GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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New ammo added

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We have added new type of ammo that has some increased damage, critical chance and power. Check it in Cash Shop.
14 years ago
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wow... with my 362 I have no hope to have 2nd referrer raiting ☹

How long till you reach level 10 and get your medals and blue rank icon? ☺
14 years ago
14 years ago
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wow... with my 362 I have no hope to have 2nd referrer raiting ☹

Wow, that's still great George! Keep up the good work! We need more "blue" members! ☺ So hurry up and reach level 10!
14 years ago
14 years ago
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Wow, that's still great George! Keep up the good work! We need more "blue" members! So hurry up and reach level 10!

Thanks! But you can't even imagine how many times I was opening referrers ranking table with hope to see my name on the second place... now it does not make sense 🙄
I do not feel like being able to go so far ☺
Anyway being the lowest level "blue" can be enough to make me happy... if I make it to 10 level some day ☺
14 years ago
14 years ago
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I see no difference
well, I guess that will not make a difference ... is the same thing using luck and heavy hand, so that in rounds of ammunition ... what difference will it make 1% luck and 5% heavy hand?
14 years ago
14 years ago
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How long till you reach level 10 and get your medals and blue rank icon? ☺

So if you refer enough people - you get a blue rank icon? 😲
14 years ago
14 years ago
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Yes, you need 200 active referrals.
Notorious was the first to achieve this feat. You could be next!
14 years ago
14 years ago
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The problem isnt how many Referrals you have. Its much more interressting how many of this Referrals still stay in the game. And the most important thing why quit the other.
We all know there are many new player all the days. Like i wrote over 23000 all together. But just 1% play this great game.
For example i never set my Referrer-Link to advertise a game like this. I discirbe the game and in talk with this newbies looking for their meanings. Why somebody dont like the game as much as i do.
For example long time ago bers ask me to visit a forum of my homelanguage where gunrox was a topic. It was a forum of one of the biggest pc-games-magazine of my country but was an old topic so i post someting about the news and updates. My answers i get there: Why you play the game anymore it becomes more and more unfair just fakes etc. I defend this with the work of the admins, the updates for balancing.
Another big point is the boring time till you find matches. And after this till you are at turn again. My personal friends i show this game dont like it because of this. My wife and my brother tell me stupid to waste so many time with less actions. And often i talk with players who mean. Ah bad i find no match today.
Bers look at the forum and you will see i dont criticize everything you do. I just criticize unfair things and unfair acts. If you do good things i support and defend you if you do bad things a criticize you.
Also i help many player if he ask me something in personal chat or here at forum. And give suggestions to make the game faster, easier to play and alltogether better.
Edited 12 minutes later by .
14 years ago
14 years ago
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Why no advertising or game reviews if there arent any
This game seriously needs more players..
the type of game players who would play this game are like X-Com fans and other turn based war gamers as well the younger generation of kids who like guns and blowing people up..
As well as game review magazines you need to give free samples or something.. get the game out there if it isn't.
you need reviews for your game out there and to get into contact with different communities that play turn based games to let them know this game exists.
you need to tap into that market of people some how, not just referrals of course and work at it..
like there are two games recently i have been playing while away for approximately 3 months, due to problems here cited like fakers, cheating, needed cash to succeed, few people depending on the time you play..etc
galaxy online and starwars combine, in starwars combine they have a a voting system where players vote on those mmorpg websites (dozens of them out there) like that where they advertise the game.
you can vote for starwars combine once a day and get a few reward points that you can use to buy stuff in game.. similar to referrals except that these websites reach a greater audience of people not just your friends..
gunrox needs to be on those websites, each game has a rank and the more the game is voted for the more known it becomes to people out there who want to play games for entertain in there free time, older and younger people.
14 years ago
14 years ago
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I have a question again.
You mean your changes have just a small influence at balance.
We play a mega today against m3y3r and borbo and some other player. Because the long break of m3y3r he cant understand why mosttime the player want a game without art. He want a match of arts and so we do it. We wear some nice arts and play this match and naturally team of borbo and m3y3r lose. Our team was 6-7 level lower and both teams use arts. Just borbo not.
My question now. Borbo quit after 4-5 units of his team die and where is the reason for aborting this game? Its the same like bers abort a game just losing 2 units of his team at start.
This is abuse of admin-rights.
The other side this match is a good example for the bad influence of some new unbalanced changes last time.
So borbo why you ignore us now? Tell us what you feel about such matches.
Edited 3 hours, 6 minutes later by .
14 years ago
14 years ago
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i have to agree with knut.
thos changes of the arts latly by adding the gambleing,
its just make the game unbalanced at all.
there is a good reason why we say no arts in the start of the every game we made (with no conection of the game with meyer and borbo which we say there going to be arts and full of it! ), although we all have arts and even good ones.
i think in the buttom line, there is a need for changing the arts abillities for example sinister, 30% blind/stun and there are some more i believe.
i am not saying no arts at all, just a less effective to the game play.
Edited 1 hour, 48 minutes later by .
14 years ago
14 years ago
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Borbo is not a moderator anymore.
14 years ago
14 years ago
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So I still don't get why you can't just play mega's without. Most all high level clans know this is the rule now. So whats the big deal with having arts around for the fun of it. Lil, even if Gunrox reduced the effectivness of arts significantly, I STILL think that big megas would ask everyone to start with NO arts. Everyone wants a fair game. SO, arts are more for fun games, not competitive games. Therefore, why not just leave them where they are. Its clear that some people like to use the gambling machine, which helps with cash for gunrox. I'm sorry, maybe i'm just stupid, but I don't get why everyone has issues with arts when they can agree to use or not to use at the beginning of the game anyway. And for the RARE times that some high level player says he won't use arts but comes with them, don't play him next time.
I actually think that arts have added a real "fun" element to the game that, if removed, would take with it a lot of game revenue.
If its really that big a deal, I guess the devs could put a check box on a few maps that would require the game creator to select if arts were allowed or not when they create game. Then, those who have arts equppied when the box is not checked, cannot select "ready". But honestly, that is probably a LOT of programming. ☹ So i'm not even sure its worth the effort.
Just my 2 cents.
14 years ago
14 years ago
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Borbo is not a moderator anymore.

