GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 07-Oct-2010 - Diplomacy added in test mode

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Added clan privileges system:
There are different types of privileges now:
1) Clan leader - can do everything as other privileges plus can set privileges to other members.
2) Brave - no special abilities (regular clan member)
3) Recruiter - can recruit new and old Braves
4) Clan owner - person who create clan. Owner cannot be changed and this
privilege will be always with clan creator account. Clan owner can return to his clan automatically at any time. This ability will kick current clan leader automatically if there is not enough free space in clan.
5) War advisor - can attack outposts
6) Diplomat - can make War, Alliance, or Non-Attack Pact with other clans, or cancel them.
Diplomacy between clans:
There are several diplomatic states between two clans:
1) Truce - regular state between clans, they cannot attack each other
2) Non-Attack Pact - breaking it results in Broken Non-Attack Pact
3) Broken Non-Attack Pact - it is impossible to declare War within 7 days after breaking Non-Attack Pact
4) War - players of opposite clans can attack each other. However they cannot attack allies of their enemies, but allies can attack enemies of their allies. War can last as long as clans in war want until they sign Non-Attack Pact. Ability to attack other players is not added yet, since diplomacy is in test mode, but it will be added soon after we will test and tweak diplomacy.
5) Alliance - can be created only if clans have Truce or Non-Attack Pact between each other. Alliance can be broken only when 7 days passed since it's creation. It is impossible to create alliance between clans if one of them is in War with Ally of opponent (cannot A+B if A+C and B>>C or B+C and A>>C)
It is not possible to declate War to allied clan if there is at least one common allied member (if A+B, B+C then it is impossible to A>>C: first clan A must break alliance with B. However if A+B, B+C, C+D, then it is possible to A >> D)
Ways to do diplomacy:
- War declaration, Alliance breaking, and Non-Attack Pact breaking can be done by the will of one side
- Creation of Alliance, Non-Attack Pact requires approvement of Clan Leader or Diplomat of opposite clan
- New diplomatic state offer: on clan diplomacy tab of the opposing clan you should press appropriate button. If status requires approvement there should be Clan Leader of Diplomat online, otherwise appropriate button will be locked with explanation in hint.
- Approvement request will be sent to non-afk leader or diplomat, and then to afk leader or diplomat.
Other diplomatic features:
- All diplomatic state changes are notified to all clan members
- If player quits clan during War, he receives special "War Deserter" rank for 14 days which prevents him from joining any clan.
- Special popup when players wants to quit clan during war.
- If Clan Leader or Recruiter kicks player from clan during War, his rank will not be changed and he will be able to join other clan right away.
- Top list shows diplomacy status of other clans against your clan.
Other non-diplomatic changes:
- More holes in pipes and fences
- fixed: message about art being sold not always delivered when player was offline
- Clan screen improvement: Slogan added, diplomacy tab added, oline players highlighted, etc.
- Other tweaks and fixes.
13 years ago Quote
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Atualização 07 - Out - 2010 - Adicioando "Diplomacia" para testes
Adicionado o sistema de privilégios do clan:
Há diferentes tipos de privilégios:
1) Líder do Clan - pode fazer qualquer coisa além de outros acões como atribuir privilégios a outros membros do clan.
2) Bravo - sem habilidades especiais (membro comum do clan)
3) Recrutador - pode recrutar novos membros.
4) Dono do clan - pessoa que criou o clan. O dono do não poderá ser trocado e este privilégio estará sempre disponível na conta do criador.
O criador do clan poderá voltar ao clan a qualquer hora. Esta habilidade expulsa automaticamente o atual lider do clan se não houver espaço livre no mesmo.
5) Conselheiro de Guerra - poderá atacar os postos avançados
6) Diplomata - pode provocar guerras, fazer Alianças, Pactos de não-agressão com outros clans, ou cancelar os mesmos.
