GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 12-Jul-2011 - Major clan system changes - Fame, Activity, Outpost

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Hall of Fame changes:
- Now fame points are calculated differently. Same group battles now bring same points as battles with other groups, however there is a bonus pool for top groups A-D (20k points in group A, 15k in group B, 10k in group C, and 5k in group D).
- Clans in group compete for the part of this bonus pool. When they play fame battle against each other, winner gets 3 share points and looser gets 1 share point. By the end of the week bonus pool divided between clans according to their share points.
- If by the end of the week 2 clans in the same group haven't played fame battle, the winner and looser will be determined automatically according to their position in agression top list.
- Hall of Fame now shows potential bonus points from bonus pool which are changed during week as clans play Fame Battles against each other and change position in agression top list.
Activity changes:
- Clan activity is calculated differently now. Activity points will be awarded to clan after player joins clan and starts getting exp being part of the clan instead of just adding to clan all player activity points earned from the beginning of the week.
Outpost changes:
- Outpost medal changes: to get Domination Gold Medal now it is required to do 15 battles for week instead of 30, and 12 instead of 20 for Silver.
- Outpost Domination Cups now require to hold outpost for 20/40/60 days instead of 10/20/30.
- Fixed bug that allowed to attack outposts twice a day when server was shut down.
Other changes:
- Players that have gold tournament medals cannot join tournaments anymore (level up more accounts, godi 😉 )
- Now you can only abort games that have been played for less than 30 minutes.
- fixed: bug with scrollbar in clan medals setup screen
- fixed: teleport bug (sometimes it was possible to teleport further than your AP allowed to)
12 years ago Quote
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Atualização 12 - Jul - 2011 - Mudanças no sistema de clans, Fama, Atividade e Postos
Mudanças no Hall da Fama:
- Os pontos de fama são calculados de forma diferente. Batalhas entre os mesmos grupos resultarão nos mesmos pontos assim como as batalhas com grupos diferentes, no entanto haverá um bônus para os grupos de A a D (20k pontos no grupo A, 15k no grupo B, 10k no grupo C, e 5k no grupo D).
- Os clans nestes grupos competirão por partes desse bônus. Quando jogam lutas por fama uns contra os outros, o vencedor ganha 3 pontos de quota e o perdedor ganha 1 ponto. No fim da semana os pontos serão divididos entre os clans de acordo com os seus pontos de quota.
- Se no fim da semana 2 clans do mesmo gurpo não jogarem lutas por fama, o vencedor e o perdedor serão determinados automaticamente de acordo com a sua posição nas listas de agressão.
- O Hall da Fama mostra os pontos ganhos pelo clan em comparação aos pontos que pode conseguir do bônus dos grupos, que mudam conforme o clan lute lutas por fama e mude de possição na lista de agressão.
Mudanças na Lista de Atividade:
- A atividade do clan será calculada de forma diferente. Os pontos de atividade serão dados após o jogador entrar no clan e ganhar experiência sendo parte do clan, em vez de somente dar ao clan todos os pontos de atividade ganhos durante a semana.
Mudanças nos postos:
- Mudanaças nas medalhas dos postos: para conseguir a Medalha de Ouro "Dominação", agora será necessário lutar 15 batalhas na semana em vez de 30, e 12 em vez de 20 para a medalha de prata.
- As Taças de Domínio dos Postos agora requerem o domínio do posto por 20/40/60 dias em vez de 10/20/30.
- Corrigido o bug que permitia atacar postos duas vezes por dia quando o servidor era reiniciado.
Outras mudanças:
- Jogadores que já tiverem a Medalhas de Ouro do torneio não poderão mais participar do mesmo
- Agora você só poderá abortar jogos que forem jogados por menos de 30 minutos.
- corrigido: bug da barra de rolagem na tela de medalhas do clan
- corrigido: bug do teleport (as vezes era possivel teleportar mais longe que o seu AP permitia)
Edited 12 hours, 11 minutes later by .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Other changes:
- Players that have gold tournament medals cannot join tournaments anymore (level up more accounts, godi 😉 )
- Now you can only abort games that have been played for less than 30 minutes.
- fixed: bug with scrollbar in clan medals setup screen
- fixed: teleport bug (sometimes it was possible to teleport further than your AP allowed to)

great ... i hope you wont kick me out of this cause i will win it =(
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Activity changes:
- Clan activity is calculated differently now. Activity points will be awarded to clan after player joins clan and starts getting exp being part of the clan instead of just adding to clan all player activity points earned from the beginning of the week.