I know borbo quit enkord-clan after this. But there is nor reason to chancel the mod-job because this dont solve the problem. I respect the work of borbo. A very important moderator of gunrox. For example for the brasilian community and fair play of the whole community.
I understand the reaction and every player feel the same if he play against a overpowered opponent. I know this because this happens to me too some weeks ago. Yesterday Borbo quit the match and abort. Other player try to abort or quit the match, maybe insult the overpowered team or set this player at ignore list. Some other player quit the game. I believe you want nothing of this but you see with this example its not a fiction of me.
@ noto
We abort the mega before because m3y3r wear arts as we said no arts. We always said no arts at megas. We discuss and he dont understand why all want games without arts. So we ask him this match if he want to play with arts or not. The decision was to play with arts a fungame like you discribe. But what happen we see. We lose a important mod ☹
Edited 7 minutes later by .
14 years ago
14 years ago
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knutisgut, please don't assume that a single incident got borbo kicked off the team. For all we know, he left voluntarily, perhaps he wanted to take a break. I'm pretty sure the terms of leaving Enkord is confidential anyways. Leave this subject alone and let borbo play in peace.
14 years ago
14 years ago
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Sry Knut, I don't see one as a direct result of the other. Too many other factors.
14 years ago
14 years ago
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well noto, let me say it this way
if you put a feature of arts in game, you cant said its only for fun games.
cause then what is the point. there is no question about how the gamble machine good source of money for gunrox game.
but still, if this feature is here, why canot we use it and still have a good fight.
befor the slot machine all who had arts use them.
after the slot machine we dont use them... why??? CAUSE the ARTS now are just unfair!!
so why not just make them fair... i think the developers of this game can think on somthing good.
cause when i have an aug who just happens to have a chance with him to kill in one shot 300 hp unit. this is no tactic!! just stupid skrimish.
and i know bers is all about 5x5 is skrimish and every thing else but tactic, i think we prove him wrong.
and as far as i know, we dont see you play alot in megas... this game is still not a finished game, there are and will be more chagnes for sure. so the arts "problem" should be solved if there is a real thinking about making this game tactic , balance and fun as it can be..
and of course this is my opnion, but i am sure i am not alone with it.
14 years ago
14 years ago
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and there is one more thing, it seems every time knut saying anything about the "unbalance" game here, you all attack him like he is a retarted. while he keep answering you politly and mature way.
i would advice you to listen for what he has to say, his words are holding a thinking of lots of players in this game.
there is a choise to be made. like, what is more importent, just making as much money as we can so we can keep this game. or the way you ern this money(which means make reasoneble prices for some stuff or make our money worth more in the game so it will look more reasonable for players to buy cash and keep doing it again).
in the end there are alot of issues in game, and there are alot of people who quiting the game, and for some reason the communety of this game isnt growing as much as we all would like to. and ther's a reason for that too.
so bers noto and chicken if you will just answer like "we already talk about it" or "it seems you just dont get it" and for you guys its a good answer, well there will be only one solution for it, and its quiting from the game by thos people who paying for it and feels like there opnion not worth a shit!
do not give for thos who matters disrespectful answer, and if there is a need give the same answer time after time.
and like we all know, this game is still under devolpment! so hear the voice of thos who are giving you the source (money) of your production, cause without us there wont be any game.
i am sure you understand we (cashers if you like) are not asking for some special treetment or you will give us full access for you game. but if you will keep ignor from thos who matters, and most of the forum members are cashers in the end (so they all supporters of this game) dont you all dare cancel our thought in stupid answering.
and one more thing, if an uncanceld numbers of players saying there is somthing wrong about the arts latly, so there is a problem and stop ignoring it!
if it look like a donkey smells like a donkey and walk like a donkey it must be a F***ing donkey!
think about it . smiles
14 years ago
14 years ago
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I believe a major issue with the remodeling of the arts is the money that has already been invested into these by the players. Keep in mind that if the arts get yet another nerf, that the players who have invested a lot of money will feel cheated and want to be reimbursed. Unfortunately, like any other situation, it is very difficult to find a middle ground to keep everyone happy.
This is why this conversation will keep going around and around without so much as a constructive thought process.
We can keep chatting about it, or perhaps someone can take an idea and perhaps make a FULL proposal as to fix all problems without creating too many new ones. As we make our posts, we must consider all parties involved. Sure the cashers are important, and I believe the non-cashers are just as important to this game. An idea must be brought forth with all parties in mind. How do you propose we compensate the current artifact holders who will be hit hardest with a nerf?
Edited 8 minutes later by .
14 years ago
14 years ago
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I already stressed my arguments hard enough, so you know the position of the administration, continuing this discussion further is flame war, therefore this thread is now closed.
14 years ago
14 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him