GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 10-Apr-2012 - Major update of Clan Perks and more!

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GUNROX will be 4 years within a month but we still working on it from time to time to make it better and more balanced.
To celebrate Easter from now on all new accounts will receive 1000 Enkord Cash on start instead of 600.
This new update not only improves our successful clan system presented year ago, but also adds other highly wanted balance changes. Here is the full detail:
Clan system changes:
- Added 3 new clan top lists - Outpost Top List, Tourmanet Top List, Spending Top List.
- Last week and current week agression and activity lists combined. Now you can see top 10 of last week clans who got their medals and then current week list of competing clans.
- Outpost medals and stripes now have different requirements. Instead of performing number of battles you need to hit the Top 10 of outpost clan ranking.
- Clan perks now have active and maximum level instead of just level. To learn more about it, read the previous news post and it's comments about new clan perks.
- Enkord Clan now have reduced perks down to 3 (for those who complained).
- Within few days after this update all clans will have active level of almost all clan perks increased to 3 to give you a feeling and try out clan perks for a few weeks.
- New clans will have all perks with active level set to 3 (but maximum level is 0, so you need to earn medals anyway).
- Retaliation perk fixed - now after shooting with this perk, target enemy will have at least 15% of HP. Also this perk works same way as critical hit for splash weapons - only one unit is affected.
Non-clan changes:
- Players of level 1-3 can't trade at all. This is made to prevent item farming with starting cash.
- When player reaches level 4 he/she is automatically kicked from Beginners Quarter into Clover (To prevent noobs like LINCON staying on Beginners Quarter too much and alienating people).
- Big Gun Number One weight is reduced from 50 to 30, but Big Rocket weight is increased from 50 to 70. This is made because people use Big Gun the way it wasn't meant to be using - by carrying extra rockets with other characters. Now you will have to sacrifice some medikits/armor for that.
- Shelter now uses only AP (MP is not used now)
- Minor tweaks in fixes.
12 years ago Quote
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Atualização 10 - Abril - 2012 - Mais Mudanças nos Perks do Clan e mais
GUNROX vai comemorar 4 anos dentro de um mês mas nós ainda estamos trabalhando para torná-lo ainda melhor e balanceado.
Para celebrar a Pascoa a partir de agora todas as contas criadas receberão 1000 Enkord Cash de inicio em vez de 600.
Esta atualização não só melhora o bem-sucedido sistema de clans criado a um ano atrás, como também trás balanceamentos, tão aguardados pelos jogadores. Segue a lista abaixo:
Mudanças no sistema de clans:
- Adicionados 3 novas listas tops - Listas dos Postos, Listas do torneio, Lista de Investimentos.
- As listas de agressão e atividade da ultima e dessa semana foram unificadas. Agora você poderá ver o top 10 dos clans da ultima semana que conseguiram medalhas e então a lista atual dos clans competidores.
- As medalhas e faixas dos postos agora possuem requerimentos diferentes. Em vez de completar um número de batalhas, você precisará chegar ao Top 10 do ranking dos postos.
- Os perks do clan agora possuem nível de ativação e nível máximo em vez de somente o nível. Para saber mais, leia os últimos posts e comentários sobre os perks do clan.
- Os perks do Clan da Enkord foram reduzidos para 3 (pros reclamões de plantão).
- Alguns dias após esta atualização, todos os clans terão o nível de ativação de quase todos os perks aumentados para 3, para dar o gostinho e experimentar os perks por alguns dias.
- Novos clans terão todos os perks com nível de ativação padrão nível 3 (más o nível máximo é 0, então você precisará ganhar medalhas).
- correção no perk Retaliation - após usar o perk, o alvo inimigo terá 15% de HP. Além do mais, este perk funciona da mesma forma que o Perk "Critical Hit" para armas de dispersão (lança foguetes, granadas etc. - somente uma unidade será afetada.
Mudanças não relacionadas a clans:
- Jogadores de níveis 1-3 não poderão fazer trocas. Isto foi feito para evitar a obtenção abusiva de itens (farming) com o cash inicial.
- Quando um jogador alcança o nível 4 ele/ela é automaticamente removido do Beginners Quarter e mandado para Clover (Para prevenir que noobs como LINCON fiquem em Beginners Quarter tempo demais alienando jogadores).
- O peso da "Big Gun Number One" foi reduzido de 50 para 30, no entanto o peso do "Big Rocket" foi aumentado de 50 para 70. Isso foi feito porque os jogadores usavam a Big Gun de forma errada - levando foguetes extras nos outros personagens. Agora você terá que sacrificar alguns medkits ou armaduras para isso.
- Shelter agora usa somente AP (MP não é mais usado)
- outras correções menores.
Edited 4 hours, 29 minutes later by .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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how about reset medals for all clans to make it fair
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Nice atualization
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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berserker, now shelter no uses MP more only AP.. all shelters in game will be reset?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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i think that : the big gun#1 update is bad. now no one will use big gun#1 weight calculation is very bad now instead of having 50(weapon)+(50+50)(for the ammo)=150 weight now it is 30+70+70=170 weight

another thing i didn't understand the first stuff writen in the update:"GUNROX will be 4 years within a month but we still working on it from time to time to make it better and more balanced."
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

i think that : the big gun#1 update is bad. now no one will use big gun#1 weight calculation is very bad now instead of having 50(weapon)+(50+50)(for the ammo)=150 weight now it is 30+70+70=170 weight

