small.
-> Look for the best places for you build, if u have long range look for open places, if u have good melle go to houses.
-> Best place for the players whit shelter or higth level, are the cornes of map, the lows level are good to be on midle, this dificult the oponned team to surroud you.
-> Try Rush through the middle of map almost always is a bad idea. The enemy can hit you from all sides.
-> Flash must be used to take positions on the map, if u are not figthing for position, dmg is th best way. i'ave see players flashing the enemys whitout reasons, the numbers of medikits can be de diference in the mega. so make your enemy wast the meds max possible.
-> Always try to hide, and if you have a shelter dont put him in open place whitout reasos, may u dont die, but you are just losing medikits!. Shelter should be used to rush, take position in the map and stop the enemys. I often see players even higth levels moving the shelter to open places and get dmg for no reason. When u move your shelter in somewhere, u must think to yourself, ''what can i do in the next turn whit my shelter/unit there?'' if the answers is ''nothing'', so better dont move you shelter there!
-> One thing that is not always possible but very helpful, is try to play near your teamate which the turn is the next of your. If you are the 4th players to move, try to play behind the 2th or in the forward of the 6th. ( 10 players in MEGA)
-> If the players of your team are dying often and your team are killing noone. so try a Rush as faster u can. How much more units die, the more distant is the victory. The diference about lose in 1h to lose in 1:30 minuts it's just a waste of 30 minuts.
-> RUSH: Must to be coordinated, talk whit your teamates a plan to rush.
Pay atention in the turns of the enemys.
If you want to rush, but the enemy who play after you, is where u going to move, so better dont rush there in your turn, u must to wait your teamate rush there first.
-> Rush can be the last option to try to win or if you are wining but the map is not good for your and the red zone taking all your cover, so best thing to do is rush while you have the numerical advantage. If noone is wining, so take your time to rush and if u have good cover, like concret walls, so better dont rush.
-> A
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Nice guide, helpful especially for me because my build is based for mega.
You've earned sticky.
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Well, copy this and paste it over that.. I checked all of it and you have about 50 spelling mistakes.. So I fixed them... Not really worth a sticky...
I've Played Hundreds Of Megas, I Have Some Experience To Talk About. Ofc Each One Think Different, Some Players Have They Own Way To Play Mega.
I'm Just Sharing Some Of My Experience, I Hope This Can Help Someone.
If You Have Some Tip About Megas To Share, I Will Love To Read.
The Map Has The Most Influence On The Mega, In Second Is The Teams And Third Is The Luck. Luck Is The Critic Or Scratch That Come In The Right Time.
Map = 55%
Team = 35%
Luck = 10%
-> To Be A Good Players In Mega, You Must Be A Team play. You Must Help You Teammates To Win, Even If It Requires The Sacrifice Of Our Units. Remember That If You Do Not Sacrifice Yourself To Win, Give Your Max, Or In The End Everyone Loses. If You Do Not Agree With That, So Better Play Only 1x1.
Many Megas Are Decided Because One Player Refuses To Go Throw A Grenade Or Something. A Good Cooperative Team Can Win A Team That Have Best Players.
-> When A Mega Start, Look At The Map And Search The Priorities.
A Good Hiding Place Or Cover Can Be The Difference Between Win Or Lose, If The Map Has Only One Good Place To Hide, Fight For It Even You Have To Die For It.
-> You Always Consider The Red Zone. If You Find That A Place Will Be Taken By The Red Soon, So Move Most Of Your Units To Attack Other Place For The Map. The Time Is Important, How Much Faster You Attack A Part Of The Map, More Chance You Have To Find Less Units There. The Trww First Turns Is The Time To You Take All Good Position, After This Will Be Hard And Hard Because The Map Getting Small.
-> Look For The Best Places For You Build, If U Have Long Range Look For Open Places, If U Have Good Melee Go To Houses.
-> Best Place For The Players Whit Shelter Or High Level, Are The Corners Of Map, The Lows Level Are Good To Be On Middle, This Difficult The Opponents Team To Surround You.
-> Try Rush Through The Middle Of Map Almost Always Is A Bad Idea. The Enemy Can Hit You From All Sides.
-> Flash Must Be Used To Take Positions On The Map, If U Are Not Fighting For Position, Dmg Is The Best Way. I've See Players Flashing The Enemy Without Reasons, The Numbers Of Medikits Can Be De Difference In The Mega. So Make Your Enemy Waste The Meds Max Possible.
-> Always Try To Hide, And If You Have A Shelter Don't Put Him In Open Place Without Reasons, May U Don't Die, But You Are Just Losing Medikits!. Shelter Should Be Used To Rush, Take Position In The Map And Stop The Enemy. I Often See Players Even High Levels Moving The Shelter To Open Places And Get Dmg For No Reason. When U Move Your Shelter In Somewhere, U Must Think To Yourself, ''what Can I Do In The Next Turn Whit My Shelter There?'' If The Answers Is ''nothing'', So Better Don't Move You Shelter There!
-> One Thing That Is Not Always Possible But Very Helpful, Is Try To Play Near Your Teammate Which The Turn Is The Next Of Your. If You Are The 4th Players To Move, Try To Play Behind The 2th Or In The Forward Of The 6th. ( 10 Players In Mega)
-> If The Players Of Your Team Are Dying Often And Your Team Are Killing None. So Try A Rush As Faster U Can. How Much More Units Die, The More Distant Is The Victory. The Difference About Lose In 1h To Lose In 1:30 Minutes It's Just A Waste Of 30 Minutes.
