GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Player LUSE and his faker xxxWAPxxx

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Player LUSE and his faker xxxWAPxxx
Player LUSE (lvl11) accepted a 2v1 when I asked. A player called xxxWAPxxx almost immediately joined the game when I said that.
When the game started, I suspected xxxWAPxxx was a fake for LUSE. xxxWAPxxx lined up his men with one of mine and a poison grenade was thrown from LUSE hitting 2 of his men and one of mine - LUSE just happened to be the correct distance away from me to throw and get back, even though LUSE was in open space.
xxxWAPxxx then did a stupid move and moved both his wounded and poisoned men (which he knew would die) to where LUSE was, ended his turn in the open then died when LUSE shot grenades at him. Refer to the screenshots of before and after (jepgs 1 and 2)
So then I set a trap to see if this xxxWAPxxx player would block me outside a doorway by deliberately ending my turn just outside the doorway to a house. xxxWAPxxx was inside the house and took 3 steps to the doorway, blocked me outside and ended his turn. This allowed LUSE to throw a poison grenade at me and his fake, hitting us both. I was telling xxxWAPxxx to get back and not end his turn on that tile but he wouldn't listen. Nobody would be dumb enough to block the doorway unless they deliberately wanted me blocked, like LUSE did. I took 3 screenshots (jpegs 3,4 and 5) of the before and after effect of that. Its really difficult to play and take accurate screenshots at the same time because I have to save those screenshots onto a file and that takes time, time I should be using making my turns - plus the cheating always happens when you don't expect it.
When I asked him for a rematch after the game, he pretended he didn't know any English, yet before the game started you can see me asking for a 2v1 in the private chat window and he said 'GO" - he knew English all right, he just didn't want a fair game without his fake. (the screenshot to this I will attach on the next post.)

WAPs deliberate suicide 1.JPG

WAPs deliberate suicide 2.JPG

cheat 1.JPG

cheat 2.JPG

cheat 3.JPG

14 years ago
14 years ago
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Attaching the final JPEG showing LUSE pretending to not understand English and apparently not wanting a fair 1v1 fight. He is a lvl 11 and I am a lvl 10 - I don't know what he is so scared about.

LUSE forgets english and refuses 1v1 rematch.JPG

14 years ago
14 years ago
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i aborted this one
i was kinda late when watched this game..the suspected spy realy move wierd with hes single unit remaining.
let bers judge this screenshots
14 years ago
14 years ago
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IF you have a log of the movement of xxxWAPxxx's units, you will see that after 3 or 4 turns he lines up all his units in a straight line with mine and LUSE then comes in and throws a grenade, hitting 2 and 1 of mine (it was a bad throw luckily) but the intent from that point onward was clear that LUSE had a spy on my team. He lined up his units near a red bus on the left hand side of the map.
I did not take a screenshot because
(1) I was so surprised that LUSE was that close, like he just ran full APs to my location from his starting position without doing the cautious 6AP foward 6AP back move.
(2) It only dawned on me after I moved that there was something strange about the way xxxWAPxxx was moving.
14 years ago
14 years ago
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Ehh what if he was planting a mine and ran out of ap so he thought he could help his one guy by getting next to him if she attacks?😁

No your right... They are maby fakers ☹
14 years ago
14 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him