Diplomacia entre os clans:
Há varios tipos de estados diplomáticos entre dois clans:
1) Trégua - estado comum entre os clans, não poderão atacar uns aos outros
2) Pacto de Não-Agressão - a violação deste resulta no Pacto de Não-Agressão Rompido
3) Pacto de Não Agressão Rompido - não será possível declarar guerra até 7 dias após o rompimento do Pacto de Não-Agressão
4) Guerra - jogadores de clans opostos podem atacar uns ao outros. No entanto ele não podem atacar os aliados do seus inimigos, mas os aliados podem atacar os inimigos do seus aliados. A guerra pode durar enquanto seus participantes quiserem ou até a assinatura do Pacto de Não-Agressão. O ataque a outros jogadores ainda não foi adicionado, pois a "Diplomacia" esta em testes, mas logo será adicionado após o final dos testes e melhorias na "Diplomacia".
5) Aliança - só poderá ser criada somente se os clans estiverem em Tregua ou assinarem o Pacto de Não-Agressão. A aliança só poderá ser quebrada 7 dias após sua criação. Não será possível criar alianças entre clans se um deles estiver em guerra com o Aliado do oponente (não haverá aliança se: A+B; se A+C e B>>C ou B+C e A>>C)
Não será possível declarar guerra a um clan aliado se houver pelo menos um membro em comum na aliança (se A+B, B+C então não será possível A>>C: O clan A deverá quebrar a aliança com o clan B. No entanto, se A+B, B+C, C+D, então será possível A >> D)
Formas de se fazer Diplomacia:
- Declaração de guerra, rompimento de aliança, e rompimento do Pacto de Não-Agressão, isso pode ser feito por um dos clans envolvidos
- Criação da Aliança, Pacto de Não-Agressão requer aprovação do Líder do clan ou do Diplomata do clan inimigo
- Oferta de mudança de Estado diplomático : na aba da "Diplomacia do Clan" do clan inimigo, você deverá pressionar o botão apropriado. Se o status requerer aprovação, o Líder do claln ou o Diplomata devem estar online, caso contrario o botão não estará disponível e o motivo será mostrado na tela.
- Após aprovado, o pedido de negociação será enviado ao Líder ou Diplomata do clan presentes no momento, e depois para os mesmos se estiverem ausentes.
outras opções diplomaticas:
- os membros do clan serão notificados sobre as mudanças no estado diplomático
- se um jogador deixar o clan enquanto este estiver em Guerra, ele receberá o rank especial "Desertor de Guerra" que durará 14 dias prevenindo assim que o mesmo entre em algum clan.
- um aviso especial surgirá quando um jogador quer deixar seu clan durante a guerra.
- Se o Líder do clan ou o recrutador expulsarem um jogador durante a guerra, o seu rank não sofrerá mudanças e ele poderá entrar em outro clan assim que puder.
- Lista dos tops mostrará o status de Diplomacia dos outros clan contra o seu clan.
outras correções não diplomáticas:
- mais buracos nos canos e nas cercas
- corrigido: mensagem sobre o artefato sendo vendido nem sempre era recebida pelo jogador enquanto offline
- melhorias na tela do clan: Adicionado Slogan, a aba da Diplomacia, membros online estarão destacados, etc.
- outras correções menores.
Edited 1 day later by . Reason: all done.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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o.o nice
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Update 07-Okt-2010 - Diplomatie im Test-Modus
Start des Privilegien-System für Clanmitglieder:
Es gibt jetzt verschiedene Arten von Privilegien:
1) Clanführer - hat alle Privilegien zuzüglich der Berechtigungen Privilegien an andere Mitglieder zu verteilen.
2) Krieger (Brave) - keine besonderen Fähigkeiten (normale Mitglieder)
3) Werber (Recruiter) - kann neue Krieger rekrutieren alte rauswerfen.
4) Eigentümer (Clan owner) - derjenige der den Clan erstellt hat.
Der Eigentümer kann nie geändert werden und somit behält der Eigentümer dieses Privileg für immer. Der Eigentümer kann zu jeder Zeit automatisch zu seinem Clan zurückkehren. Sollte nicht genügend Platz vorhanden sein, so wird der momentane Clanführer gekickt.