i as just going to complain about this today cause they always try to invite people and when i refuse they re invite me again and again ...that was sux .
great update berserker 😁
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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when godi leave the tour other small champs will come to TRY compete to get tour medal and TRY Dominate on tours all the time and i think its hard 😁😝😝😁
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Ważne zmiany klanowe- posterunki, aktywność, gry o sławę
Zmiany w Hali Sław:
- Od teraz punkty są naliczane inaczej: punkty za każdą walkę są naliczane w każdej grupie tak samo, jednakże, dla czołowych grup A-D są bonusowe punkty ( 20tys. punktów w grupie A, 15tys. w grupie B, 10tys. w grupie C oraz 5tys. w grupie D).
- Klany w grupie walczą o część z tych, dodatkowych punktów. Gdy graja walkę o sławę między sobą zwycięzca otrzymuje 3 punkty do podziału a przegrany 1. Na koniec tygodnia przyznane zostają punkty bonusowe pomiędzy klanami za podzielone punkty miedzy nie.
- Jeżeli pod koniec tygodnia 2 klany z tej samej grupy nie zagrały walki między sobą punkty przydzielone zostają automatycznie według kolejności w rankingu najagresywniejszych klanów,
- Hala sław pokazuje od teraz dodatkowe punkty za bonusy, które są zmienne przez cały tydzień gdy klany grają pomiędzy sobą oraz gdy zmieniają pozycję w Rankingu Najagresywniejszych.
Zmiany w rankingu najaktywniejszych:
- Od teraz aktywność jest liczona inaczej. Punkty za aktywność są przydzielane dla klanu od czasu dołączenia nowego członka, nie jak przedtem od początku tygodnia.
Zmiany w posterunkach:
- Zmiany w medalach za posterunki: by zdobyć Złoty medal dominacji należy wygrać 15 gier na posterunku zamiast 30, by osiągnąć srebny medal należy wygrać 12 gier zamiast 20,
- Puchary Dominacji Posterunku wymagają od teraz 20/40/60 dni utrzymania posterunku w zamian za 10/20/30,
- Naprawiono bug, który pozwalał atakować posterunki dwa razy dziennie gdy serwer był restartowany.
Inne zmiany:
- Gracze którzy mają turniejowy złoty medal nie mogą dołączyć do turnieju nigdy więcej ( już robię więcej kont, Godi :P ),
- Od teraz można anulować grę w czasie krótszym niż 30 minut,
- Naprawiono: błąd z paskiem przewijania klanowych medali,
- Naprawiono: błąd teleportacji ( czasami była możliwa teleportacja poza zasięg teleportu).
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
not really, im working on new accounts =)
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Everything for the money 😁
right godi😝
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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i have a request for the next week update
all wpns released all the wpns (120 skill rifle ☺ )
because soon i will be very busy, and i wont have to much time for this game so i want to make the best of it while i can!!
thanks allot
chairman of the players
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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thanks allot
chairman of the players

For a chairman you have an Assasin's Cap missing
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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For a chairman you have an Assasin's Cap missing

well, and your game missing a good outfit that go with it ☺
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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well, and your game missing a good outfit that go with it ☺

See this:

Looks awesome IMO ☺
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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The assassin cap is more look like a demon cap hehe 😁
(will look better with Demon wings)
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Berserker or Astor

1. If I play fame with another clan in my group: 300 for win, 100 for lose?
2. If I don't play fame with anyone in my group, but I am top aggression, my clan earns a total of 12 bonus points towards the bonus pot?
3. If I use arts in fame game in my bracket, I get 1x the magic rank of the art or 5x like before?

Thanks ☺
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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1. yes
2. yes
3. for now 1x, but we are considering giving more points for arts in all games
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Berserker or Astor,
So, in order for my clan to get the maximum of 12 bonus points in my bracket per week, we can either:
1, Win all fame games in my bracket
2, Play zero fame games from my bracket and be 1st in aggression?

If both of these are true, then clans will either play fame or aggression, not both at the same time. (???)
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Is the server now closed😕
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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If both of these are true, then clans will either play fame or aggression, not both at the same time. (???)

If your clan is 1# in agression you must be brainless for risk lose it playing for ''300 - 700'' fame points only, is too much risk for small reward. Also the 1# in agression and Group A earn 6.000 fame points per week, while you need win 10+- fames batles whit arts to earn the same thing depending of your group and your position in agression list.
in other words, clans in group A and B (maybe C and D) who currently maintains a good average on agression points will remain in TOP Fame without much effort, playing few fames in week, and thats all.

60% - 70% of hall of fame now is the Top Agression list, if you want be 1# in hall of fame, you need be at last top 5 in agression list for some weeks or you will need a big effor.
Thats is my point of view, I'll just make sure when the Grom or Toxy, reaching the 1# in fame with few fames this week, half the way they've walked. unless that the other clan of A group pass they in Agression List or some other clan of Group B pass they in agression list AND win many fames, the 1 place will be Grom or Toxy.
Edited 3 hours, 42 minutes later by .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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If both of these are true, then clans will either play fame or aggression, not both at the same time. (???)

Noone knows who will be #1 in agression until the week ends, so if you are unsure it's safe to play fame battle to "freeze" the score, besides you will earn some points for that game anyway.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Today's changes:
- Bonus pool decreased by 50% (we decided to start with small amounts and maybe increase it later), so 10000 for A, 7500 for B, 5000 for C, 2500 for D.
- Now clan cannot get more points from bonus pool than he already earned this week from fame battles. For example if you earned 2000 bonus points from your group pool, but you earned only 500 points this feek for fame battles, in the end of the week your points will be 500+500. However if you earned 3000 for fame battles, your final points will be 3000+2000.
- Artifact bonus points in fame battles are doubled now
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him