GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 03-Dec-2010 - Outposts Beta

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Outposts added to the game (currently in Beta stage so it might contain bugs).
Outpost Battle
Outpost Battle is a special type of clan battle which is possible only at outpost locations. Such battle occurs once per day per outpost location at specific time. Clan who won Outpost Battle becomes Outpost owner and receives Outpost bonus while he retains Outpost ownership.
15 minutes before the battle clan registration starts. If clan wants to fight for Outpost, clan leader or war adivsor of that clan must doit within 15 minutes before the battle. Players of regisered clans willing to participate in Outpost Battle must be present at Outpost location waiting for automatic battle start (without being ovverloaded).
Battle will start automatically and only 2 clans play it - current Outpost owner and one of the registered clans, taking in account that:

  • if Outpower owner is not defined or not ready for battle, 2 clans are picked among registered ones;
  • if there is only one clan present ready for battle (not two or more), it will automatically without battle will become new outpost owner;
  • if Outposts owner is the only clan that is ready for battle, it will remain it's outpost ownership;
  • if there are no clans ready to fight for Outpost, that Outpost will become neutral

(!) The higher rank of the clan in Hall of Fame, the more chances that clan has to be picked as Outpost attacker.
Players of participant clans are picked using following rules: picked no more than 5 clan players ready for battle (present on Outpost location and not overloaded). Their total level is as close as possible and not greater than Outpost maximum allowed level. For example: Outpost has 30-60 level range and two clans picked for battle: A and B. Clan A has players of level 10, 15, 30, 42 ready. Clan B has 10 and 30 ready. In that case battle start in the following format: Clan A: 15+42 (57) versus Clan B: 10+30 (40).

Special cases
Clan is unable to register for Outpost Battle if current Outpost owner is clan's Ally.
Clan can fight Outpost Battle as attacker only once per 25 hours, but he can fight as defender as much as he can.
Outpost Battles cannot be aborted using first minute quit or using abort voting.
13 years ago Quote
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Atualização 03 - Dez - 2010 - Postos Avançados (Beta)
Postos Avançados adicionados ao jogo (atualmente em faze de testes, então alguns bugs podem aparecer).
Batalha pelos Postos
Batalha pelos postos é um tipo especial de luta de clans que só pode ocorrer nos próprios postos. Estas lutas ocorrem uma vez por dia por localidade em uma hora especifica. O clan que vencer a batalha se tornara o Lider do Posto e receberá bônus enquanto reter o controle do mesmo.
As inscrições para a luta começam 15 minutos antes do seu inicio. Se o clan quiser lutar pelo posto, o líder ou o conselheiro do clan devem inscreve-lo dentro dos 15 minutos que antecederem a luta. Os jogadores dos clans inscritos que estiverem dispostos a participar da luta devem estar presentes no local aguardando o inicio automático da partida (sem estarem sobrecarregados).
A batalha começará automaticamente e somente dois clans irão lutar - o atual líder do posto e um dos clans inscritos, levando em conta que:

  • se o líder do posto não estiver definido ou não estiver pronto para a luta, 2 clans serão escolhidos entre os inscritos;
  • Se houver somente um clan pronto para a batalha (não mais que dois), o clan prsente se irá dominar o posto automaticamente;
  • se o líder do posto for o único pronto para a luta, ele continuará com o controle do posto;
  • se não houver clans prontos para lutar pelo posto, o mesmo se tornará neutro

(!) Quanto maior o rank do clan no Hall da Fama, maiores são as chances do posto do clan ser alvo de ataques.
Os jogadores dos clans participantes serão escolhidos de acordo com as seguintes regras: serão escolhidos não mais do que 5 jogadores do clan que estiverem prontos para a luta (presentes nos postos e não estando sobrecarregados). O total do seu nível deverá ser o mais próximo e não superior ao nível máximo permitido pelo posto. Exemplo: O posto tem limite de nível de 30-60 e dois clans estão prestes a lutar: A e B. O clan A tem jogadores de níveis 10, 15, 30, 42 prontos. Clan B tem10 e 30 prontos. Nesse caso a batalha começará no seguinte formato: Clan A: 15+42 (57) contra Clan B: 10+30 (40).