5) Kriegsberater (War advisor)- kann Außenposten angreifen
6) Diplomat - kann Krieg, Bündnisse oder Nichtangriffspakte mit anderen Clans erstellen oder beenden.
Diplomatie zwischen Clans:
Es gibt mehrere mögliche diplomatische Beziehungen zwischen zwei Clans:
1) Frieden (Truce) - Normalzustand zwischen Clans, können sich nicht gegenseitig angreifen
2) Nichtangriffspakt (Non-Attack Pact) - bricht man diesen erhält man einen gebrochenen Nichtangriffspakt
3) Gebrochener Nichtangriffspakt (Broken Non-Attack Pact) - es ist nicht möglich innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach Bruch des Nichtangriffspakts Krieg zu erklären.
4) Krieg (War)- Spieler gegnerischer Clans können sich gegenseitig angreifen. Man kann allerdings keine Verbündeten des Feindes angreifen, jedoch können die Verbündeten die Feinde ihrer Verbündeten angreifen.
Krieg kann so lange andauern bis ein Nichtangriffspakt unterzeichnet wird. Die Möglichkeit andere Spieler anzugreifen wurde noch nicht hinzugefügt, da die Diplomatie noch im Test-Modus ist. Nachdem die Diplomatie getestet und ausgereift ist wird diese Möglichkeit jedoch in Kürze aufgenommen.
5) Bündniss (Alliance) - kann nur während Frieden oder eines Nichtangriffspakt geschlossen werden. Bündnisse können nur gebrochen werden nachdem 7 Tage seit der Erstellung vergangen sind. Es ist nicht möglich Allianzen zwischen verfeindeten Clans zu schaffen so dass verbündete Partner im Krieg untereinander sind. (z.B.t A + B, wenn A + C und B vs C oder B + C und A vs C) Es ist ebenso nicht möglich Clans Krieg zu die mit eigenen Bündnisspartner verbündet sind. (A+B, B+C, dann ist Krieg zwischen A vs C nicht möglich, dafür müsste A den Bund zu B oder B den Bund zu C zuerst brechen) Kriegserklärungen zu indirekten Bündnissen sind jedoch möglich (A+B, B+C, C+D hier wäre Krieg A vs D möglich)
Wege der Diplomatie:
- Kriegserklärung, Bündnissbruch oder Bruch eines Nichtangriffspaktes kann durch den Willen einer Seite erfolgen
- Abschluss von Bündnissen oder eines Nichtangriffspakt bedarf der Zustimmung des Clanführers oder Diplomaten beider Clans
- Angebote über neue diplomatische Zustände: Auf der Diplomatieunterseite des fremden Clan solltest du die entsprechenden Schalter drücken. Sollte dieser Zustand eine Zustimmung von Clanführer oder Diplomaten erfordern müssen diese online sein. Ansonsten ist der Schalter mit entsprechenden Hinweis gesperrt.
- Anfragen werden zuerst an anwesende Clanführer oder Diplomaten gesendet und danach an abwesende.
Andere diplomatische Funktionen:
- Bei allen Änderungen des diplomatischen Zustands werden alle Clanmitglieder benachrichtigt
- Wenn ein Spieler seinen Clan während eines Krieg verlässt, erhält er für 14 Tage den Rang eines "Kriegsflüchtling". Dieser hindert ihn daran anderen Clans beizutreten.
- Besonderer Hinweis falls man seinen Clan verlassen will während dieser sich im Krieg befindet.
- Sollte ein Clanführer oder Werber ein Clanmitglied während eines Krieges rauswerfen so ändert sich dessen Rang nicht und es ist ihm somit auch möglich sofort in andere Clans einzutreten
- Die Topliste zeigen Diplomatiezustände der anderen Clans gegenüber dem eigenen Clan.
