GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 10-Apr-2012 - Major update of Clan Perks and more!

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GUNROX will be 4 years within a month but we still working on it from time to time to make it better and more balanced.
To celebrate Easter from now on all new accounts will receive 1000 Enkord Cash on start instead of 600.
This new update not only improves our successful clan system presented year ago, but also adds other highly wanted balance changes. Here is the full detail:
Clan system changes:
- Added 3 new clan top lists - Outpost Top List, Tourmanet Top List, Spending Top List.
- Last week and current week agression and activity lists combined. Now you can see top 10 of last week clans who got their medals and then current week list of competing clans.
- Outpost medals and stripes now have different requirements. Instead of performing number of battles you need to hit the Top 10 of outpost clan ranking.
- Clan perks now have active and maximum level instead of just level. To learn more about it, read the previous news post and it's comments about new clan perks.
- Enkord Clan now have reduced perks down to 3 (for those who complained).
- Within few days after this update all clans will have active level of almost all clan perks increased to 3 to give you a feeling and try out clan perks for a few weeks.
- New clans will have all perks with active level set to 3 (but maximum level is 0, so you need to earn medals anyway).
- Retaliation perk fixed - now after shooting with this perk, target enemy will have at least 15% of HP. Also this perk works same way as critical hit for splash weapons - only one unit is affected.
Non-clan changes:
- Players of level 1-3 can't trade at all. This is made to prevent item farming with starting cash.
- When player reaches level 4 he/she is automatically kicked from Beginners Quarter into Clover (To prevent noobs like LINCON staying on Beginners Quarter too much and alienating people).
- Big Gun Number One weight is reduced from 50 to 30, but Big Rocket weight is increased from 50 to 70. This is made because people use Big Gun the way it wasn't meant to be using - by carrying extra rockets with other characters. Now you will have to sacrifice some medikits/armor for that.
- Shelter now uses only AP (MP is not used now)
- Minor tweaks in fixes.
12 years ago Quote
Reply to
BERSERKER stongone i give my art to him he said 5K cash is coming then i trade my art! To him but NOW have NO CASH FOUND ☹☹☹

PLEASE BANNED - strongone
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

BERSERKER stongone i give my art to him he said 5K cash is coming then i trade my art! To him but NOW have NO CASH FOUND ☹☹☹

PLEASE BANNED - strongone

Why anyone should be punished for Your stupidity?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Hacking Arts
yes thats the same my problem when my old account have STUNNING DAZZLING SAWED OFF SHOTGUN Kane26 hacked it

they will do that process always to the newbie players 😡😡😡
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to
Uaktualnienie 10-04-2012
Już za miesiąc GUNROX będzie miał 4 urodziny a My w dalszym ciągu nad nim pracujemy by zrobić go lepszym i bardziej zbalansowanym.
Od świąt Wielkanocnych każde nowo założone konto otrzyma 1 000 Enkord Cash na start zamiast 600.
Uaktulanienie poprawi zaprezentowany rok temu system klanowy. Więcej informacji:
Zmiany systemu klanowego:
- Dodano 3 nowe rankingi : Ranking Posterunków, Ranking Turniejowy oraz Ranking Wydanych Pieniędzy.
- Połączono rankingi aktywności oraz agresywności z zeszłego oraz bierzącego tygodnia.
- Wstęgi oraz medale za posterunki mają teraz inne wymagania. By zdobyć je teraz musisz być w pierwszej 10 rankingu posterunków.
- Wszystkie perki w klanie ENKORD zostały zredukowane do poziomu 3.
- Każdy nowy klan otrzyma wszystkie perki na poziomie 3 ( maxymalny poziom będzie 0 a więc zdobywanie medali Was nie ominie ).
- Perk odwet poprawiony - teraz po strzale z tym perkiem, przeciwnikowi zawsze zostanie MINIMALNIE 15% punktów zdrowia. Ten perk również działą w ten sam sposób co Strzał Krytyczny dla broni wybuchowych - tylko jeden przeciwnik jest raniony.
Pozostałe zmiany:
- Gracze na poziomach 1-3 nie mogą sie wymieniać z nikim.
- Gdy gracz zdobędzie poziom 4 automatycznie przenoszony jest on na Kwartał Koniczyny.
- Waga Wielkiej spluwy numer jeden zmieniona z 50 na 30, waga rakiet do tej brońi również została zmieniona z 50 na 70.
- Żłów używa teraz TYLKO punkty akcji.
- Inne pomniejsze zmiany.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him