GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Fueling self-interest is destructive


Fueling self-interest is destructive
I’m going to get attacked for this
Stop the useless whining constantly about the state of the game while it’s being improved on. Yeah, you had your clan perks taken away. Good. Most the clans I ever been in always asked their players to fake fight. I’m sure you all don’t want me listing which ones, but you can pretty much assume every active clan either has their players fake “for the good of the clan” or they can gtfo and leave the clan.
Most of the clans are full of alternate accounts that are used in fake fighting. I’ve seen it for myself a mute wave affect several members of the same clan; usually when your the same person, or account sharing.... chances are you are also part of the problem when it comes to faking fames.
With the intolerable amount of fakes going on, I’m surprised clans still exist. Berserker didn’t ruin clans, you did. Now you can’t get your little discounts that the individual player base never had. Good.
So if clans are out of the way....
Now you can’t earn XP for being simply over powered and running through random games, big deal... you should be considerate and not run with artifacts every chance you get; if your afraid of losing a game... maybe you shouldn’t be playing to begin with. So yeah, since fake fighting for XP is still rampant, you had your mindless dummy accounts rendered useless because you need to fight a real fight now. Good.
All I see are positives, and the faker community only sees the negatives. It’s easy to spot who cheated for their gains and who doesn’t from these forum posts alone.
Did the enkord team finally start to appeal to a newer audience instead of the veterans, yeah they did. Want to know why? Because this game is dying and YOU are the problem.
Instead of contributing to the issues, why don’t you support change? Did the gameplay change? No. The only major difference now is faking is less and less a strategy to achieve advantages over other players. Seems like an advantage is the only way some of you can fathom playing, let alone winning.
I’m ready for the hate, it needed to be said.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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True Words
You speak the truth and that’s how you should be, always honest and just. Of course a lot of players are not happy with the changes, but I think Berserker knows what he’s doing because he’s the developer of this game, he makes the decisions, he gives the game volume and power, but it’s true. Some things don’t suit the players, but we should rather be thankful that Berserker takes care of finding a solution. In the last thread he has suggested an idea, that all players can play with each other in random fight so that you no longer have to wait so long until a suitable player in your Level is online.
The only good solution for fake fights would have been if the Enkord company had hired several moderators. The moderators are there for answering questions, problems, server improvements and supporting the players, besides the other task of a moderator is to keep the game order, but now we’ve come so far that more and more players are complaining about the changes in the game, but you’re right you shouldn’t complain so much but just take it the way it is right now. Maybe everything will be better in the game in the future, but that decides and knows only the Enkord company. I don’t want to talk too much, but let’s see what happens in the future. I would particularly look forward to Gunrox 2 when this is born.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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I think perks were way too overpowered anyway like people could move teleport, again move and shot 2xjackhammer and win fights, that was insane. We need random fames where player press on button for fighting random and maybe a mod as referee to check if the match is fair (football wouldnt work without referee too). Give us back the perks but decrease their power.
Edited 2 minutes later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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I think perks were way too overpowered anyway like people could move teleport, again move and shot 2xjackhammer and win fights, that was insane. We need random fames where player press on button for fighting random and maybe a mod as referee to check if the match is fair (football wouldnt work without referee too). Give us back the perks but decrease their power.

You should make a suggestion on random fames; I think that’s a great idea. Have multiple clans random and be paired up with their counterparts against an enemy clan instead of setting it up. Although it wouldn’t be useful until the player base grows a bit larger; but as long as clan perks are there... there is an incentive to growing a clan for clan PVP.
But I’m glad that clan perks are no longer available in randoms, and an option to turn them off
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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Today we are talking about the topic of fake fames. As we all know, fake fames have been played
for years so that you get first place in the hall of fame and receive all the rewards, now I've thought
about something that might lead to the end of the fake fames as soon as it can be implemented.
It's not the best idea,
but an idea that could possibly change and there will be no more fake fames in the future. As you can see on the picture above, there is a hall of fame icon next to the map icon. My idea is that you can play the fames every Sunday at a certain time where the moderators can monitor it at the same time, for example from 6 pm to 10 pm all fames are played, Now my idea is that if you press the fame icon on it (the picture above) you can register for the fame fights and the system lets the guilds fight by random generator. That means you can no longer choose which guild to fight against, the system decides it. It would be a very good way to finally end the fake fames!
How it could be:
1) Press the Fame icon (only the clan leader can do it)
2) You only have time to register until Sunday at a certain time
3) After all clans have registered, the system decides who is fighting whom
4) The moderators watch the fame fights
5) The system evaluates the points at the end of all fights

I’ve already made a suggestion on this subject. Take a look at it: Solution to stop fake fames
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him