Andere nicht-diplomatischen Änderungen:
- Weitere passierbare Lücken in Rohren und Zäune
- Behoben: Wenn der Spieler offline war wur
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Ways to do diplomacy:
- New diplomatic state offer: on clan diplomacy tab of the opposing clan you should press appropriate button. If status requires approvement there should be Clan Leader of Diplomat online, otherwise appropriate button will be locked with explanation in hint.
- Approvement request will be set with to non-afk leader or diplomat, and then to afk leader or diplomat.

Because translation this Both points not clear for me.
This means every clanmember can declare new diplomatic offers? Clanleader or Diplomat must just be online?
And what means the 2nd point? I know AFK= Away from Keyboard but not the meaning of whole description.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Because translation this Both points not clear for me.
This means every clanmember can declare new diplomatic offers? Clanleader or Diplomat must just be online?
And what means the 2nd point? I know AFK= Away from Keyboard but not the meaning of whole description.

typo, fixed
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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very nice job
nice to see this
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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i have basic question, when we are in war with a clan, how we can attack them? i mean we can attack if they are offline? and what is the result of win or lose in attack? 😕
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Ability to attack other players is not added yet, since diplomacy is in test mode, but it will be added soon after we will test and tweak diplomacy.

13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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i know that, but if all player knows about consequence of their diplomacy now, they could do right decisions, for example Russian athletes declare war on lots of clans, i think if the real version starts, they will face with problems.
so it would be nice if you announce some of the roles that will apply in future.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 07-Oct-2010 - Dodano Dyplomację w celach testowych
Dodano system przywilejów klanowych:
Są teraz różne przywileje klanowe, oto one:
1) Lider Klanu - może robić wszystko jak inni członkowie klanu + może nadawać przywileje innym klanowiczom.
2) Odważny - nie posiada specjalnych zdolności (regularny członek klanu)
3) Rekruter - może rekrutować nowych i starych Odważnych do klanu
4) Właściciel klanu - osoba która stworzyła klan. Właściciel nie może się zmienić i ten przywilej będzie zawsze należał do osoby która stworzyła klan. Właściciel klanu może wrócić do swojego klanu w automatycznie w każdej chwili. Ta zdolność pozwala wykopać aktualnego Lidera klanu, jesli nie ma miejsca w klanie.
5) Doradca wojenny - może atakować placówki
6) Dyplomata - może ogłosić wojnę, sojusz, lub pakt o nieagresji z innymi klanami, lub je anulować.
Dyplomacja pomiędzy klanami:
Jest kilka statusów dyplomatycznych pomiędzy dwoma klanami:
1) Rozejm - standardowy stan pomiędzy klanami, klany nie mogą się atakować
2) Pakt o nieagresji - złamanie go oznacza złamanie paktu o nieagresji
3) Złamany pakt o nieagresji- nie jest możliwe wytoczenie wojny w ciągu 7 dni
4) Wojna - gracze przeciwnych klanów mogą się atakować nawzajem. Jednakowoż nie mogą atakować sojuszników swoich wrogów, ale sojusznicy mogą atakować wroga klanu sojuszniczego. Wojna będzie trwać do czasu podpisania przez klany w czasie wojny paktu o nieagresji. Zdolność atakowania innych graczy nie została jeszcze dodana, na teraz w fazie testów jest dyplomacja, ale atakowanie zostanie dodane tak szybko jak tylko zostanie przetestowana dyplomacja.
