GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Im sorry, 1 Chance please?

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Im sorry, 1 Chance please?
Hi.. i take ban because i joke with Vanhellsing with a video not nice for him.. (Porn)
And I did not know that could prove to be banned for this.
Im sorry and, i would appreciate if you could give me one more chance and remove the ban.
Please i just want 1 chance more, i promise I will not happen again this kind of jokes.
Never thought it would be banned for this.
Im sorry and 1 Chance more please...

Edited 9 minutes later by .
10 years ago
10 years ago
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Every1 need a second chance, and i even reed that for send a links like that we can be banned... why vanhellsing dont say that we cant do it before ban?...
10 years ago
10 years ago
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lol porn video to mod :P sounds funny, I think he just need silence for 1 month, not ban, I think
10 years ago
10 years ago
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Lol Banned?
Bcz Joke and give Video Porn?
I Think VanHellsing must give Silence For a Month or 2-5 month !!
But Why Banned ? LOL , Right funny xD
Good Luck Bro BnyMan....
10 years ago
10 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
Definitely deserves a ban.

Every1 need a second chance, and i even reed that for send a links like that we can be banned... why vanhellsing dont say that we cant do it before ban?...

What do you mean? You are supposed to read the rules when you download and install the game.
Other law-breakings.
Spreading links to websites non-related to GUNROX.
Ethnically, racially or religious offensive, harassing, harmful, hateful, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit.
Possible punishments for law-breakings above:
1. Silencing player.
2. Temporarily or permanent account blocking (banning).
Punishments could be combined or delayed.
By the way, BnyMan, you broke the rules again with the creation of this thread.
[QUOTE]Discussions of moderation in public (on forums or in game chat). If you have any questions about moderation - write your request to this is the only valid way to discuss moderation.

10 years ago
10 years ago
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ignorance of the law is no excuse
But i think its not reason for ban him .
10 years ago
10 years ago
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You are already banned for 48 hours. After that u will be able to play again...isn't that 2nd chance -.- There is no way mods or admins will remove the ban time for you 😁 Gunrox gives everybody 3 chance for breaking minor laws, doesn't it ? 24hours,48hours,72hours and permanent ban
Moreover what is your motive for posting the thread in forum earlier, hoping to get vanhellsing ban? ☹
10 years ago
10 years ago
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Well. i keep thinking what a ban was very unfair
10 years ago
10 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him