GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 23-Aug-2011 - Lots of optimizations and tweaks

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- In tournament now you have to pick 3 times out of 5 instead of 2 out of 3. This should allow people from some specific time zones to arrange tournament games more comfortably. To test this feature we've launched test tournament for levels 40-50.
- Clan activity now is divided by number of clan members (but no less than 10). This will help truly active clans to compete against not-so-active clans that have a lot of members.
- Clan medals Rage Gold and Holy Greatness now require 15 outpost victories instead of 20.
- Clan will not receive more Fame bonus points than he has regular fame points.
- Fame battles now bring double as much points for bringing arts.
- Input line improvements (bugs fixed, Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y added, etc)
- Added ability to copy chat text.
- Starting accounts now get 400 free Enkord Cash.
- When you re-enter the game with the same nickname, chat is not cleared
- fixed: in some cases within few minutes before tournament battle player can be attacked.
- fixed: disarm yourself with grenade
- fixed: when targeting [0,0] cell, [-1,-1] cell was highlighted
- fixed: warrior deserter promoters were with blue rank icon.
- fixed: when using some clan perks teammates had their screen moved to their own units.
- fixed: during lags it was possible to quit the game accidently, pressing quit in the main screen.
Edited 37 minutes later by . Reason: spelling.
12 years ago Quote
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Atualização 23 - Ago - 2011 - Varias melhorias e correções
- Nos torneios, agora você deve escolher 3 opções de horario dentre 5 disponíveis, em vez de 2 de 3. Isto permitirá jogadores de fuso horarios diferentes organizarem suas partidas dos torneios mais confortavelmente. Para testar essa nova opção nós lançamos um Torneio teste para os níveis 40-50.
- A atividade do clan agora é dividida pelo número de membros (não menor que 10). Isso ajudará clans verdadeiramente ativos competir contrar clans não tão ativos que possuem varios membros.
- As medalhas de ouro do clan "Rage" e "Holy Greatness" agora requerem 15 vitorias nos postos ao invez de 20.
- Clan não receberá mais pontos bônus de fama do que além dos seus pontos normais.
- Lutas por fama agora trarão dobro de pontos assim como por levar artefatos.
- Melhorias nas linhas de comando (correção de bugs, adicionado Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y, etc)
- Adicionada a habilidade de copiar o text do chat.
- Ao criar uma conta você recebe 400 Enkord Cash grátis.
- Quando você re-entrar no jogo com a mesma conta, o chat não será limpo
- corrigido: em alguns casos, alguns minutos antes da sua luta no torneio, o jogador podia ser atacado.
- corrigido: desarmar a si mesmo com granadas
- corrigido: ao selecionar a celula [0,0], a celula [-1,-1] era realçada
- corrigido: promotores que se tornavam desertores de guerra tinham seu icone azul.
- corrigido: ao usar alguns perks do clan, jogadores de mesmo time tinham sua tela movida para suas prórias unidades.
- corrigido: durante lags, era possível sair do jogo acidentalmente, pressionando Sair na tela principal.
Edited 1 day later by .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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nice working berserker but how to copy the chat?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Click left button mouse on text, move mouse on the text as much as You want to copy then press CTRL + C
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

nice working berserker but how to copy the chat?

strg and c
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Click left button mouse on text, move mouse on the text as much as You want to copy then press CTRL + C

but ctrl on my computer brocken ☹
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
then go kill urself -_-
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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strg and c

12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
what the meening of strg?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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"STRG" is short for german "steuerung" and means control like "CTRL" at keyboards of other languages.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Update 23-Aug-2011 - Viele Optimierungen und Verbesserungen
- Bei Turnieren muß man nun aus 3 von 5 Zeitpunkten auswählen anstatt 2 von 3. Das sollte Spieleren aus bestimmten Zeitzonen komfortablere Optionen für Turnierspiele bieten. Um das zu testen wurde ein Test-Turnier für die Stufen 40-50 gestartet.
- Klan-Aktivität wird nun durch die Anzahl der Mitglieder geteilt (aber nicht weniger als 10). Damit können wirklich aktive Klans gegen minderaktive Klans mit mehr Mitgliedern im Wettbewerb bestehen.
- Klanmedaillen Rage Gold and Holy Greatness benötigen 15 statt 20 Siege in Außenposten.
- Klan erhält nicht mehr Bonus-Ruhmpunkte als er reguläre Ruhmespunkte erreicht.
- Ruhmeskämpfe bringen jetzt doppelt so viele Punkte für das Ausstatten mit Artefakten.
- Verbesserungen der Eingabezeile (Bugs behoben, Strg + Z / Strg + Y hinzugefügt, etc)
- Neue Funktion: Chat-Text kopieren (Strg+C)
- Neue Accounts starten mit 400 Enkord Cash.
- Wenn man sich mit den gleichen Spielernamen nochmal in das Spiel einloggt, wird der Chat nicht gelöscht
- Behoben: Manchmal konnten Spieler wenigen Minuten vor dem Turnier angegriffen werden
- Behoben: sich selbst entwaffnen indem man Granaten nutze
- Behoben: Beim Zielen auf Zelle [0,0] wurde Zelle [-1, -1] markiert
- Behoben: Kriegesflüchtlinge mit Promoterrang behielten das blaue Symbol.
- Behoben: bei der Verwendung einiger Clansvergünstigungen (Perks) bewegte sich der Bildschirm bei den Teamkollegen zu deren eigenen Einheiten.
- Behoben: Während eines Lags war es möglich, das Spiel versehentlich zu beenden, sollte man Verlassen (Quit) im Hauptbildschirm gedückt haben.
Edited 3 minutes later by .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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does it give 400 E to accs already created? cause i cant play due to my vacation to Paris 😁
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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does it give 400 E to accs already created? cause i cant play due to my vacation to Paris 😁