5) Sojusz - może zostać utworzony tylko wtedy kiedy klany są w czasie pokoju lub mają podpisany pakt o nieagresji pomiędzy sobą. Sojusz może zostać złamany dopiero po 7 dniach od podpisania. Nie jest możliwe podpisanie sojuszu pomiędzy klanami których sojusznicy są w stanie wojny ze stroną próbująca podpisać pokój lub pakt o nieagresji.(nie można A+B jeśli A+C i B>>C lub B+C i A>>C)
Nie jest możliwe wytoczenie wojny klanowi w którym są członkowie którzy mają podpisany z nami sojusz. (jeśli A+B, B+C to niemożliwe A>>C: najpierw klan A musi zerwać sojusz z B. Jednak jeśli A+B, B+C, C+D, to jest możliwe by A >> D)
Drogi dyplomacji:
- Deklaracja Wojenna, Złamanie sojuszu, i złamanie paktu o nieagresji może być wykonane tylko przez jedną stronę
- Stworzenie Sojuszu, Pakt o nieagresji te sprawy dyplomatyczne wymagają zgody obydwóch stron, wymagają zgody Lidera klanu lub Dyplomaty klanu przeciwnego
- Nowe oferty dyplomatyczne oferują: na zakładce dyplomacji przeciwnego klanu powinieneś wcisnąć odpowiedni przycisk. Jeśli status wymaga zgody obydwóch stron powinien być dyplomata lub Lider klanu online, inaczej przycisk odpowiedzialny za daną dyplomacje będzie zablokowany z wytłumaczeniem dlaczego.
- Prośba o zgodę zostanie przesłana do Lidera klanu lub dyplomaty którzy muszą być w grze online nie być AFK.
Inne opcje dyplomatyczne:
- Wszystkie stany dyplomatyczne są widoczne dla wszystkich klanowiczów danego klanu
- jeśli gracz opuści klan podczas wojny, otrzyma specjalny haniebny tytuł "Dezerter Wojenny" na 14 dni co nie pozwoli mu by dołączyć do innego klanu.
- Specjalne powiadomienie kiedy gracze będą chcieli opuścić klan podczas wojny.
- Jeśli Lider klanu lub Rekruter wykopie z klanu graczy podczas wojny, ranga wykopanego gracza nie zostanie zmieniona i będzie mógł wówczas dołączyć do innego klanu od razu.
- List Top pokazuje status dyplomacji innych klanów wobec twojego klanu.
Inne nie dyplomatyczne zmiany:
- Więcej dziur, ogrodzeń i rur
- naprawiono: informacja o sprzedanym artefakcie nie zawsze docierała kiedy gracz był offline
- Poprawiono widok zakładki klanowej, dodano slogan klanowy, zakłądka dyplomacji, podświetleni gracze online, etc.
- inne mniejsze poprawki i zmiany
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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dont be angry ^_^
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Colour Change please
Can you please change the color of the 'Non-attack Pack' notification. The yellow is very hard to read.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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So right now (I am War Advisor) I cannot do anything until attack posts open?
Also what are the most powerful positions in order? ☺

1) Clan Owner
2) Clan Leader
3) War Advisor
4) Diplomat
5) Recruiter
6) Brave
Edited 22 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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War means you can attack a opponent online player all over the time. You could compare this with an automatical start of a tourneymatch. This also means every opponent of yourself could attack you too. Later there will be additional rules for such attacks. For example you just can attack player of same or higher level or some minutes without possible attack after a match.
Maybe there will be other options for warfights. For example team-attacking of enemyoutposts and defending of own outposts. Here becomes diplomacy more influence because you could create a team for attack or defending with your own members and with allies. As far as i know is a wish for attacking an outpost compareable with a tourneyround. You must set a timepoint of attacking an outpost and the owner of outpost must defend at this time. After the match the outpost got some hours without possible attackings. But im not sure all about this.
There is no order of power for clanpositions. A Clan-Owner could stay outside his own clan this also means no real influence till he want go back.
Clan Leader could do all what he want but if clanowner comes back his time is over.
War Advisor, Diplomat, Recruiter same power but different work. They should work together. War without attack or without members or allies is stupid. Attacks without War is impossible.
Edited 6 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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im looking foward to this new clan war system, its going to be fantastic when its done... i dont know why, but im a little scared... dont ask why...
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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What is the difference between an "Alliance" and a "Non-Attack Pact"?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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When clans are in war, their allies can attack their ally's enemy, but enemy can't attack until declares war too.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Nice update berserker...
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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cool update=)
but i need wait for meyer=)
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him