GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Big Gun Number One + Clan Perks (Retailiation, Concentration, etc.)

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Big Gun Number One + Clan Perks (Retailiation, Concentration, etc.)
Clearly this combination is currently overpowered. Clan perks was made to add small advantages and Big Gun was made as untimate one shot "all or nothing" type of gun, but together they make a safe one-shot-kill.
I have plans to change this.
First of all I really don't want to change the Big Gun - it's quite good as it is and without arts you can have some fun moments with it. Therefore I want to change how clan perks behave with this gun.
The most obvious way is just to disable clan perks for Big Gun wielders. This could become a simple solution but I want something more fun. Therefore I've got this crazy idea:
When you enable some perk with Big Gun it goes into "frenzy" mode and you have 50% chance that it's rocket will explode right where you stand ☺ That way perks will still be viable for some crazy suicide situations.
What do you think?
(Please write here if you are actual Big Gun user or played against this gun. When you reply, please post who you are - BG user or not.)
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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i think its good the way it is now ,why?
not just cuz i use big gune, is cuz it will maybe make players make units wie more hp and not only shtler,
when i have 1 shoot i save it and like 50% of time will do the job even wite perks.
u want learn how to fight vs big gun ask henrqe he plays very good vs it,
and allso alitel stun and cant shoot big gune.
or at list make disp of big gune 2 cuz 3 wite no good perks is sucks.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Yes first of all with the critical shot with retail. still kills, I have not even 15% of lives. but the damage done by a lot more than the usual shot. A good idea would be a ban on the wearing of a missile other units who do not have 120 skill on BG. Well, and a 50% chance of a shot when using the perks that compensates for overpowered the weapons

Ho I almsot forgot, to make it easier! Dont need to increase the weight of the rockts, Just make the weapon big-gun 1 atrction!

then will be a few BG because only 30 weight
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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henrqe u know that if stun its take your ap not mp yes?
and i not think att of big gune is cool cuz then arts are usless.
i think maybe splash or maybe its time units will have higher hp then just many aps and shlter:-)
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Clearly this combination is currently overpowered. Clan perks was made to add small advantages and Big Gun was made as untimate one shot "all or nothing" type of gun, but together they make a safe one-shot-kill.
I have plans to change this.
First of all I really don't want to change the Big Gun - it's quite good as it is and without arts you can have some fun moments with it. Therefore I want to change how clan perks behave with this gun.
The most obvious way is just to disable clan perks for Big Gun wielders. This could become a simple solution but I want something more fun. Therefore I've got this crazy idea:
When you enable some perk with Big Gun it goes into "frenzy" mode and you have 50% chance that it's rocket will explode right where you stand ☺ That way perks will still be viable for some crazy suicide situations.
What do you think?
(Please write here if you are actual Big Gun user or played against this gun. When you reply, please post who you are - BG user or not.)

Why is this post in the English forum? Russian players can not discuss it?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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I am a player that plays against Big Guns. Cause I am only level 45. For me, the scale has tipped with the use of the big gun.
The big gun is not used in megas. It's only used in 1v1 (mostly level 50s) or in outposts.
In outposts, many rockets are carried by other units or players, and the team begins to camp. So first of all, this should not be allowed.
Bers, you have made adjustments to the game in the past, due to other weapons being OP. This Big gun, combined with clan perks, has made it extremely hard for a level 50, let alone a level 45, to build something that can be used in outposts, and then in 1v1 or megas.
Your idea is good, but so is the idea of making the big gun less attrition or the fact that you can't carry rockets on another unit.
All I know is that there is no counter balance to a big gun with clan perks.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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If the balance of the gun, you just have to make the strength of 1 \ 1 (as the Saracin). But here the problem in the art, I've been offered to make the strength of the rank art.
1 - 5 Rank = 5 art att
6 - 12 = 8 att
13 - 14 10 att
15 = 15 att
I think you should not say who I am and in what acc i played.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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It's funny see ppl now start cry about big gun... i really think instead of change perks just for a weapon it's a noob idea, FAKE play retelation + rgd5 by doom unit = op critics so... so u will need to fix that too ? That's called "clan war" someone say to me long time ago...
U no like play vs a big gun ? _ evade attak, easy...
The real problem is about clan perk in mega guys, ppl like Miss form toxicity started use perks (like teleport + kamy to get 3 impossible kills )...
I think that if u r boried of perks ecc u need stay out of clan, plaing mega with no perks and having all fun u need, if u like rage/war/unfair/and waste cash : U R WELCOME IN CLAN WARS...
Ppl used to drive me crazy with attaks, now all changed, i'm having my revenge U U U U
P.s Stop cry for art in OUTPOST , no other place where play them !!
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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I've never used the BGNO or reached level 50, so I will just say one thing. Having the BGNO explode in your face is way too extreme.

I think this is too radical, maybe the rockts can fail or scrath but kill youself is too high a price to pay for a shot!