Casos especiais
O clan não poderá se registrar para a luta pelo posto se o atual líder do posto for um clan aliado.
O clan poderá participar das lutas pelos postos como "Atacante" somente uma vez a cada 25 horas, mas ele poderá lutar como "Defensor" o quanto puder.
As lutas pelos postos não podem ser abortadas usando a desistência no primeiro minuto ou pela votação para abortar.
Edited 1 month later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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1st battle for outpost
I wasn't even equipped.. hehe the outpost is a but superb update! congrates Bers! Now we really have to consider who our ally and have war with...
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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with times and dates a big deal with these new outpost battles, is there a place we can look , to see the current date and time in game???
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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why perks of resistance to poison were reset?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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thanks berserker 😁😁
go on make more updates😝😁
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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with times and dates a big deal with these new outpost battles, is there a place we can look , to see the current date and time in game???

Date and time is shown in your local time.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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hum..nie update ^^
but can we just figth in 1x1 there or just reserved to clan members ?😕
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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wow now this is a good update 😎😎😎
very nice bers😁
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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why perks of resistance to poison were reset?

Cause before was 15% resistance now is only 10% :/
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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love it!
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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what happens when enkord clan controls an outpost? it already have one, this mean if a mod/admin is online of offline using command invisible he will play in that game? or enkord clan will lose automatically?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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(!) The higher rank of the clan in Hall of Fame, the more chances that clan has to be picked as Outpost attacker.

so no way for a clan not in hall of fame to get outpost??
this is should be random! 2 clans get choosen random not by hall of fame!!
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

so no way for a clan not in hall of fame to get outpost??
this is should be random! 2 clans get choosen random not by hall of fame!!

Why? It's not hard to get decent fame score, not necessary to be #1. Also top clans might already attacked outpost that day or could be simply not ready. Yeah, the lower your Hall of Fame rank is, the less chances you have to attack outpost, but if there is a will - there is a way.
Plus we have more incentive for people to play fames now which is also good.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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its really good update.thanks .now game is better(but attack player when not ready is really bad)
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Update 03-Dez-2010 - Vorposten (Beta)
Nun wurden die Vorposten dem Spiel hinzugefügt (vorerst im Betastatus somit könnten noch Fehler auftreten)
Schlacht um Vorposten
Schlacht um Vorposten sind spezielle Arten von Clan-Kämpfen welche nur in den Vorposten möglich sind. Solche Kämpfe sind nur einmal pro Tag und Vorposten möglich und zu einer jeweils spezifischen Zeit. Der Clan der die Schlacht um den Vorposten gewinnt, wird Besitzer des Vorposten und erhält den entsprechenden Bonus.
15 Minuten vor der Schlacht beginnt die Clan-Registrierung. Wenn ein Clan eine Schlacht um einen Vorposten bestreiten möchte so muss der Clanführer oder Kriegsberater (War Advisor) dies innerhalb der letzten 15min vor dem Kampf anmelden. Spieler der angemeldeten Clans für eine Kampf um einen Vorposten müssen sich in diesem Vorposten befinden während sie auf einen automatischen Spielstart warten (ohne natürlich überladen zu sein).
Der Kampf um den Vorposten beginnt automatisch und nur 2 Clans spielen darum - der derzeitige Vorposten-Besitzer und einer der registrierten Clans unter Beachtung folgender Punkte:

  • Sollte der Besitzer des Vorposten nicht definiert oder Kampfbereit sein, so werden 2 der registrierten Clans um den Vorposten kämpfen
  • ist nur ein Clan Kampfbereit (nicht 2 oder mehr) so wird dieser automatisch Besitzer des Vorposten ohne Kampf
  • ist nur der Vorposten-Besitzer kampfbereit so behält dieser den Besitz
  • ist jedoch kein Clan Kampfbereit wird dieser Vorposten wieder neutral

(!) Je höher der Rang des Clans in der Hall of Fame, desto mehr Chancen hat der Clan unter den Angreifer ausgewählt zu werden.
Spieler der teilnehmenden Clans werden nach folgenden Regeln ausgewählt: nicht mehr wie 5 kampfbereite Spieler (warten im Vorposten und sind nicht überladen) Deren Gesamt-Level sollte so nah wie möglich jedoch auch nicht größer als die erlaubte Höchstgrenze sein. z.B. Vorposten hat ein Grenze von 30-60 und 2 Clans werden ausgewählt: A und B. Ein Clan hat Spieler der Level 10, 15, 30, 42 kampfbereit und Clan B ist mit 10 und 30 kampfbereit. In diesem Fall beginnt ein Kampf mit Clan A: 15+42 (57) gegen Clan B: 10+30 (40).

