GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 06-Apr-2010 - Hall of Fame [alpha]

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Today we have added alpha version of our famous Hall of Fame ranking that was discussed on forums back in the days.
So here is the deal:
New Hall of Fame ranking is determined by actual skill of clan players. It implements ladder system with basic rules:
1. Fame battles that counted towards ranking are battles that contain 4-6 players and 2 teams where each side has players of corresponding clan.
2. Each Fame battle scores Fame points, for example loss gives 100 points and victory gives 300 points. Howerver you can fight vs particular clan only once per week to receive points. This system will force you to fight as many different clans as possible, removing abuse when 2 clans fight each other to pump ranking (good thing we have enoguh clans to date - 55 and increasing).
3. Giving points for loss as well forces people to play even loosing battle, cause it's better to fight many clans and loose earning points than not fighting anyone.
4. This system forces clans to have players of various levels, cause if clan has players only level 30-40 it is hard for them to fight against low level clans and score points.
5. Since battles will have 4-6 players it will be easier to start a battle, comparing to 5 vs 5. Overall we think middle-sized battles are more fun and have more tactics involved as 5 vs 5 is a very stressful and risky mode when one player doing one wrong step usually makes whole team loose, in 3 vs 3 there are more chance that you wont get killed until your next turn.
6. Hall of Fame will be updated once per week and all points will be updated with average score of last week and this week value thus making movements in the Hall of Fame more smooth.
7. During week each clan member can see details about this week's Fame battles, it's participants and scored Fame points, thus you can see if someone from your clan lost a game to some other clan on purpose and take action againts those players.
8. Fame battles with significant difference in player levels will be disabled by the system so it will be harded to loose clan battle on prupose. Starting naked will be disallowed for the very same reason.
9. Hall of Fame will be divided in groups by 5 clans, like Group A - clans 1-5, Group B - clans 6-10 and so on. Fame battle between clans of the same group will give 5 times more points. This system will prevent possibility of some clan being ignored by everyone for some reason (being too strong so noone want to play against it, etc). Also this rule will make movement in top list more fun cause you will be fighting from one group to another climbing up and competition for first places will be against best clans, not against some random noobs.
This Hall of Fame ranking is in early stage available to public mainly for the purpose of testing, thus it does not give any bonuses yet for top clans, however in the future when it will be properly tested it will give significany bonuses and clan medals to clans that dominate this Hall of Fame list.
Other changes:
- fixed stars in activity list that were shown incorrectly.
- fixed crash in game lobby (needs to check)
14 years ago Quote
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Atualização 6 - Abr - 2010: Hall da Fama (alpha)
Hoje nós adicionamos a versão alfa do nosso famoso ranking Hall da Fama que foi discutido nos fóruns há alguns dias.
Como será o sistema:
Novo ranking Hall da Fama é determinado pelas habilidades atuais dos jogadores do clan . Isto implementa o sistema de pontuação com algumas regras basicas:
1. Lutas por Fama que contarão para o ranking serão somente 3 vs 3, 3 vs 2, ou 3 vs 1 com jogadores dos clans correspondentes de cada lado.
2. Cada Luta por Fama garante Pontos de Fama, por exemplo, perdendo jogos você recebe 100 pontos e ganhando você recebe 300 pontos. No entanto você poderá lutar contra determinado clan uma vez por semana para ganhar pontos. Este sistema forçará você a lutar contra o máximo de clans diferentes possíveis, evitando abusos quando 2 clans lutam um contra o outro para conseguir pontos (ainda bem que temos clans suficientes para isso - 55 e continua aumentando).
3. Dar pontos também nas derrotas forçará o jogador a continuar jogando mesmo perdendo a luta, afinal, é melhor enfrentar vários clans e perder do que não enfrentar ninguém.
4. Este sistema forçará os clans a terem jogadores de vários níveis diferentes, por que se o clan tiver jogadores somente de níveis 30-40 será difícil enfrentar clans de níveis baixos para conseguir pontos.
5. Será muito mais fácil começar batalhas de 3 vs 3, 3 vs 2, or 3 vs 1 do que 5 vs 5. Nós achamos que batalhas de 3 vs 3 são mais divertidas e envolvem mais tática do que as lutas de 5 vs 5 que são estressantes e com um mero movimento errado pode ocasionar a derrota do time, em 3 vs 3 há mais chances de você não ser morto até o seu próximo turno.
