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hello yaroslav, I wanted to reach out regarding the possibility of creating a new clan. You once mentioned that there would be opportunities to do so during special days or events, but so far, we haven’t seen that happen. Currently, we have over 125 clans, with only 13 of them being active. Would it be possible to consider removing inactive clans and those without leaders? This way, we could have the chance to establish new, active clans. I understand that the decision to delete inactive clans is ultimately up to you, and I’m indifferent to how you choose to handle the situation. However, I would really like to know when we might have the opportunity to create a clan again. I want to create my own clan. Thank you for your attention to this. I look forward to your response.
Edited 2 minutes later by Ruler.
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I agree, I always wanted to buy a clan and I could not since it's removed its not possible to have a clan these days. Think about it berserker
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GUNROX will turn 16 years old on May 9, 2025. Since you mentioned special days or events, could you possibly introduce clan creating on those occasions? Perhaps you could also consider introducing exclusive in-game events, discounts, or rewards that are only available on that day?
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i agree as well idk why we have limitation in this game this is more turning into personal issues we need to feel like we playing the game again as i said before we need some serious update we appreciate the gamble update which still doesnt work well at all it has problems still but we need serious actions this small updates cost you nothing it will just give back to your community i have 4080 super rtx and i play call of duty apex and am so good in gaming but i decide to play gunrox but if we wont get feedbacks and have options to merge cases and fix small issues as lack of cases and fields in shop which trust me go log in now and check there isnt any i promise you and this just turn me off to not play anymore i cant enjoy the game we need some serious development to the game and i also wanna know is it true that gunrox 2 is under devolpment or not and will our arts carry over there or no thank you berserker hope you have a great day!
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yes exactly wanted to talk about this too we need our own clans we want to bring the fun back to this game i hope you bring clans back bers... also i want to talk about somthing really important . fix the cases feilds issue there is a big lack of those meds arts imagine i spent alot of money on arts and i cant go art game due the lack of art meds ...... it doesnt make sense ... and we want MERGE ART MEDS BACK we have alot of left overs that are useless ,,,,, thanks i hope you care for our feelings ) <3
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Perhaps you could also consider introducing exclusive in-game events, discounts, or rewards that are only available on that day?
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Perhaps you could also consider introducing exclusive in-game events, discounts, or rewards that are only available on that day?
Hello, thank you for your responde. Will clan creation also be avaible on gunrox's birthday, or is it only what you meant by "ok"?
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we really need to be able to merge cases and fields i havent been playing for 3 days now because am bored i cant even merge my cases and i dont feel motivated to charge again
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I want to create my own clan too, where can I do it? I cant find it at the shop, berserker?
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I want to create my own clan too, where can I do it? I cant find it at the shop, berserker?
He might surprise us on May 9, 2025 and we may have the opportunity to create a clan maybe? :)
Edited 44 seconds later by Ruler.
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I talked to berserker today, he wanted me to pay 3,000,000 Enkord Cash for a new clan. In a dead game where there are only 40 players online a day. When I tried to argue if he can somehow make 2,000,000 Enkord Cash or something similar, he put me in the ignore list. We can forget about it, he's too greedy and won't make any concessions. I am disappointed. Anyway it was the last time I charged, there are no artifacts in the art shop, or anything where we can spend our Enkord Cash beside Resets or Coins, which are useless as well. In past clan creating were at $55 - $150 and now he wants that we pay $1000 :)