Ein Clan kann sich nicht für einen Vorpostenkampf anmelden wenn der Besitzer ein Verbünderter Clan ist.
Ein Clan kann nur einen Vorposten alle 25 Stunden angreifen er kann jedoch soviele wie notwendig verteitigen.
Kämpfe um Vorposten können nicht in der ersten Minute oder über ein Voting abgebrochen werden.
Edited 2 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Best update of the year. ☺
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 03-11-2010 - Posterunki wersja beta
Dodano do gry posterunki(obecnie w wersji Beta, więc mogą występować błędy)
Walki o Posterunki
Walka o Posterunek jest specjalnym rodzajem walk klanowych, która jest dostępna tylko na posterunkach. Taka walka jest dostępna raz dziennie na każdy posterunek o ustalonych porach. Klan który wygrywa Wojnę o Posterunek staje się jego posiadaczem i otrzymuje specjalne bonusy.
15 minut przed rozpoczęciem walki o posterunek zostaje otwarta rejestracja. Jeżeli klan chce walczyć o posterunek, lider klanu bądź doradca wojenny danego klanu musi go zarejerstrować do 15 minut przed walką. Gracze z klanów biorących udział w walce o posterunek powinni znajdować się na danym posterunku( nie mogą być przeciążeni).
Walka rozpocznie się automatycznie i tylko 2 klany wezmą w niej udział- obecny właściciel posterunku oraz jeden z zarejerstrowanych klanów, biorąc pod uwagę:
- Jeżeli klan broniący posterunku nie jest gotowy do walki/ nie jest obecny, wybierane są 2 klany z listy,
- Jeżeli jest zarejestrowany tylko jeden klan zostaje on właścicielem danego posterunku bez walki,
- Jeżeli zarejestrowany jest tylko właściciel posterunku, nadal pozostaje on jego,
- Jeżeli nie ma zarejestrowanych klanów, posterunek staje się neutralny.
(!) Im wyższa pozycja w Hali Sław tym większa szansa na udział w walce o posterunek.
Członkowie klanów biorących udział w walce o posterunek wybierani są według poniższych reguł:
- Maksymalnie 5 graczy gotowych do walki (obecni na posterunku oraz nie przeciążeni)
- Ich poziom jest najbliższy jak sie tylko da oraz nie większy i nie mniejszy niż jest to dopuszczane na danym posterunku, przykład: Posterunek ma różnicę 30-60 pomiędzy poziomami, udział biorą 2 klany: A i B. Klan A ma graczy na poziomach: 10, 15, 30, 42 gotowych do walki. Klan B ma graczy na poziomach 10 i 30. W tym przypadku walka zaczyna się w następujący sposób: Klan A: 15+42 (57) przeciwko klanowi B 10+30 (40).
Przypadki specialne:
Nie możliwa jest rejestracja do walki na posterunku sojuszników.
Klan moze atakowac posterunek co 25 godzin, bronić może jednak dowolną ilość razy.
Walka o posterunek nie może być z anulowana przez ucieczkę w pierwszej minucie bądź głosowanie.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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I have i question about the actually rules.
At moment a alliance between 2 clan just have disadvantages.
- you can't attack players of you alliance
- you can't attack outpost of allied clans
the only advantage: players of allied clans don't allowed to attack you.
I thought there are more advantages like defending outposts of your clan and also your alliance. Maybe your clan get also a smaller bonus for a outpost of your allied clans. Or things like that.
I believe without more advantages an alliance is without sense. Also neutral status is useless so war is only usefull option and together the whole diplomancy-system is without effect.
Edited 23 hours, 46 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Quick Video
Here is a quick video of what the outpost battles look like.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him