6. Hall da Fama será atualizado toda a semana e todos os pontos serão atualizados, com a media da semana passada e da atual assim fazendo com as subidas e descidas do ranking mais regulares.
7. Durante as semanas que correrem os membros do clan poderão ver detalhes sobre as lutas da semana, quem participou e os pontos conseguidos, além de poder averiguar se alguém do seu clan perdeu alguma luta de proposito e tomar as devidas providencias contra esse jogador.
8. Lutas por Fama com uma diferença significante nos níveis dos jogadores não serão permitidas pelo sistema então vai ser dificil perde-las de propósito. Começar sem armas também não será permitido.
9. Hall da Fama será dividido em grupos de 5 clans, como grupo A - clans 1-5, Grupo B - clans 6-10 e assim sucessivamente. As lutas entre clans do mesmo grupo dará 5 vezes mais pontos. Este sistema evitará que algum clan seja evitado/ignorado pelos outros por alguma razão (seja ele muito forte assim ninguém quer enfrenta-lo, etc). Essas novas regras farão com que disputa pela lista dos tops fique ainda melhor, por que você enfrentará um grupo após o outro na briga pelo primeiro lugar, e essas competições serão contra os melhores clans, e não contra um bando de noobs.
Este ranking do Hall da Fama só esta dísponível ao público em estágio de testes, assim ele não dará nenhum tipo de bonus aos clans, porém no futuro quando ele estiver propriamente testado o mesmo consederá bonus significantes e medalhas aos clans que dominarem as listas do Hall da Fama.
outras correções:
- correção nas estrelas na lista dos tops que não eram mostradas de forma correta.
- corrigido um bug no lobby (precisa ser averiguado)
Edited 1 day later by . Reason: phewwwww... ^_^.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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so this was the offline..
:0 nice.. but i dont have clan lol
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Good, but shouldn't this system be the one that grants clans their perk advantages? Seems they all still have their +20 hps without having fought any "fame" battles.
Still needs a system which grants more xp for non-clan vs clan and vice versa to make the xp a more accurate assessment of the opponent difficulty.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 06-Apr-2010 - Hall of Fame [alfa]
Dzisiaj dodaliśmy wersję alfa Sala Sławy ranking który był dyskutowany na forum w poprzednich dniach.
Więc o co chodzi:
Nowy ranking Sala Sławy określa aktualne zdolności i umiejętności bitewne graczy klanowych. Wprowadza to system szczebli w tej drabinie z podstawowymi zasadami:
1. Bitwy o Sławę które liczą się w rankingu są tylko walki 3 vs 3, 3 vs 2, or 3 vs 1 gdzie obydwie strony posiadają jako współgraczy swoich klanowiczów.
2. Każda walka o Sławę otrzymuje punkty Sławy, na przykład przegrana daje 100 punktów a zwycięstwo daje 300 punktów. Jednakowoż można walczyć przeciwko jednemu klanowi tylko raz w tygodniu by uzyskać punkty. System wymusza by walczyć z z możliwie jak największą liczbą różnych klanów, usuwa to możliwość walki 2 klanów by pompować i oszukiwać ranking (dobra jest to że do dziś mamy 55 klanów, więc jest z z kim powalczyć☺.
3. Punkty za przegrane walki zmuszają graczy by brać udział w takich walkach nawet jak nie wygrają, by uzyskać punkty, zamiast nie grać z kimkolwiek.
4. System wymusza by posiadać w klanie graczy o różnych poziomach, ponieważ jeśli klan posiada graczy tylko 30-40 będzie im trudno grać przeciwko niższym klanom i uzyskać punkty.
5. Od czasu jak walki będą 3 vs 3, 3 vs 2, or 3 vs 1 będzie łatiwej to wystartować z grą, porównując do gier 5 vs 5. Ogółem myślimy że walki 3 vs 3 będą bardziej fun i będzie można w nich wykorzystać więcej taktyk niż w stresujących grach 5 vs 5 gdzie gdy jeden z graczy popełni błąd przegrywa cała drużyna, w 3 vs 3 będzie większa szansa że nie zostaniesz zabity do czasu swojej następnej tury.
6. Sala Sław będzie aktualizowana raz na tydzień i wszystkie punkty będą aktualizowane jako średni wynik ubiegłego i obecnego tygodnia co spowoduje większy ruch w Sali Sław.
7. W tygodniu każdy członek klanu będzie mógł zobaczyć detale o walkach o Sławę w tym tygodniu, uczestników i uzyskane punkty Sławy, więc będziesz mógł zobaczyć czy ktoś z twojego klanu przegrał walkę z graczem z innego klanu specjalnie i przedsięwziąć kroki przeciwko tym graczom.
8. Walki o Sławę z mocno z graczami o mocno zróżnicowanych poziomach będą niemożliwe, ponieważ system do tego nie dopuści, więc będzie trudno przegrać specjalnie walkę klanową na korzyść innego klanu. Start nago także będzie zabroniony z tych samych powodów.
