GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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After my accounts got stolen i did start again. My new accs are 8 6 and 2, how can i play if nobody is online on my lvl?
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Aqui esta una solucion amigo

After my accounts got stolen i did start again. My new accs are 8 6 and 2, how can i play if nobody is online on my lvl?

ese problema lo tenemos todos amigo,ahora es mejor agregar amigos y acordar horas para jugar,te recomiendo que busques amigos de tu nivel,y llenes la lista de amigos,hay muy pocos jugadores en gunrox asi que escribele a todos,los que puedas a hacerces amigos,esa es la mejor forma de subir de nivel ahora,por la escasez de jugadores.😉
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him