GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Hi I am the Brazilian Gustavo I am 14 years old, just happened to lvl 15 in the game is very good and the memorial is the only good weapons. only speak Portuguese fluently speak more know a little English, but in the language of berseker I only know one thing talk.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
people just find this forum of the game, someone can teach me how to put a picture?😁😁
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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hi all
i like rock
strategy games,final fantasy,end crach bandicoot for playstation 1
now i play ps3 but they dont have many good games jet.
i like to go to cinema
my girlfriend is playing this this game too.
end i like going too the beatch end swimm.
i was born in poland but i live in greece.
i speake polish greek end english a bit hihihi.
cu all in the game ...have fun.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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There are good games for the PS3 ( yes i also have one ☺ )
What about COD4, Burnout Paradise, Drakes Fortune, Ratchet and Clank, Wipeout HD, and the upcoming Motorstorm Pacific rift and Little big planet 😁
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

There are good games for the PS3 ( yes i also have one ☺ )
What about COD4, Burnout Paradise, Drakes Fortune, Ratchet and Clank, Wipeout HD, and the upcoming Motorstorm Pacific rift and Little big planet 😁

This belong to topic ? 😉
And all this games are legal ? kidding, yeah ? ☺
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Yup, I've got em all legal , and to stay on topic :
Hello everyone I'm Michiel , and i'm from The Netherlans and I'm 17 years old.
I play a lott of games, and some migth know my nickname Michielh3 .
As a sport i play Judo ( i have a black belt ) and i'm currently in my high school exam year ( 6 vwo for those who know )
Edited 1 month later by *DELETED*.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
there are only 10-15 good games end i have ps3 2 years this is not good score for sony. but she rules.i wait to for the new games in this months.hihihi
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Hi all, I'm Kami, and I'm better looking than all of you😳
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Hi all, I'm Kami, and I'm better looking than all of you😳

Show photo then.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Hello ! i am new in gunrox !
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Hi all, I'm Kami, and I'm better looking than all of you

Still waiting for the proof... 😉
I am Zee and I´m 26 years old. I have a bachelor as a IT engineer and a master of science degree within "game programming". I currently work as an IT consultant (programmer) and work with games in my sparetime.
I play basketball, badminton, work out and like to train martial arts (put I am not training it actively at the moment).
I live in Denmark (which is in the northern part of Europe called Scandinavia, we are the ones who "invented" the beer Carlsberg 😁). I speak Danish, English, German (not fluently) and understand some Swedish and Norwegian.
Happy gunroxing to all fair-players!
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Hello, my name is Alisson
I am 15 years old, lol
I live in brazil, with great pride 😎
like most Brazilian, I am crazy about soccer ...
I speak Portuguese very well and +/- English
I have opinion on this game, he and extremely addictive ...
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Who am I?
Hi All!
Real name is Josh, i'm 30...yep, an old fart. ☹
I am the president/owner of a mid-size Advertising/Marketing/Graphic Design business in Minnesota, USA.
Yes...I like snow. 😝
I'm married with no kids. My wife Robin had a degree in music (piano) and is an excellent cook. ☺ Grats to me! Ha!
I enjoy board games and strategy games. Dew and I (cousins) are working on a small online game atm. I also like downhill skiing, golf, and DISC golf.
Nice to know you all!
...oh and I don't believe that Allison is 15 or that Eternity is better looking then me. 🙄
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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I'm better looking than all of you combined, so you can stop arguing about who is the most handsome poster. It's obviously me.😝
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
i'm the most handsome
but more important i'm the most intelligent
hmm.. how can we prove that
see you in/on battlefields, (except shop-users)
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i am alter ego of some other player. i live in cambodia and fight for freedom as guerilla i am 34 yrs old and more handsome than sexy
see ya
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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a system like that cant work
you have only an ip of the clicker or downloader or players, and that can change easily
how can you know is that the same man who clicked who downloaded and who got account

😁 😁 😁
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
sorry, i forgot, you know everything well, (but you cant talk about)
(look at: are mods and admins god?) (no but they are able to ban you)
you may start from here :
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Stop offtopic here please.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote

1 2 3 4 ... 14 15 16

Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him