9. Sala Sław będzie podzielona na grupy po 5 klanów, tak jak Grupa A - klany 1-5, Grupa B - klany 6-10 i tak dalej. Walki o Sławę pomiędzy klanami tej samej grupy będą dawać 5 razy więcej punktów. WIęc ten system przeciwdziała sytuacji kiedy któryś klan zostanie zignorowany przez wszystkich z jakiegoś powodu (np. zbyt mocny klan, więc nikt nie chce grać przeciwko nim itd, etc). Także ta zasada wymusi ruch na szczycie listy ponieważ klany z jednej grupy będą walczyć z klanami z innej grupy by wspinać się po drabinie i rywalizować z nimi o pierwsze miejsca przeciwko najlepszym klanom, nie tylko przeciwko jakims noob'kom☺
Ranking Sali Sław jest w początkowych etapach i dostęny publicznie w celach testowych, więc klany na szczycie nie otrzymują jeszcze żadnych bonusów, jednak takie są przewidziane w przyszłości, kiedy system będzie przetestowany będą znaczące bonusy i medale klanowe dla klanów które zdominują ranking w Sali Sław.
Inne zmiany:
- poprawiono gwiazdki w listach aktywności.
- naprawiono zawiechy w sytemie podczas logowania
Edited 4 hours, 12 minutes later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Clans and clan perks will be completely redone, there will be no +20 HP perks, no clan exp, no clan levels, and this ranking is added for testing, I wrote it loud and clear at the bottom of the news text.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Update 06-Apr-2010 - Halle des Ruhmes [Alpha]
Heute haben wir die Alpha-Version der berühmten Rumeshallen-Ranking gestartet welches schon vor einiger Zeit im Forum diskutiert wurde.
Die Details:
Das neue Ruhmeshallen-Ranking wird durch die tatsächlichen Fähigkeiten des Clans bestimmt. Es verlangt ein Grundsystem mit folgenden Regeln:
1. Ruhmesschlachten die im Ranking gezählt werden sind nur 3 vs 3, 3 vs 2 oder 3 vs 1 Schlachten bei denen auf jeder Seite nur Spieler des entsprechenden Clans antreten.
2. Jede Ruhmesschlacht bringt Rumespunkte, zum Beispiel ein verlorenes Match gibt 100 Punkte und ein Sieg 300 Punkte. Jedoch kann man nur einmal pro Woche gegen jeden einzelnen Clan antreten um Ruhmespunkte zu erhalten. Dieses System erfordert es gegen so viele Clans wie möglich anzutreten und verhindert Mißbrauch mittels gegenseitigen puschen zweier Clans. (Wir haben derzeit 55 Clans und es werden mehr).
3. Erreichen von Ruhmespunkten für verlorene Kämpfe erfodert es auch Matches zu spielen die man vermutlich verliert. Da es besser ist zu kämpfen und zu verlieren als garnicht anzutreten.
4. Dieses System zwingt Clans dazu Mitglieder verschiedener Level aufzunehmen da es z.B. für einen Clan mit Spielern des Level 30-40 schwer wird um Punkte gegen kleinere Clans zu kämpfen.
5. Die Begrenzung 3 vs 3, 3 vs 2 oder 3 vs 1 erleichtert den Start von Clanmatches im Gegensatz zu 5 vs 5. Im Allgemeinen glauben mit 3 vs 3 Kämpfen mehr Spaß und mehr Taktik als bei 5 vs 5 zu erzeugen. Letzere sind eher stressig und sehr riskant falls ein Spieler einen falschen Zug macht und eventuell das ganze Team verliert. Bei 3vs3 gibt es größere Chancen das man auch bei einem schlechten Zug bis zur nächsten Runde überlebt.
6. Die Ruhmeshalle wird einmal wöchentlich aktualisiert. Alle Punkte werden als Durchschnittswert mit der vorigen Woche aktualisiert und somit hat man sanftere Bewegungen innerhalb des Rankings
7. Während der Woche kann jedes Clan-Mitglied Details zu den aktuellen Ruhmeskämpfen sehen, deren Teilnehmer und erzielten Ruhmespunkte. Somit sieht man falls jemand von eigenen Clan absichtlich ein Spiel verloren hat und man kann eventuelle Maßnahmen gegen ihn ergreifen.
8. Ruhmesschlachten mit deutlichen Unterschied im Spielerlevel werden automatisch deaktiviert somit werden absichtliche verlorene Matches ein wenig verhindert. Ein Clanmatch ohne Waffen wird aus selbigen Grund nicht möglich sein.
9. Die Ruhmeshalle wird in Gruppen mit je 5 Clans unterteilt, z.B. Gruppe A - Clans 1-5, Gruppe B - 6-10 und so weiter. Ruhmeskämpfe zwischen Clans der gleichen Gruppe geben 5 mal mehr Punkte. Dieses System verhindert das ein Clan aus irgendeinem Grund von allen ignoriert wird (z.B. falls ein Clan zu stark ist oder ähnliches) Durch diese Regel macht die Bewegung in der Ruhmeshalle mehr Spaß, weil man von einer Gruppe zur nächsten klettern muß und die besten Clans hauptsächlich gegeneinander kämpfen werden anstatt gegen zufällige kleinere Clans anzutreten.
Dieses Ruhmes-Ranking ist in der Frühphase und hauptsächlich zum Zwecke der Prüfung. Daher gibt es noch keine Boni für die Top-Clans. In Zukunft wenn alles geprüft wurde wir es Prämien und Medaillen für die Clans geben die die Ruhmeshalle dominieren.
Weitere Änderungen:
- Behoben: Sterne in der Aktivitätsliste wurden falsch angezeigt.
- Behoben: Absturz in der Spiel-Lobby (Bedarf weiterer Überprüfungen)
Edited 1 day later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Hi all,
I believe this latest update makes the game unplayable on Windows 7. I tried it on two different systems and I get the following behavior:
Login screen aprears
Insert password and game enters full screen (black sceen)
After a few seconds the game exits, is appears in the taskbar minimized.
It can not go into full screen again