I believe this is a far better solution. However, I don't like advantages such as arts, clan perks, etc. in this game anyway, so you wouldn't hear a complaint out of me if you disabled clan perks usage altogether with the BGNO.
I love the rocket launcher line to death which is why I named my account what it is, but anyone can observe gameplay involving the BGNO and see that it is truly overpowered with the combination of those perks, but blowing up in your face isn't the solution.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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It's funny see ppl now start cry about big gun... i really think instead of change perks just for a weapon it's a noob idea, FAKE play retelation + rgd5 by doom unit = op critics so... so u will need to fix that too ? That's called "clan war" someone say to me long time ago...
U no like play vs a big gun ? _ evade attak, easy...
The real problem is about clan perk in mega guys, ppl like Miss form toxicity started use perks (like teleport + kamy to get 3 impossible kills )...
I think that if u r boried of perks ecc u need stay out of clan, plaing mega with no perks and having all fun u need, if u like rage/war/unfair/and waste cash : U R WELCOME IN CLAN WARS...
Ppl used to drive me crazy with attaks, now all changed, i'm having my revenge U U U U
P.s Stop cry for art in OUTPOST , no other place where play them !!

fun to look like a noob like you, who always from all the running, screaming something about the war
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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but 50% is much maybe a 20%
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
clanperks are only owerpowered
maybe reduce concentration and retelation a little bit
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Guys, this thread is not about clan perks being overpowered, don't pull it.
Also this thread is not about Big Gun - the weapon is fine.
This thread is about Big Gun AND clan perks used TOGETHER and that's what I intend to fix, so don't waste your time posting on unrelated subjects, I want to hear thoughts about outlined problems.
Currently I am considering two possible solutions:
1. Disabling clan perks for Big Gun completely
2. Making perk-enabled shot from Big Gun a 50% chance to detonate on you (which is basically the same as disabling them altogether, but will give some fun tactical options in rare cases).
There could be more options but nothing considerable was wrtten here yet.
All the ideas about limiting other units to take big gun ammo (and even limiting other players to take it) is too extreme and hard to implement in current game mechanic so we are not considering it. It's easier to further increase the weight of the rockets, but personally I don't think is such a big deal cause the drawback for those players are huge. I saw some of them going to fight without armor only to take extra rocket. It might be worthwhile with perks, but if we will fix them, it won't make sense.

I think this is too radical, maybe the rockts can fail or scrath but kill youself is too high a price to pay for a shot!

It's not more radical than disabling clan perks for big gun completely, and this is one of the options I am currently considering. Big Gun is a risky weapon (or at least supposed to be) and this explosive joke will play true to it's risky nature. At least if you don't want to blow yourself - don't use clan perks with it and you will be fine, that's what intended.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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toxi + voltron cry for reset big gun + perks ? ☺ no need reset!
i have 2x big gun unit PROBLEM ? :GG
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

toxi + voltron cry for reset big gun + perks ? ☺ no need reset!
i have 2x big gun unit PROBLEM ? :GG

I never consider someone crying as an indication of an imbalance. What I monitor is the percentage of builds. Currently I see a lot of lvl 50 players using big gun. In fact too many of them. And this is an indication of current problem indeed. And this kind of problem must be solved before everyone will have same build and the game will stop being fun. That's what I always did when some weapon became overpowered.
Big Gun was always quite good, but undersetimated. Now as I continued to power it up and made it popular, it's time to cut it a bit, to make it more in line with other weapons and keep the overall balance of the game.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Well, if you going only to one of these option I see its a very hard choice. If i was a big-gun user I would have to think a lot about it, both option have benefits and disadvantages.

So why you dont make a pool and let the Big Gun users choice? If they dont to vote you can choice by youserlf. Lets try use the democracy at last 1x ☺

If you don't have constructive insight anymore, move along and don't flood here.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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If you don't have constructive insight anymore, move along and don't flood here.

I moved along dont worry.
And just deleted my posts to be sure I did not flood with my unconstractive bullshit.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Big Gun is a risky weapon (or at least supposed to be)

The Big Gun is used 90% of the time in outposts, because the map and the amount of players is ideal with this weapon, even if you take the risk of no armor or even art armors. This weapon is always primarily used by level 50s with top clan perks.
If this is suppose to be a risky weapon, then I agree that there should be risky consequences to using it.
This is my non-bias opinion.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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The Big Gun is used 90% of the time in outposts, because the map and the amount of players is ideal with this weapon, even if you take the risk of no armor or even art armors. This weapon is always primarily used by level 50s with top clan perks.
If this is suppose to be a risky weapon, then I agree that there should be risky consequences to using it.
This is my non-bias opinion.

toxi lost all outpost becouse of biggun and now she need other way to get them back
1 week ago i spend cash to reset my unit to biggun and i want hope that dont was waste money
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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all i think is need make perk conctrion is that it give u back abilty to have the orginal disp i mean.
if blind and i use conctrion i will have 3 disp not 6
and wite retltion i jut think make it like grinder wite big gune i mean that if i use retltion 100 or 10 it will just disabel the shlter if have if no have its like did nothing .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him