GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 09-Dec-2010 - Outpost updates

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- Now allied players can help attack and defend outposts. If player is willing to do so he can register for the battle as assistant, however after victory outpost will belong to the main attacked/defender. (Badly equipped players are skipped during pickup)
- New popup added on the map tab which shows info about locations and outposts.
- If outpost has no owner, clans must capture it without allies.
- Impossible to form alliance if one clan owns an outpost and another one registered for attack on it.
- Outpost messages now in hours:minutes format
- Now you can visit outpost location only within hour before the attack
- If there are more than 60 minutes before the outpost attack, players are aoutmatically kicked to the main location
- Hall of Fame now shows info about bonus attack and evade points
- fixed: if clan captured outpost without battle, he was able to register for another attack during same day.
- fixed: outpost battles counted as fame battles
- fixed: invalid parameter message error
- fixed: when double-clicking on clan name in outpost registered list, your clan window was shown
- fixed: selection bug in edit box
- other minor fixes
13 years ago Quote
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Atualização 09 - Dez - 2010 - Melhorias nos Postos Avançados
- Agora os jogadores aliados podem ajudar a atacar ou defender os postos. Se o jogador quiser participar,ele poderá se inscrever como ajudande, no entanto após a vitoria o posto pertencerá ao principal atacante/defensor do posto. (jogadores mal equipados serão descartados da escolha dos times)
- Nova aba adicionada ao mapa que mostra informações sobre as localidades e postos avançados.
- Se o posto não estiver sob o dominio de nenhum clan, o clan deverá domina-lo sem a ajuda de aliados.
- Não será possível formar aliança se um clan dominar um posto e outro estiver inscrito para ataca-lo.
- Mensagens dos posto agora no formato horas/minutos.
- Agora você pode visitar o local do posto uma hora antes do ataque
- Se houver mais de 60 minutos até o ataque ao posto, os jogadores serão mandados para a localidade principal.
- O Hall da Fama agora mostra informações do bônus de ataque e pontos de evasão
- corrigido: se um clan dominou um posto sem lutar, ele estava apto a se inscrever para atacar a outro posto.
- corrigido: batalha pelos postos contando como lutas por fama
- corrigido:mensagem de parametro invalido
- corrigido: ao clicar no nome do clan na lista de inscritos para a batalha pelos postos, a tela do seu proprio clan era mostrada
- corrigido: bug de seleção na caixa de edição
- outras correções menores
Edited 8 hours, 21 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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thank u berserker
please make better updates for low levels 😁😁😲🙄
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
why all free evades and attacks set t 0 ? i didn't attack or evade within last 24h !!!😕


13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 09-12-2010 - Uaktualnienia posterunków
- Obecnie gracze sojuszniczych klanów mogą pomagać atakować i bronić posterunki. Jeżeli gracz chce pomóc w walce musi zarejestrować się jako pomocnik, jednak po zwycięstwie posterunek należał będzie do klanu, który był głównym podczas walki. (słabo uzbrojeni gracze są pomijani),
- Dodano nowe okienko, w zakładce mapy które pokazuje informacje o danej mapie i posterunku,
- Jeżeli posterunek nie posiada właściciela, klan musi go zdobyć bez pomocy sojuszników,
- Nie możliwy jest atak na posterunek sojuszników,
- Wiadomości o posterunku są teraz w formacie godziny:minuty
- Obecnie posterunki odwiedzać można do godziny przed walką,
- Jeżeli jest więcej niż 60 minut do walki o posterunek, gracz automatycznie zostanie przeniesiony do innej lokacji,
- Hala Sław pokazuje informacje o dodatkowych punktach ataku i anulowaniu,
- naprawiono: Jeżeli klan zdobył posterunek bez walki, mógł atakować kolejny posterunek tego samego dnia,
- naprawiono: Walka o posterunek liczona jako fame,
- naprawiono: błędne parametry wiadomości,
- naprawiono: gdy klikano 2 razy na nazwę klanu na liście zarejestrowanych do walki o posterunek włączała się zakładka własnego klanu,
- naprawiono: błąd wyboru w czasie edycji skrzynki,
- inne pomniejsze zmiany.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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i am starting to love gunrox continue on making more updates ☺
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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why all free evades and attacks set t 0 ? i didn't attack or evade within last 24h !!!😕