Has the game been tested on systems that run Windows 7 or is it a local problem.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to

Hi all,
I believe this latest update makes the game unplayable on Windows 7. I tried it on two different systems and I get the following behavior:
Login screen aprears
Insert password and game enters full screen (black sceen)
After a few seconds the game exits, is appears in the taskbar minimized.
It can not go into full screen again

Has the game been tested on systems that run Windows 7 or is it a local problem.

i got windows 7 and it works as uchal (only faster then before 😉)
try to reinstal the game then it may work
Edited 1 minute later by *DELETED*. Reason: OPS.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
In today's update instead limiting games to 3x3, 3x2, and 3x1 it is allowed to play any game which have 4-6 players and 2 teams where each side has players of the same clan and it will be counted as Fame battle.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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In today's update instead limiting games to 3x3, 3x2, and 3x1 it is allowed to play any game which have 4-6 players and 2 teams where each side has players of the same clan and it will be counted as Fame battle.

Nice, that will make it much easier to get games. Due to clans being restricted to 10 players (without perk) its difficult to have many people online at same time for a lot of clans.☺
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
WHAT! no special abilities for clans?
😡HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! So does that mean that when my teacher of my school creates the clan (in about 1 week) it won't have special abilities?😕 Like max hit points +20.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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When we will remove +20 HP clan bonuses we will add other clan perks and clan medals.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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after i enter the game .. it say attention out of reach
h-75.1khz v-75.2khz.. please help me how to fixed this problem ..
Admin will you make a patch then put an Settings on the Folder of Gunrox so i can easily change my Resolution ... Please
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
berseker why take -20 hp???
we build wour BUILD thinking on That, if you removed that we have to pay to change 4 PERKS in all men😡
have to think about this..., we like this game but you have the think in US too
Not only Change for Change..., some changes have to be logic😲
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Are you from the North Pole or what?
The fact that clan perks will be changed to something different and more tactical instead of just +20 HP was discussed and foretold at least year ago.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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hold it..
bers is mad.. well not mad.. somewhat.. losing patience.. look he will just remove +20 hp.. instead make it higher like +30 hp .. 😁 or like +50% blind resistance.. aint that cool guys? 😁
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to

Are you from the North Pole or what?
The fact that clan perks will be changed to something different and more tactical instead of just +20 HP was discussed and foretold at least year ago.

i would like to say, in that case i am in favour of berks.
if the new clan system is good as he say it is.. i think we will forget the +20 hp or what ever you chose in no time.
have a good day
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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but i agree too...
my problem is! If he Change (removed 4 perks of CLAN of Incressead of HP) so have to be perks for the 4 available in each soldier.
can not be harmed, when we built our thinking about the 20 HP
know Bersk want a car with leather seats, crocodile. And with special rims, but have to understand our side as players
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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as you can see alot of people above level 20 has a clan... does this mean the low levels will not have clans yet when level 20 and below? 😁 only the good low levels? ☺
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him