GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Time to sum things up


Time to sum things up
This is one of the worst moderated games so far in the history of mankind. I myself could develop a game and work on it better than the ENTIRE enkord team, this is how horrible your moderating system is.
Lets face it, we all love this game and are addicted to it, everyone writing how he/she is going to quit this game then comes back after a while, we can not leave this game, and still berserker does not have enough intelligence to abuse this behavior of ours.
Even though his game could attract thousands of players, let alone MILLIONS of players, he still lets his greediness control his behavior. I myself have enough suggestions that will make this game one hundred times better, but berserker to choose to let his game die for those 100 players who give him money for his food, even IRON alone can be the main source of berserkers money, but unfortunately berserker or whoever works with him are not intelligent enough to realize that they could increase their profit hundred times more and make this game popular worldwide.
Does anyone know why berserker even hired FAKE or Bernardeti as moderators? It is because he can not be active enough to ban fakers neither his vodka-friend zhannet, so he wants anyone to do the job for him.
IF his saying is actually true that he does not pay moderators in any way, and they still do their job for him then they should not be considered anything above SLAVES.
How can a moderator of the game have as atrocious English as Bernardeti? And how can a moderator be as power hungry as FAKE?
A moderator is supposed to be loved by the community , but I guarantee if you made a poll whether or not a player likes fake(the moderator) , the amount of people who don't like him will be at least four times than who likes him. Even though there was hundreds of evidences of him banning or silencing players for no reason, he was not fired because berserker does not find anyone else to do his job for him.
There can't be only 1 player who bans people for faking, it is like a teacher trying to catch students who cheat. Imagine there are a million of students would the teacher be able to catch them? Same concept can be used for this game, imagine if this game gets millions of players how will fake alone be able to ban every faker? Why not ban people automatically who are in the same lobby with same IP, and make a system like vac detecting whoever uses and IP changer to have them banned permanently? I am sure it is because berserker does not have as much intelligence as one of his customers have.
I know hundreds of suggestions that EVERYONE will agree with to make this game better, but why do I not bother writing? Because I know it will be in berserkers spam folder
Quote from berserker
" This game is almost perfect "
Would you believe it that your fucking game is NOT even close to be perfect?
WE need a lot more creativity in this game, 9 weapons only of whom only 7 could be main weapons are not much to make this game close to popular. There should be at least 20 different alignment of weapons to allow users to have good and creative builds instead of those who make 3 milkor every time to win a tournament. Right now there is no build that is not already used. There should be an alignment for things like laser weapons, ray guns, fully automatic pistols, burst firing rifles or even a second group of any existing alignment.
For example
first alignment : colt m4, ak47 , sig , aug , g11 , pulsator
second alignment : famas , ag-043 , galil , hk416 , f2000 , L85
You have to choose which alignment you want of the weapon.It doesn't have to be only for assault rifles , it can be for pistols,smgs,snipers,machineguns or whatever. This will change how boring everyone's build is to more creative ones. This way other peoples builds can not be expected, for example I see someone using a rapid and has 16 ap and uses shelter, I automatically assume he uses melee too. Adding more weapon alignments changes this automatic thinking we
Edited 5 minutes later by *DELETED*.
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him