That's the point. Big Gun was made as a powerful one shot weapon, but people try to cheat and carry more rockets with other units.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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good job berserker
well this update will make me come back to gunrox too bad top clan players now cant win easy 😉
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Update 10-April-2012 - Wichtiges Update der Clanperks und mehr!
GUNROX wird in nicht ganz einem Monat 4 Jahre alt aber wir arbeiten weiterhin von Zeit zu Zeit daran damit es besser und ausgeglichener wird.
Als Osterüberraschung starten alle neuen Accounts sofort mit 1000 statt 600 Ecash.
Das neue Update verbessert nicht nur unserer im letzen Jahr eingeführtes erfolgreiches Clan-System sondern umfasst auch weitere Balanceänderungen. Hier die vollständigen Details:
Änderungen im Clan-System:
- 3 neue Clan-Toplisten - Außenpostenranking, Turnierranking, Ausgabenranking
- Das Vorwochen- und aktuelle Ranking für Aktivität und Agression wurde kombiniert. Jetzt sieht man die Top 10 der Vorwoche mit den Clanmedallien und dann die laufende Woche mit den derzeit konkurrierenden Clans.
- Medaillen und Streifen für Außenposten haben jetzt andere Anforderungen. Statt eine gewisse Anzahl an Kämpfen in Außenposten zu bestreiten benötigt man nun eine gute Platzierung in den Top 10 des Außenpostenranking.
- Clan Vergünstigungen haben jetzt einen Pegel der aufs maximale Ranking und die anhaltende Aktivität basiert anstatt auf einem Level zu bleiben. Um mehr darüber zu erfahren lies bitte die Beiträge der Vorankündigung.
- die Vergünstigungen des Enkord Clan wurden auf 3 reduziert (da sich manche beklagten)
- Innerhalb weniger Tage nach diesem Update wird der Aktivitätslevel aller Clans bis auf 3 erhöht um ein Gefühl für die Perks zu bekommen und um diese paar Wochen auszuprobieren
- Neue Clans werden mit allen Vergünstigungen auf Level 3 starten (aber da das Maximum bei 0 bleibt müssen diese sich Medaillen verdienen um die Vergünstigungen zu halten)
- Retaliation Perk geändert - bei benutzen dieser Vergünstigung behält das feindlichen Ziel mindestens 15% der HP. Für Splashwaffen wirkt diese Vergünstigung nun wie ein Kritischer Treffer jedoch nur auf eine einzelnes Ziel
weitere Änderungen:
- Die Spieler mit Level 1-3 können nicht handeln. Dies soll den Handel mit Gegenständen aus dem Startkapital vorbeugen
- wenn ein Spieler Level 4 erreicht wird er automatisch vom Anfängerbereich nach Clover verschoben (Um zu verhindern das Noobs wie LINCON sich ewig im Anfängerbereich aufhalten)
- Big Gun Number One Gewicht von 50 auf 30 verringert jedoch wurde das Gewicht der großen Rakete von 50 auf 70 erhöht. Dies war nötig da einige die Big Gun nutzten auf einem Weg der nicht angedacht war: Sie nutzen zusätzliche Raketen in anderen Units. Nun müssen Sie in solch einem Falle einige Medikits / Rüstung opfern.
- Shelter verwendet nur noch AP (MP werden nicht einberechnet)
​​- kleinere Optimierungen
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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That's the point. Big Gun was made as a powerful one shot weapon, but people try to cheat and carry more rockets with other units.

how works Retaliation with stun in shelter and some resistance? And what means 15%hp? It means 15% of maximum hp remain or you do maximum 85% damage? For example a 300hp Unit stay in Front of you with 100hp remain. You use retailian and you shoot with maximum damage. How much is remain? 45HP or 15HP?
And how works Retaliation with a doom nader in a single Target?
Does it mean a sure high damage crit and count the rule of 15%HP in such a case too?
Edited 1 hour, 58 minutes later by . Reason: prevent doubleposting.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Yes, it means that you wont damage unit below 15% of his maximum HP. If it already have HP below 15%, Retaliation will do no damage.
I am not sure about doom nader + Retaliation. Astor knows better.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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i like retaliation & big gun update, no more big gun in mega? yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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First bug i see lol
When i click on my clan (Taquaril) on cash rank, open the Hells Angels page clan O.o
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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The new updates are rlly ok
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
These updates are way better then people were so yapping about ☺
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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These updates are way better then people were so yapping about ☺

becouse you never did something for a clan
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Yes, it means that you wont damage unit below 15% of his maximum HP. If it already have HP below 15%, Retaliation will do no damage.
I am not sure about doom nader + Retaliation. Astor knows better.

First match after update i battle vs stella
he was full hp aug, i throw rgd42 Doom whit Reta perk.
298 Crit and died.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Really Sad
u ever heard 'if it aint broke dont fix it'?, with every update u meddle with this game more and u mess it up. There is no such thing as a perfect system so stop trying to create one..... gunroxx was way better when clans just had default perks per level (2years back)..... evidence? look at the reducing number of active players at every point!! as a high level i must wait till about 4pm my time before i can get a quality mega, this was not so before!!! after each update you lose more active players and im sure after this you will lose more.......... never forget there is no such thing as a perfect system
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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First match after update i battle vs stella
he was full hp aug, i throw rgd42 Doom whit Reta perk.
298 Crit and died.

12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him