GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Moderator Fake interfering with games


Moderator Fake interfering with games
Moderator FAKE needs to stop aborting mega 5v5 games that CLEARLY aren't fake.
The decision making of this particular human being can best be described as unprofessional and lacking any intelligence whatsoever - that puts FAKE slightly above the intelligence of the average Brazillian player.
Before I continue, here is a quick summary of what I will expand on in the bulk of the post below. I write this because I understand most of the gunrox community are a bunch of retards with a short attention span and high illiteracy levels.
There is already a function in the game to abort megas, FAKE doesn't need to come in and interfere. Not everyone is at their keyboard to read what you say when you declare you are about to abort a mega.
There was no conclusive proof that anyone was faking in this mega game that was aborted, there wasn't even any bans after the game was aborted.
If FAKE is going to abort games because players come naked, then why do you even allow players to start a game when naked. Why not ban them as well to keep it consistent with the recent bans on naked players playing fame games.
FAKE needs to be impartial as a moderator, he cannot come and abort games for his friends when they are losing. This is one of the biggest issues I have had with moderators, they have friends in clans and turn a blind eye to their fake fames.

I was in a game where we have a mix of levels ranging from lvl 16 to 50. These kinds of mixed megas are usually a disaster for one side or the other because of level mismatches when a 50 player decides to charge and take a strategic position from a low level, usually killing all 3 units in the process. This particular match had a two level 50s on the other team and myself (lvl 49 at this particular point in time) and another lvl 49 together with lowbies. We had a good map and we managed to have the correct turn order to attack and kill one of the lvl 50s on the opposite team. Because of our skill and co-ordination and luck, moderator FAKE decides to come in and abort the game. The problem is that I didn't agree, and i was only away from my computer for 2 minutes while I went to get a drink and I come back and before I could type "NO" to FAKE's request to abort, the game was over and aborted.
Here is the problem with this:
Nobody was clearly faking, this match was agreed by all parties and we play it knowing the risks of the level mismatches as well as the randomness of the map and how significant an advantage it is to one side or the other.
Fake did not take into consideration that everyone was not there to respond to his request - less than 2 minutes is not enough time for a response where players are used to waiting 12 minutes for their turn. Players like me don't need to watch all 12 minutes of a turn before deciding what to do, therefore I am not always at the keyboard the whole time. I usually check in every few minutes to see what has happened and what was said.
FAKE - its not your role to come in and abort matches when babies start crying about the map. At that stage in the game, 4 enemy units were killed. It wasnt the start of the game any longer. You have taken away the good work and strategy of my team which got us into a strong position by giving the enemy a "get out of jail" ticket when things were going bad for them. This is unfair and setting a dangerous case for EVERYONE to have the right to call a moderator for an abort when they are losing. Also, there is a FUNCTION ALREADY IN THE GAME WHERE 10 PLAYERS MUST AGREE TO AN ABORT BY CHECKBOXING THE ABORT OPTION. Berserker decided in his wisdom a few years back that the abort option was raised from 60% of players in a mega to 100% of players requiring to click the checkbox was a good idea. Well if it was such a good idea, why is a moderator aborting a game when not all 100% of the players were there to agree with the decision? This kind of double standard and hypocrisy if the norm with moderator decisions
Edited 33 minutes later by .
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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no Support from enkord they work to hard for other Things.😝
The game dies. No updates since years. 😲
So nice game and no Promotion or something like this.
Oh forgot our light blue rankers. I ask myself where are all the Players
you guys reffered for gunrox. Many light blue rank accs but no Players.😁
Everybody who charges E-cash These days should be warned.
Not so the lvl 50th. Its always good to have a bit cash for nice mega.
Edited 3 minutes later by .
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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no Support from enkord they work to hard for other Things.😝
The game dies. No updates since years. 😲
So nice game and no Promotion or something like this.
Oh forgot our light blue rankers. I ask myself where are all the Players
you guys reffered for gunrox. Many light blue rank accs but no Players.😁
Everybody who charges E-cash These days should be warned.
Not so the lvl 50th. Its always good to have a bit cash for nice mega.

My issue is about the moderators interfering in games, not about the promotion of the game. Its stupid that a moderator can take away 1 hour of my time and a victory by simplying aborting a mega at any time. Stay out of 5v5 games u hopeless excuse for a moderator.
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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GAME IS DEAD...2nd try...
i just want explain from my view.
Those mods can do so Things coz nobody cares about.
The game is dead. 😁
They dont answer on Forum, they have kurupt mods, they dont promote gunrox, they allow fake reffering, no updates and if you pay enough i´m sure they allows to fake watching by the mods. Don´t trust anybody here all Players hate all other Players. So mutch potientiell but no real Crew to make this game really big. Mods banning for nothing and laughing in hope that Players unban by payment. I payed very much for this game and supported many times. Enkord say thx by a kick in your A$$.
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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This is my reaction to how the mods treat other players in Gunrox:
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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+1 for the line "berserker in his wisdom"
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him