When you make new character/account you get 400E.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 23-sie-2011 - Wiele optymalizacji i usprawnień
- W turnieju teraz musisz wybrać 3 daty i godziny z 5 zamiast 2 z 3. Powinno to pozwolić graczom z pewnych szczególnych stref czasowych ustalać gry turniejowe bardziej komfortowo. Aby przetestować tę funkcję rozpoczęto turniej testowy dla poziomów 40-50.
- Aktywność klanowa jest teraz dzielona przez ilość członków klanu (ale nie mniej niż 10). Pomoże to naprawdę aktywnym klanom konkurować z mniej aktywnymi klanami, które mają dużo członków.
- Medale klanowe takie jak: Złota Wściekłość (Gold Rage) i Święta Wielkość (Holy Greatness) wymagają obecnie 15 zamiast 20 zwycięstw o posterunki.
- Klan nie otrzyma więcej bonusowych punktów sławy niż ilość regularnych punktów sławy.
- Walki o sławę przynoszą teraz podwójnie więcej punktów za walkę z artefaktami.
- Poprawa linii wejściowej (błędy, dodano skróty Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y, itp.)
- Dodano możliwość kopiowania tekstu rozmowy.
- Tworzone konta otrzymują teraz 400 Enkord na start.
- Kiedy ponownie wchodzisz do gry o tym samym nicku, czat nie jest czyszczony
- Naprawiono: w niektórych przypadkach w ciągu kilku minut przed rozpoczęciem walki turniejowej gracz mógł zostać zaatakowany.
- Naprawiono: rozbrojenie swojej jednostki granatem
- Naprawiono: podczas celowania w komórkę [0,0] , komórka [-1, -1] była podświetlona
- Naprawiono: gracz dezerter promotor miał rangę z niebieską ikoną.
- Naprawiono: podczas korzystania z niektórych perek klanowych, innym graczom w drużynie ekran przenosił się do swoich jednostek.
- Naprawiono: podczas lagów przypadkowo można było zakończyć grę, naciskając wyjście na głównym ekranie.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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why in the cash shop, the new female hair have a warning symbol? this a test?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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This update with top active is totaly not fair.... TOTALY
We were working hard to make 20 spaces, we made it now even clans with 10 members are before us. lets see:
Update 26/8/2011 16:07:55
Top active clans : top1 Taquaril with 65399, top2 GROM with 49277 and top3 Destroy with 48636.
Taquaril has 11/11 members, GROM 19/20 and Destroy 12/12.
Now top active players lets start by Taquaril members:
place 27) ChrisBrown - 46510 points, place 29) XxAnti-NoObxX - 44340 points, place 39) M3gacubo - 38570 points, place 41) big_fodao-br 37070 points,
GROM members: place 11) Hatred 67880 points, place 12) Obscure_Terror 58740 points, place 19) MAXHO 52530 points, place 31) Achilles 42000 points, place 38) MAKINA 38700 points, place 60) SathaShmal3ana 32000 points,
Destroy members: place 4) CristianRonald 89540 points, place 24) Romania2011 50630 points, place 59) Loco-Boy 32220 points, place 63) Bernardeti 30940 points, place 78) PAPASCHULTZ 27490 points
If we count this in calculator Taquaril has: 166490 points
GROM has: 291850 and Destory has: 230820... dont make me laught that this update makes top active more fair cause IT DOESNT... change it back or make fixes
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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godi dont cry...this week not you take 5k for top1 😁😁😝
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Lets see the problems around activity
Sum of all members:
Easy for clans with many members because clans with 20 members need just the half exp comparing a clan of 10 members
Average over all members:
Good for small clans with active members but sad for huge clans with some very active members and some normal members. At this moment not the best members are important because primary the accounts with low activity had influence.
My idea to solve the difference between both:
Always us the sum of 10 best members of a clan. If you have less number of members so all count for actvity. If you have 15 members so the 5 member with less activity don't count.
Clans with 5-6 top activty-players will dominate the ranking also inside some huge clans and there is no advanteges because like 20 members earn more exp comparing a clan of 10.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Lets see the problems around activity
Sum of all members:
Easy for clans with many members because clans with 20 members need just the half exp comparing a clan of 10 members
Average over all members:
Good for small clans with active members but sad for huge clans with some very active members and some normal members. At this moment not the best members are important because primary the accounts with low activity had influence.
My idea to solve the difference between both:
Always us the sum of 10 best members of a clan. If you have less number of members so all count for actvity. If you have 15 members so the 5 member with less activity don't count.
Clans with 5-6 top activty-players will dominate the ranking also inside some huge clans and there is no advanteges because like 20 members earn more exp comparing a clan of 10.

That is good idea.. for sure better than it is now...
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Clan activity is not activity of most active members, but average activity of all clan members.
I think now it is simply and fair enought .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him