-> Rush: Must To Be Coordinated, Talk Whit Your Teammates A Plan To Rush.
Pay Attention In The Turns Of The Enemy.
If You Want To Rush, But The Enemy Who Play After You, Is Where U Going To Move, So Better Don't Rush There In Your Turn, U Must To Wait Your Teammate Rush There First.
-> Rush Can Be The Last Option To Try To Win Or If You Are Wining But The Map Is Good For Your And The Red Zone Taking All Your Cover, So Best Thing To Do Is Rush While You Have The Numerical Advantage
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Well, copy this and paste it over that.. I checked all of it and you have about 50 spelling mistakes.. So I fixed them... Not really worth a sticky... Funny, I have a good mastery of my native language( portuguese) and an intermediate Spanish, and I I thought the main thing when writing a text,is write in clear language.
If you do not understand what i I wrote im sorry, but if you dont realized i dont speak english. I'm just a beginner in English and have not bothered to write the right words here, this is not an exam, and I also am not getting anything in return; im just trying to help.
btw, looks like you threw it in a text editor
all words start whit maisclu letter, horrible to read.
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very well said HENRIQUE
now i envy you too....take that off to sticky lol i will rewrite that much better hehehe๐
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now i envy you too....take that off to sticky lol i will rewrite that much better hehehe๐ thanks โบ
soon i will add more things
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Funny, I have a good mastery of my native language( portuguese) and an intermediate Spanish, and I I thought the main thing when writing a text,is write in clear language.
If you do not understand what i I wrote im sorry, but if you dont realized i dont speak english. I'm just a beginner in English and have not bothered to write the right words here, this is not an exam, and I also am not getting anything in return; im just trying to help.
btw, looks like you threw it in a text editor
all words start whit maisclu letter, horrible to read. I capped them myself hoping it would be more legable than what you posted. What you posted however was not to be easily understood. You type with bad english, suggesting you take some classes. Its not an editor, I capped them all with a program because of how many i's and sentences without caps.
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Nice thoughts on megas Henrique. And for a guy that doesn't speak English, its good.
But I need to change your percentages:
Mega =
MAP 25%
TEAM 25%
LOOKING GOOD so to distract enemy 45%
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I added things I forgot to put before and in The next week i will add Phtos of some megas that i play.
show the prioritis of the map and who won the mega!๐๐
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I capped them myself hoping it would be more legable than what you posted. What you posted however was not to be easily understood. You type with bad english, suggesting you take some classes. Its not an editor, I capped them all with a program because of how many i's and sentences without caps. i saw the errors but i was able to read and my first language is French 2nd Spanish and third English :P so no reason u say u wasnt able to read if i was u are๐
thanks ENRIQUE ๐
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Thanks for the guide _Henrique_
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Really great guide.
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I think Henrique and Smellect make the best guides...
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looks at this mega, there are 1 house a little closer to the enemy team, we all try to atack this house becoz if we take it, they will have no cover, but all the other team try to defend. they managed to push us out of there
was a big war, so many units dead really nice game. but in the end we lose becoz we lose this house =(
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Also note that the Danger Zone can completely change what team has the map advantage and to plan accordingly to what it will be in the future.
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Few notes of my own
With your premission henry (or without โบ , i will add some more tips.
-> Know your level - A common mistake I've seen in megas is not understanting your level
compared to other levels played. If you are level 30 and you play with level 50's
you must realize that they dont need more then 1 turn to kill you even if you think you are protected behind a cover. The best advice in these situations is
to stay behind your bigger teammates and scope for them or heal them when they ask. Only attack if you are sure that you will survive until your next turn or have a GOOD chance to kill an enemy.
-> Prediction - Try to predict your enemy moves. think if you were him what will you do next ? knowing what your enemy uses is a key factor for this. ask your teammates if u dont have that information. resets are expensive so most of the time you will know your enemy builds if you play with them often.
-> Doctors - Every one uses a doctor. Its a must unit for every build because of the huge benefits you get from a doc. Try to place doctors near offensive units as shelters. another good advice is to figure out which of your allies needs a doc the most and go near him to help.
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I need have a guide in perks๐๐
Hi, I am me, I like food!๐
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WELL 1thing i know about mega's is : when its a fake mega mod will never actuly see the game if u tolled them or they will do NOTHING, i wish if u got a fake mega on a video or something mods rewared u 1000E for helping them ban
fakers i dont know but maybe more players will start playing mega and knowing even if its fake and they know it and recoared it they will still be happy and not rage quiting half of the time hope any mod will see it ...
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well it's a very good guide.
very helpful.
especially for my build.
Mg4 / Sig552 / Rpg
But Thanks Man It Really Helped Me Out
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I sometimes join mega, low lvl but I can kill many, sometimes enemy sees me then just goes back but I take some damage too.
One good thing in mega is you could kill emmidiately that enemy don't expect.
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Wanna peace of me? do it, if not your dead, Take what u take!!!
cmon try harder!!! - - ----- --- -- - -- -
+===========>- ----- -- ---- ---- ------ ---
||` Fire! || take this ----- --- - -- ---- - -
|| Fire! ||
|| Fire! ||
|| go!!! ""