maybe because u are noob 😁
joke 😁 sometimes it becomes 0 after an update it happen to me too after update it became 0
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
well,i think it is a good update even if iam not a clan member but i do have 2 questions:
now all outposts are controlled by clans so how will outposts be now not controlled by somone?
If clan is not controlled by some clan how will a clan capture it without fight?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Update 09-Dez-2010 - Vorposten-Update
- Nun können auch verbündete Spielern bei einem Angriff und auch bei Vverteitigungen eines Außenposten helfen. Ist ein Spieler bereit dazu so kann er sich als Assistent anmelden, jedoch wird der Vorposten in den Besitz des Haupt-Angreifer/-Verteitiger gehen. (Schlecht ausgerüstete Spieler werden bei der Auswahl übersprungen)
- Ein neues Popup auf der Karte mit Informationen zu den Gebieten und Vorposten
- Vorposten ohne Besitzer müssen ohne Verbündete erobert werden
- Es ist unmöglich ein Bündniss einzugehen wenn man den Vorposten dieses Clans angreifen möchte.
- Vorposten Nachrichten sind nun im Format- Stunden:Minuten
- Man kann nun Vorposten nur ab einer Stunde vorm Kampfstart besuchen
- Bleiben mehr als 60 min bis zum Kampfstart wird man direkt zur Hauptgebiet weitergeleitet.
- Hall of Fame now shows info about bonus attack and evade points - Hall of Fame zeigt nun Informationen über Bonusse für Angriffs und Verteitigungspunkte
- Behoben: Wenn ein Clan einen Vorposten ohne Kampf erobert hatte war es diesem Clan möglich sich am selben Tag für weitere Angriffe auf Vorposten zu registrieren.
- Behoben: Angriffe auf Vorposten werden als Fameschlachten gezählt
- Behoben: Fehler bei Nachricht mit ungültiger Parameter
- Behoben: Mit Doppelklick auf den Clannamen in der Anmeldeliste eines Vorposten wurde das eigene Clanfenster angezeigt.
- Behoben: Auswahlfehler in Auswahlfeldern
- Weitere kleinere Korrekturen
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

well,i think it is a good update even if iam not a clan member but i do have 2 questions:
now all outposts are controlled by clans so how will outposts be now not controlled by somone?
If clan is not controlled by some clan how will a clan capture it without fight?

Every outpost had his special attacking time. At this time every clan (exception: allies of owner) can attack this outpost and the owner must defend.
If no clan is able to attack and the owner isn't able to defend the outpost get the neutral status again.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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is it just me or the RED-ZONE is much faster?
last mega that i played, the red-zone grew up each 3 player/turn!😕
Edited 2 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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yes, redzone now is faster!😡
Mega now are fast and becomes down to just two things. Go in midle and killing each other. Gunrox originally is a strategy game, and where is the strategy on it?

should at least have an option to choose the speed of red-zone, before start a MEGA.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Fast red zone was a bug. Should be fixed today.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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- fixed: outpost battles counted as fame battles

This is horrible!
Tonight Toxicity played Los Guererros in Junkyard Outpost #1.
Cupcake 35 and MaximilinanoJZ 25 (total 60)
-pRiNcEsS-rOsI 9, FUERZA_DELTA 15, -mArLoN- 17 and mariposas 18 (total 59)
There was less than 5 levels difference, and it should count as fame. Taking an outpost for 5% poison resist, or whatever, will die if there are no fame points to help advance your clan up the ladder.

Just my opinion ☺
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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sry but i think this is bad update man all the war update RONGE we need good update

13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Its one of best updates, just need fix some bugs, like playing agaisnt alliance
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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enkord cash
i have one question: i dont know, but i think non enkord cashers (non members) is this game not so good for them
i think you need to win enkord cash ore somthing i dont know but i hope thet myn idee is comming out😕
but i like this game how it is so it dont dose mather for me i buy ol the time enkord but for non members itsn't so funny😎
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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i have a question
if a clan is starting to attack an area controled by other clan and the controler clan players are all offline what will happen 😕😕😕😕
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

i have a question
if a clan is starting to attack an area controled by other clan and the controler clan players are all offline what will happen 😕😕😕😕

Answers about all possible constelations of attackers and defender:Update 03-Dec-2010 - Outposts Beta
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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why we cant go play in outposts😕 will we be able to play there if we have no can☹ and are they same like original map or different😕☹
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him